The Necklace

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I am like really bored right now so please give me some people to write a chapter about.

I hope you like this chapter. I was just looking at some Miraculous pictures and saw some necklaces so here you go. Enjoy!

Alya had to go home after the first night because she had to help her mom at Le Grand Paris Hotel. Marinette was so bored. She had nothing to do. Marinette went online to look at the LadyBlog update when the Bakery doorbell rang.

"Are you serious??" Marinette groaned, turned off her computer, and heading downstairs.

"Hello!" Marinette smiled while putting on an apron.

"Hi, Princess!" The customer said with a smile.

Marinette looked up and gasped.

"N-Nathaniel?!" Marinette stuttered.

"Hey, Mari," Nath said with a smirk.

"W-what would you like??" Mari asked still surprised.

Nathaniel NEVER came here!  Marinette thought.

"I would like you," Nath said

"W-what?!" Marinette asked surprised

Nathaniel got down on one knee and took out a box

"Would you-" Nathaniel started to say

"NO!" Marinette yelled. "Get out!"

Marinette ran out of the room and up the stairs to her room. Marinette ripped off the apron and flung herself on her bed. Marinette started crying.

"Marinette?? Are you all right??" Someone asked from her balcony window.

Marinette gasped and looked up to see Chat Noir.

"Y-yes." Marinette hiccuped.

"No, you're not, Purrincess." Chat Noir jumped onto Mari's bed next to her.

Marinette sat up and started crying again. 

"You're right! I'm not!" Mari said through tears. "Nathaniel came!"

"What!?" Chat said. "What did he say??"

"He was going to ask me to be his girlfriend!" Mari said and leaned against Chat Noir.

"I have something to give you, Mari." Chat said.

"Ok." Marinette sniffled.

Chat Noir reached over and wiped  Marinette's tears. Chat then reached in his pocket and took out a box. 

"I hope that this is ok." Chat said handed the box to Mari.

Mari looked over the box and then opened it.

"Omg!" Mari gasped.

"Do you like it??" Chat Noir asked.

"Like it, I love it!!" Marinette cried and hugged Chat Noir. "Oh, Chatton!"

Chat Noir smiled and hugged Mari back.

"I got to go, Purrincess, but I'll be back." Chat said and jumped out all window.

Marinette sighed and put the necklace on and went downstairs and put on a different apron because she ripped up the other one.

Mari opened up the bakery and started working. She couldn't help thinking about the gift and Chat Noir.

Hey guys! Sorry, it took so long! My computer was being stupid and I couldn't get on Wattpad.

 I hope you like this chapter! I still really need a name for you guys! I am thinking about calling you guys my little unicorns but I'm still thinking about it. 

Thank you all for 41 views!! I am really excited! I am kind of disappointed though because I thought I would get more views from being away for so long, but I guess not. Thank you all though!

Have a Miraculous day/night!!

Rainbow, Sparkle On!!

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