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Hey Croissants!! I'm back with another chapter!! I hope you like it!! Love y'all!! Enjoy!

(Go join my discord for this book!! First 5 people to join will get manage availability!!)

Marinette's POV

I couldn't sleep last night. I kept thinking what it would be like if Chat and I were a thing. It's weird thinking about it. Usually I would be thinking about Adrien. Not Chat.
Anyway, Tikki kept telling me to go to sleep, but every time I would get close to actually falling asleep I would think about Chatton. 

"Tikki, I can't sleep!" I groaned

"I'm sorry Mari. I don't know what to do." Tikki said apologetically. "Warm Milk??"

"That won't work Tikki." I sighed. What use would it be?? I can't sleep. 

I got up and walk to my closet to get a cover up. I climbed up to my bed and went through my window to my balcony. I went to the rail and leaned against it. I sighed. Paris looked so beautiful at night. All the lights on the Eiffel Tower making it look like the moon.

Just then I heard a noise. 

Adrien's POV

I couldn't sleep. All I could think about Marinette. 

What would it be like?? If Marinette and I were a couple. No Adrien! You're supposed to be in love with Ladybug. Not........Marinette. 

"I can't think about it!" I exclaimed.

"Can't think about what??" Plagg yawned.

"Nothing" I mumbled. 

"Well, it's pretty clear there's something, but I know when to shut up." Plagg said and went to find some cheese.

I rolled my eyes and stood up. My thoughts went to Marinette. "Plagg!"

"What!" Plagg whisper yelled.

"Claws Out!"I called

"Whoa whoa whoa!!!"Plagg cried out

Marinette's POV

When I heard the noise I started and turned around. Ready to fight. When I saw it was Chat Noir I loosened up. 

"Oh. It's just you." I sighed and turned back around.

"What?? Just 'oh'??" Chat exclaimed. 

"I'm sorry! What did you expect me to say??" I said as I held back a laugh.

"Oh I don't know. Something like, 'Oh, hello handsome Chat Noir!'" Chat said.

I burst out laughing.

"What??" Chat said taken aback.

I laughed until it hurt my sides. "Well, y-you're not wrong!" 

I gasped and put my hand over my mouth. Shit! 

"Oh??" Chat said with suspicion.

"D-did I say that o-out loud??" I stuttered.

Chat nodded his head and laughed. 

I sized him up. "Then what about me??"

Chat looked taken aback. "You??"

"Yes." I said

Chat blushed and scratched his neck. "Um. Well, you're.......pretty."

"What?!" I asked playfully

"I said that you're pretty." Chat said and looked away.

"Thank you." I said and looked away also.

"Ummmmm. This is awkward." Chat laughs.

"Yeah." I say and rub my neck.

"So why were you out here so late??" Chat Noir asks

"I couldn't sleep." I answer while looking at the view.

"Same." Chat says and stands next to me. "Nice view huh??" 

"Yeah." I answer

I yawn and lean against Chatton. Chat reaches up and smooths my hair down. I look up at him and smile. Chat looks down at me and smiles back. I lean back against Chat and he leans against me. 

We star into the night sky in each others arms. This feels nice. I think, I would love to do this more often. 

I feel Chat look down at me so I look at him. Well, really his lips. They look so soft. I wonder what it would feel like to- I stand on my tip toes and press my lips into his.

Hahahahaha!!! Cliffhangerrrrrrrrr!!!!! I'm so meannnnnn!!!! 

Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter. I think this will be one of my favorite chapters. If I wasn't writing this story I would have been freaking out at the end of this and being pissed that it is a cliffhanger. Thank you so much for reading and I hope you have a Miraculous day/night!!

Alva, Roll Out!!



P.S. Thank you so much for 269 views!!!! I'm so happyyyy!!! Also........10 votes!!!! Thank youuuuu!! Love you my little Croissants!!!🥰🖐🏽

Also, an update on my school life. (Not that you really need to know, but just thought that you might be a little interested) I am learning French in school and it is mainly for the Miraculous movie musical thing. If you don't know, it is only going to be in French (From what I've seen and heard) and I really want to understand it. So hopefully by the time it comes out I will be mostly fluent. I might still need subtitles, but that would prolly be even if I wasn't learning French. 

Au Revoir!!!

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