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Welcome back!! Sorry that I haven't posted in a while. My computer was being stupid again and wouldn't let me get on here. Also, this might be the shortest chapter in the book, but I couldn't think of anything else so please bear with me.

Anyway, here's the chapter. I hope you like it! Enjoy!!

I almost got it. I almost got a kiss. I was waiting for it to happen. I was on top of her and then I just started leaning in. She followed and we almost... I can't believe that we almost kissed! I was so ready! Then Alya came. Alya always ruins our plans. I mean I could have gone to Marinette as Adrien, but Ladybug told me to come there as Chat Noir. Well, she doesn't know my secret identity so that would have been dumb. 

Anyway, I was so ready! Welp! At least I know that Mari was ok with me leaning in. I was just so ready and she was prettier than ever. Woah! Slow down there Chat. Calm down.

Anyway, I had to go because Alya was there. I had to go anyway, cause my dad would have been very suspicious if he found out I was gone. 

So I went home and then detransformed. I saw my dinner was on my coffee table and started eating. I was starving! 

When I was finished eating I fed Plagg and went straight to bed. It is morning now and I am super excited. I get to see Marinette today! Well, I actually see her every day, but today is more exciting because I get to see her after we almost kissed! Although she doesn't know that she almost kissed me, she thinks she almost kissed Chat Noir, which she doesn't know is me, so she won't think any of it today. With me.

Anyway, as I was getting dressed I couldn't stop thinking about her. Then again, I can never stop thinking about her. But today was different. Maybe it was because I almost kissed her yesterday or it was because she was so pretty, I don't know, but today was different. At school, she seemed more herself and wasn't very clumsy and didn't stutter at all when I spoke to her. She was more chill and relaxed. I liked her that way. It was more normal for her. And Alya noticed something different too. She even asked her if she was feeling alright from last night. Mari then blushed and looked away. I mean I would understand that.


"Hey, Mari!" I smiled

"Oh hey, Adrien," Mari answered. "How are you??"

"I'm good. You??" I answered back

"Great!" Mari smiled and turned back to Rose and Jueleka.

"Hey, Mari, can I ask you something??" I asked

Mari turned back to me. "Sure!"

"Alone??" I gestured to Rose and Jueleka.

"Oh! Of course!" Mari waved to them. "Be right back!"

We walked to an abandoned room and then Mari turned towards me.

"What did you want to ask??" Mari asked

"D-do you want to go to the movies with me??" I looked down at my shoes.

"Oh. Ummmm. Well, I'm actually in love with someone else, sorry." Marinette answered sheepishly.

"Oh!" At that moment I wondered if she was talking about my alter ego Chat Noir.

"I feel really bad now." Marinette looked up at me and frowned.

"Oh don't be! Maybe we could go with Nino and Alya?? So that it would be less awkward if it was just us as friends??" I asked

"Sure! I'll go get Alya and Nino!" Marinette answered and walked off.

I felt so weird, but then I realized that Mari might like me! As Chat Noir I mean.

Sorry, this took so long! I was busy with school and then ur_fave_ship said that she was leaving and then I was really upset. 

Anyway, here it is. Finally! I have worked so long on this and it is a school night! 

I hope you like this chapter. I will try to work on the next one soon and with that said, have a Miraculous day/night and bye!

Alva, Roll out!

P.S. I have a new goodbye thing. I hope you like it. So, bye!!

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