Caught In A Dream

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'Mesmerising' , Nicole thought as she stared longingly at the beautiful form in front of her. She couldn't tear her eyes from the brunette. The moment she looked at the woman she immediately felt uplifted and butterflies began to rise in her stomach. She has never had this feeling for anyone else in her life and it both amazed and scared her with these feelings.
She was a sight to behold, the perfect example of a vision.
Her luscious hair was gathered in a short breeze that gave Nicole goosebumps. Desire flowed through her veins and her thoughts were drowned with the woman in front of her.
Nicole's mouth was wide open as she'd stared in awe. She quickly shut her mouth before the brunette could spot her almost drooling.
Nicole watched as the brunette walked down the hall, to Nicole, everything was in slow motion.
A smile revealed itself on Nicole's face and her dimples were immediately exposed. She couldn't help the smile that appeared on her face whenever she saw the brunette.

"Nicole!" Waverly shouted from down the hall bringing the officer back to reality.

"W-Waverly, hey. What brings you to Pergatory's finest" Nicole said hoping the brunette didn't notice that she was staring. Well, literally drooling.

"Just wanted to bring my favourite officer a pick-me-up, and see how you are doing" Waverly said and Nicole wondered how one person could stay so kind and happy.
Waverly was so loving to everyone in her life but Nicole found it hard to distinguish whether Waverly's feelings were platonic or not.
Nicole was good at reading emotions and situations but when it comes to the brunette, her mind clouds over and everything goes blank.

Nicole started to daydream again. She couldn't help getting lost in the brunette's eyes.
'She brought me coffee? Maybe she feels the same way. Ahh no dont be silly, she's just being nice. The usual Waverly, kind, loving, beautiful....'
Nicole was pryed away from her thoughts again, she swiftly shook her head and looked back at Waverly.

"Nicole, are you okay?" Waverly asked with a concerned tone.

Nicole looked up into the brunette's eyes that were laced with concern.
"Oh, yeah, im fine." Nicole stopped quickly trying to find an excuse that explained her strange behaviour.
"The coffee here tastes like it was brewed in a toilet and I'm running on fumes" the officer said with a light chuckle hoping that the brunette would take the excuse and continue their conversation.

"Well I'm glad I brought the coffee then, nice to be of use for once" Waverly said with a slight sigh looking at the floor and scuffing her shoes.
All she wanted was to help Wynonna kill those damn shit-tickets who killed Willa. She wanted to do more than her research, do more for the team. But everyone thought she got in the way. That she was a liability.

Nicole stared at Waverly in confusion but her face soon shifted to concern as she looked down at the brunette. Waverly couldn't look Nicole in the eyes, for some reason she felt like she didn't live up to everyone's expectations of her. Nicole hated seeing Waverly so sad, it pained her. Nicole lifted Waverly's head with her finger and stared into her eyes once more.

"Waverly, you are not useless. You are amazing and you are an essential key to Wynonna and her team. They truly would be lost without you.... I would be lost without you." Nicole spoke with determination to change the brunette's mind.
Waverly looked into Nicole's eyes and wished for a moment that she had the courage to pull her into a kiss.
Neither one of them knew their feelings for each other were the same as they were too scared to see it.
Although, to everyone else, except Wynonna, it was pretty obvious.

The silence between them grew slightly awkward and a loud cough made the two jump away from each other.

"Wynonna! What are you doing here?" Waverly said both thankful and sad that Wynonna burst in.

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