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hey guys! sorry for the long wait. I have had this chapter(and the other ones to follow) done for a while I just haven't gotten the time to add them here. 

anyway, as a surprise for the long wait there will be two or three chapters including this one right away. enjoy!!

ps, I will never be writing a chapter like reality again.

"girl what is that??" Alya points to the hickey on my neck

"nothing!" I exclaim putting my hand up to cover my neck

"who did it?!?!" Alya smiles and pokes me.

"n-no one!!" I say and walk away quickly

when I walked into the classroom Adrien was already there.

"hey, Marinette!" Adrien calls

"hey," I say quickly back and walk to my seat

as Alya walks in I look away. I could feel her staring at me so i look back at her.

"Sorry, Mari." Alya says sadly

"thanks I guess" I look down at my hands

what happened last night with chat noir was heaven but I couldn't tell anyone. not even my best friend. Alya asks too many questions as it is, so if I told her it would be like hell.

I look up to see madame bustier walk in and pull out my tablet.

                                                         ~3 classes later~

at lunch, I was heading to go to my regular table when Chloe pulled me aside.

"Hey!" I say angrily.

"What happened to you??" Chloe nods her head to my neck.

"why do you need to know??" I question

"i-i don't" Chloe states "just curious"

"well then," I say and start to walk away

"wait!" Chloe grabs my arm

"what!" I glare "i'm hungry Chloe!"

"s-sorry!" Chloe looks away

"hey," I soften my gaze "what's wrong??"

"nothing," Chloe says

"Chloe, you can tell me" I touch her arm

"i-um-i'm worried about nath." Chloe whispers

shit! i totally forgot about Nathaniel! I thought

"of course you would forget about him." Chloe sighed

"no! I mean, no I didn't forget about him, in fact, I was planning on visiting him after school. do you wanna come with me??" I asked

"I don't think I should." Chloe looked down

"why not??" I ask

"I bullied him since I can remember." Chloe sniffled

"I think he'll forgive you." I smiled,

"you think so??" Chloe asked hopefully

"I forgave you didn't I??" I raise my eyebrows. "I'll see you at the front of the school!"

as I walked off to my table I felt good. I think Chloe has actually changed!

                                                            ~after school~

"Hey, Chloe!" I call to her while walking down the stairs.

Chloe looked around to see if anyone was watching and then gave a small wave. I chuckled at her insecurity for being seen with me.

"you ready to go Marinette??" Chloe quickly said,

"ready when you are!" I beam

"ok" Chloe starts walking toward the hospital.

I had to jog to keep up with her. Chloe was walking so fast.

"c-Chloe," I gasp "slow down!" 

"s-sorry," Chloe says and slowed down.

"we're here anyway." I pant

"right" Chloe fumbles with her hands and looks at her feet

"it's ok Chloe. I'm sure he's fine." I say and hold out my hand.

"Yeah. i-i know" Chloe answers

she grabs my hand and we both walk up the steps into the hospital.

                                                                ~at the front desk~

"hello how may I help you??" the front desk lady asks

"we are here to see Nathaniel... I don't know his last name." I said,

"room 86." FDL looks at her paper. "but he already has a visiter"

"oh." I look at Chloe. she has her head down, looking at her feet. I reach for her hand and she lets me take it. "is it still ok if we go??"

"yeah, three-person minimum." FDL waves us off.

I pull Chloe and we head to room 86.

"what if his visiter is his girlfriend??" Chloe asks

"I bet its just his mom. i don't think he has a girlfriend...yet." I wink at Chloe and stop at the door to Nath's room.

Chloe blushes and stops next to me.

"here goes!" I smile and push open the door.

I hear Chloe gasp and i put my hand to my mouth. there Nathaniel is with...lila...kissing her. they break apart and Nathaniel looks at us with wide eyes. I look at Chloe. she has tears in her eyes. she runs off and nath outs his hand out. I turn to go after her.

"Chloe wait!" Nathaniel calls

I turn my head to face Nathaniel and flip him off.

"fuck off Nathaniel!" and I run to find Chloe.

thanks for reading!! sorry that was a short chapter but there is more to come!!

au revoir!

Alva, roll out!

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