Unmasked Ch.14

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"I can't believe you guys had to deal with Umbridge all year," I said as we all took our seats at Mrs. Weasley's table for lunch.

"I can't either. She was just bloody awful!" Ron said through his mouthful of food.

"Ron!" Mrs. Weasley said in disgust as she watched him.

"Sorry mum, it's just nice to be home," he said.

"When is your store opening?" asked Elena.

"In a month or so, we don't want to rush it. Right now we're just doing advertising," answered Fred.

"I can't wait. I can't believe you guys are actually going to be opening a store!" Lee said in wonder. "Do we get to see it when we go back to your apartment?"

"Yeah, it would be a little hard hiding it from you if you guys are going to be staying over for most of the summer," I said.

It wasn't long before we had all finished and it was time for Lee, Elena, Angelina, Fred, George, and I to go to the apartment since Sal and Viktor would be coming over soon.

"You guys should come over soon." Ginny said as she gave me another hug. She had become like a little sister to me and I couldn't help but agree to come over soon.

We all apparated and landed outside of the Weasley and Weasley store. This way the others would be able to see the store from the outside.

"This place is going to be a big hit," said Angelina as we opened the door so they could look around inside. I took out my wand and quickly gave it a small wave, causing the room to burst to life. There were different toys flying around above our heads, and the love potion stand had been launched to life as well. It was like a fountain in a way and was really pretty. That was going to be a big seller, I could already tell. The multi-story store was absolutely amazing and was just like the Weasley twins.

"This is amazing," Lee said, looking around in surprise. "I never thought it would end up looking like this."

"We have Abby to thank for that. She was able to do all this while we were at school," said Fred.

"It was a lot of fun decorating," I said, looking around at my handy work. "Downstairs in the basement is where the twins can come up with no pranks and the doors right there are the storage rooms."

"I'm guessing that leads up to the apartment," Elena said, looking up the stairs that led to a door.

"Yeah, I'm guessing Sal and Viktor are already up there." That was all George had to say before Elena had run up the stairs and flung open the door, soon disappearing into the room.

"We really need to lock that door so no one else does that," said Fred, staring up at where everyone had now disappeared.

"Yeah, that's probably a good idea," I said. Fred, George and I followed them all up to our apartment and like George said, Sal and Vik were already up there.

After we all got hugs and were seated we decided on what where everyone was going to be staying. George and I were keeping our room, Fred and Angelina was in his room, Sal and Elena in the guest room and Vik and Lee were going to be sleeping out in the living room. So far this seemed like it was going to be a great summer.

(A month later)

"You look good today," said George as he placed the bowl of punch next to the bottles of firewhiskey that was already put out for people of age and a few people that I knew would steal some no matter their age.

"Why thank you, so do you." I told him. I was wearing a spaghetti strap, coral colored dress that was layered with a ruffle. I had on a thin nude colored scarf, nude peep-toe heels, and a light pink opal ring. I had my hair curled and pulled into a ponytail and a light layer of lip gloss.

I was almost time for the party to begin, and for some reason I was felling rather worried about how this was going to go. After being sure that everything was ready downstairs, I headed up to see if everyone else was ready since we were about to open the doors.

"You look pretty," Elena said as she stepped into the room, wearing a light blue dress that hugged her curves and had a floral print on it.

"You do too," I told her. "Is everyone ready for tonight?"

"Yeah, Angie and I just finished up the plates of food. Is anyone supposed to be handing them out?"

"No, we'll just put them with the drinks. Unless you guys want to volunteer for that job," I said before walking back downstairs and noticing that there was already a crowd outside waiting for the doors to open.

The others soon came downstairs as well. All of them placing the little appetizers on the table and turning to see who was opening the door.

"It's time," Fred and George said at the same time as they unlocked the door, allowing the crowd to finally gain access to the shop that had been long awaited.

The night was going smoothly, Fred and George had unveiled new products and people were already starting to buy. I glanced around seeing that everyone was caught up in the wonderful displays that were going on around the whole place, but for some reason I was again hit with the feeling that something was wrong. I decided that I would step away for a moment and I walked into the storage room, the feeling never leaving me.

"You'd think The Girl in the Mask would be more careful in public," I had no time to move before a knife was plunged through my back. I feel on my knees, trying to get the knife out, but the woman had pushed it in further. "I think it's time you were revealed as who you really are. All this time you've been hiding right under everyone's nose. You even managed to trick the Weasley family and even Harry Potter into believing you was just another person. You're evil and it's time your life was put to an end."

This was the only time in my life I actually felt like I had no control of the situation. She pulled the knife from my body, quickly leaving without me even seeing her face. I began searching for my wand, but it was too far for me to reach. I was losing more and more blood and had become very dizzy. I knew that they knew who I was and I also knew that would mean I would now have to go into hiding. Although the main problem was actually surviving this.

As I began to lose consciousness the door swung open, revealing the unmistakable giggles of Elena, most likely being followed by Sal. A loud gasp came from her. "Oh my God, Sal!" she choked out.

"Go get George and the others, now!" Sal said, going directly into serious mode as he came down to my said and quickly pulled out his wand. "It's going to be okay Abby; you have to keep your eyes open."

"I can't," I managed to get out; my eyes starting to flicker close. "They know who I am, that's why." Sal's eyes widened as I tried to fight the blackness taking over my mind. "Tell George I love him more than anything."

"Stay awake, you can't close your eyes Abs," the door swung open once more as I finally was no longer able to keep my eyes open.

"I'm sorry," was the last thing I could say.

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