Earth Angel

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Earth Angel

2nd May 2041 (Georgie 16 wks and 4 days, Ashtyn 20 wks and 3 days, Tahni 19 wks 4 days, Lexi 17 wks and 5 days)

Aidan's POV

Today, like every other second day of May, I celebrate Callie's birthday. Just like I have been doing since I first met her. Even though back then she just turned fifteen, I was still only fourteen and I was always teasing and flirting with her, she was my not so secret crush. It wasn't until her sweet sixteenth, that I could call her my girl, I remember having a sleep over at her house that night. When she turned seventeen, she was freaking out because she had missed her period and thought I had knocked her up. That was one very scary false alarm. On her eighteenth, we ended up having a fight and actually broke up for about a week before getting back together. Her nineteenth birthday, she celebrated her first birthday as a Taylor, her first as my wife. Our little princess, Maci was announced to the family as she grew in her Mummy's belly on the morning of her twentieth birthday, Callie was seven weeks pregnant on that day. It seems like a lifetime ago.

Now, today like I have been for the past three years, Mace and I have been celebrating her birthday. The first one without her was the hardest, which was also the day she would have turned twenty one. Maci was almost seven months old, she was teething and spent most of the day grumpy and upset. Little did she know that I felt the same but worse, I felt alone and empty, I was trying to raise our baby girl on my own without her mother. Each day as Maci got older, the more Callie was coming out in her, those gorgeous eyes, that fiery hair that curled at the tips. That was the toughest day, I struggled to do anything, if it wasn't for Mum and Dad, I probably would have ended up leaving Mace an orphan.That was my lowest day, mentally, physically and emotionally.

Flashback ~ 2nd May 2038 (Callie's 21st birthday, Maci six and a half months old)

The sounds of Maci screaming her lungs out echoed through the baby monitor, something she's been doing for almost ten minutes now. I just lay there in my bed, looking at the empty spot beside me as I tried to muffle out the sounds of her crying. My own tears flowing, nothing but a sharp pain ripping through my chest as I gaze at my favourite photo of my wife that rested on her bedside cupboard.

Everyday felt like it was getting harder to get out of bed, to do the simplest of tasks like having a shower or just even getting dressed. Plus it wasn't just me that I had to try and live for, I have a little girl that makes this feel even tougher. I try to be as strong as I can for Maci, but with time, she grows more like her Mummy, the Mummy she'll never get to meet or see. How do you even find the words to explain to your child that their mother is never going to tuck her in, give her a bath, shower her with kisses, or just simply hold her hand or hug her tightly.

Callie absolutely loved being pregnant. We decided it was time to try for a baby, we both wanted to have our kids early on in our marriage, so that we could in time travel and enjoy ourselves when our kids were off starting their lives and families of their own. That was our plan. It was always planned that we'd have three babies, enough to fill the backseat of the car with no worries of over filling it. A month was all it took once we stopped birth control, to when Cal peed on that stick that changed our lives. Our little princess was on the way.

Each night after that, Callie and I would talk, read and play her favourite classical tunes to her growing bump. It was almost routine by the time we could feel her kicking and moving. I loved that feeling so much, it's one thing as the father could physically be apart of the pregnancy. Maci Willow was the name chosen for our little girl, Callie said she loved that name and had always dreamed of using it for her daughter. It was an instant hit with me, even Mace thought so when I'd talk to her, she'd kick me hard. Or maybe she hates it, I'm not sure but it suits her so much.

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