Chat Noir

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Here is the second chapter. It's going to be shorter because I dont really know what to write. I hope you like it. As I said before, I'm new and this is my first ever story on Wattpad. I have written a story for English and I got a really good score on it. I think I did really good. Anyway I hope you like this book. I have no clue how long it will be so we will see. Enjoy!

I have started studying (or is it spying??) on Marinette ever since I took her to the rooftop I was supposed to take Ladybug for dinner. I never noticed how pretty she is. And it's kind of really out there that she likes my inner self Adrien Agreste. I don't really like being Adrien because that means that I would have to deal with my father. Ugh! I don't want to talk about my father.

Marinette is a sweet heart. She's so nice and adorable. She's kind and helps when she can. I wanted to see her tonight but then I saw her having a sleepover with Alya, her bestfriend. When I saw her and Alya and saw how she always has time for her friends. Then she and Alya went upstairs and told each other stories then went to bed. Mari is cute when she sleeps. She snores a little and moves into weird positons.

On my way home I saw Nino and Nathaniel talking. They are both in y inner selfs class in high school. I went closer so that I could hear their conversation. (I never liked Nathaniel but Ninos my best bud.) 

"But Nino, I love her!" Nathaniel said

"Well she likes Adrien. I'm sorry Nath." Nino said sadly

"Fine! I guess I just have to get her myself." Nath mumbled and walked away.

Nino shrugged and walked away. What was Nathaniel talking about. And who were they talking about?? I went over to where Nath was and followed him into an ally. Nath stopped, looked around to see if anyone followed him and then called someone on his phone.

"Hello??" Someone answered

"This is Nathaniel. I need you to meet me at the Effiel Tower in 10 minutes." Nath said to the other person.

"Ugh! Why in 10 minutes?? I just got done with my late night bath." The other person whined.

"You will be ther in 10 minutes and that's final." Nathaniel said and hung up.

Nathaniel walked out of the ally and went to the Effiel Tower waiting for his friend. I followed him because, of course, I didn't trust him and I was curious. Finally his buddy came. I was surprised to see that it was Lila.

"What is so important that I had to stop my lat might biege watching of NCIS??" Lila asked irritated.

"I need your help with getting Marinette as my own." Nathaniel said.

Marinette?? As his own?? What! That is so not happening. Marinette is mine!

"Marinette?? Why that little bitch??" Lila asked

"Because she likes Adrien and I want her!" Nathaniel spat.

"Ok chill. Jeez you don't have to get so offensive." Lila backed off.

" You have to get Adrien away from her and then I will get Marinette. You got that??" Nath said

"You can count on me!" Lila said and walked away

Nathaniel walks away and toward the elevator after a few minutes. I jumped down from my hiding place and wlaked toward Nathaniel very softly. I was mad. Angry. He can never have her. I stood behind Nathaniel and then with one swift movement I had him in a headlock woth my hand over his mouth. He was really surprised and couldn't move. I took him over to someplace that no one could see us.

"Scream and I will have you dead is one swift change of direction of my hands." I said softly into his ear,

Nathaniel nodded and I let go.

"What the hell was that for man!?" Nathaniel whispered quietly.

"What are you planning on doing with Mairnette??" I asked

"C-chat Noir??" Nathaniel asked with shock.

"That's me, now answer the question." I said getting madder the more seconds past.

"N-nothing. I just like her and I want her as my g-girlfriend." Nathaniel said shakely.

"That's not what I heard when you were talking with Lila." I said breathing heavily. 

I ws trying not to get too mad because it's not pretty when I get mad. Hopefully Mari won't make me too mad. I don't want to hurt her.

"I-I.... I just want her for myself." Nathaniel said looking down.

"Listen, I don't know what you are trying to do just don't do it. for your own safety." I warned.

"You don't tell me what to do." Nath leaned toward me.

"I suggest you don't do that." I spat. " This is your only warning. If you go near her and hurt her, you will regret it." And with that I left leaving the very talkative Nathaniel a very quiet Nathaniel.

So in this chapter there was some cussing but once I get more comfortable with the book ther will be more cussing just in case you don't want to read any of that. It won't be that bad but there will be more cussing. Have a Miraculous day!

Rainbow, Sparkle On! 

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