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Hye y'all! So I know that I posted a thing on my other book so I just thought, I haven't updated this book yet and y'all apparently like this book better than My Gay Life so I guess I should update this book. So here I am with a new chapter. I hope you like it and I'm sorry that I didn't update sooner. 

Also, school for me is starting soon, but I will update as much as I can. But apparently, when I have school I update more than when I don't have school in the summer. I know, weird. Anyways, let's get this show on the road! Enjoy!

When Chat left I sat in my room on my pink couch thing. 

What does Chat mean to me?? I thought. He's like a best friend to me. He can't be my lover. I like Adrien. Or do I??

I stand up and go downstairs to see my Uncle Cheng making some macaroons.

"I'm going on a walk, Uncle!" I say and start to head out the door.

"Hold on honey!!" Uncle Cheng grabs something and puts it in my purse. "Ok! Have a good walk!! do you have your phone??"

"Thanks?? And yes I do." I answer still confused with what she gave me.

"Good. Come home before dinner." Uncle Cheng says.

"And don't be at that boy, Adrien's house!" Uncle Cheng calls as I walk out the door

"Papa!!" I yell, "We're not even dating!!" 

"So you say, but you act like it!" Uncle Cheng exclaims then waves me off

I roll my eyes and walk out the door. I walk a little way to get to the stoplight right by my house/bakery. I stop and wait for the crosswalk to open for pedestrians and then walk across the street. My phone buzzes in my purse and I pull it out. It's a text from Alya.

A/n: Italic-Alya Underline-Mari

Hey Girl! Guess what I just found out!!


Adrien is supposed to be at the park for a photo shoot!!

Omg Really!!??

Yes really!! Come quick!! I'm by the carousel!!

Ok, I'm coming!!

I put my phone away and look up just as Chat Noir comes at me swinging on his baton. He scoops me up, right as a car comes barreling towards the spot where I was. I gasp. I didn't realize that I was in the middle of the road. Let alone almost about to get run over.

Chat Noir sets me down right in front of my bakery. "I almost thought I would've lost you"

I just stared at Chatton. I couldn't talk or breathe. I almost got run over and Chat saved me.

"Are you alright??" Chat Noir asks

"I-I" I try

"I mean I would be like this too if I almost got run over and my hero saved me." Chat smiles.

"I-I'm sorry," I say still stunned

"No need to be." Chat Noir says still smiling.

"I w-was on my phone w-when I wasn't s-supposed to. I'm sorry" I stutter. Why am I stuttering so much!! He's not Adrien! Omg! Adrien! The park!

"Oh. Well, it's nothing. I'm just glad that I saw you in time." Chat scratches his head.

"Me too." I say "Well, I have to go. I'm meeting Alya at the park. We....."

"You what??" Chat asks

"Um.....we wanted to meet a friend there and um......invited him to" I ask more than say.

"Oh! Well, what's his name and what movie??" Chat asks

"Um.....his name is.......A-Adrien and........Spiderman: Far From Home......." I answer

"Oh........well.......I bet he'll say yes." Chat says 

"Yeah. Me too." I say "Bye."


As I start to walk away I feel guilty. "Hey, Cha-" I turn around and he's gone. 

Damn! I wanted to ask him if he wanted to come with us.

I start across the street and towards the park to go meet Alya and destroy my life by asking Adrien to the movies. 

Thank you for reading this chapter and I hope you liked it. I will update as soon as I can. School starts for me tomorrow so I'll try to update fast. I'm really excited for the next chapter and I want to start as soon as possible. 

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will see you in the next one!! Have a Miraculous day/night!!

Alva, Roll Out!!

MariChat: A Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now