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It had been a long time coming for Nicole. Her main focus was getting back to her old self although, she will never be quite the same.
She had started physio therapy not long ago and was making a speedy recovery. She had a hard time walking because of the gunshot, she had a lot of physio to help her get back on her feet.
Her injuries were extensive. Broken bones, burns, deep lacerations, the gunshot and alot of psychological trauma.
But Waverly was by her side the whole way. She never left Nicole's side unless she asked her to, which was mainly in physio because Nicole didn't want her to see her so vulnerable. But Waverly understood, no matter how much it hurt her to see her in pain.

Waverly had slept at the hospital for days now, making sure that she was there for Nicole if she needed. Seeing Nicole so vulnerable made her heart break in two, it truly pained her. She couldn't bring herself to leave the redhead alone, she thought that if she would leave, something would happen to Nicole. Wynonna noticed the protective nature of Waverly and how she kept the redhead within close proximity. She hadn't made full sense of why Waverly acted differently around Nicole but Wynonna always was terrible at reading situations.

Waverly was sat in her usual place, asleep with her head partially over Nicole's bed. Waverly was woken by the sound of whimpering and sharp movements in front of her. She quickly got up and looked in front of her to see Nicole thrashing around in her bed. She quickly rushed closer to her and placed her hands in Nicole's and grasped firmly. The panicked expression on her face was one of pure terror, Nicole had been having nightmares every night since the kidnapping and they didn't show any signs of subsiding.

"N-Nicole, you need to wake up... Its a dream, you need to wake up" she said with concern in a loud but not quite shouting tone.

Waverly still heard the gut wrenching screams the echoed from the redhead so she tried once more.
"Nicole!... Wake up!" she yelled with a hoarse voice.

Nicole thrusted herself forward and her eyes beamed open. She had sweat dripping down her forehead and she was panting heavily.
All Waverly wanted to do was comfort the redhead so she ran her hand softly down Nicole's cheek to her jaw. Then she slowly turned Nicole's face toward her. Nicole was still panicked and her eyes were wide and empty.

"Hey, im here, its okay... You're okay." Waverly said softly still concerned for the redhead.

Nicole had managed to calm her breathing thanks to the sound of Waverly's voice.

Nicole sighed and a tear escaped her eye.
"Everytime I close my eyes, im back at that slaughterhouse....looking directly into the tormenting eyes of those revenants..... Looking death in the eyes" Nicole's was looking directly into Waverly's eyes that were filled with pity.
"Im broken" she finally said finding it hard to hold the tears back.

Waverly couldn't stand the fact that Nicole was hurting. She immediately climbed into the redhead's bed and pulled her close.

"You, Nicole Haught, are not broken. You are brave, and strong, and loving.... You are a survivor. I know that I can't rid you of the pain you feel and I truly wish I could, but im here, and I'll always be by your side." Waverly said with utter passion and love for the woman in front of her.

Nicole immediately pulled the brunette into a fiery kiss. Her tongue grazed the brunettes soft lips as if asking for permission. To which the brunette copied the redhead's movements and their hands glided on the delicate skin of the others rosy cheek.
They slowly pulled apart, not wanting this moment to end. Nicole felt Waverly's breath on her warm breath on her lips and immediately missed the contact.

"What would I do without you" Nicole managed to say quickly. But however much she was told by Waverly that she was strong, all she felt was weakness and pain. She couldn't remove the thought from her mind that she was broken. But she tried to bury it and be strong.

There was a knock at the door and Wynonna appeared in her usual comical way. The two jumped apart quickly and Waverly almost fell out of the bed. Waverly swears she knows the exact time to barge in on them. They almost got caught a few days ago but thankfully Wynonna wasn't paying attention, as per usual.
Waverly has been meaning to tell Wynonna about her and Nicole but she really doesn't know how.

"Hey you really look like crap" she said with a slight chuckle in her voice.

Waverly's eyes widened at this comment in shock.
"Nonna, don't be so rude" Waverly blurted out. She knew that Wynonna had the social skills similar to that of a spoon but she wished that she wouldn't be so harsh.

Nicole looked up at the two sisters and chuckled to herself. It always made her laugh at how differently they approached conversations.
"Hey Waverly, it's fine. She isn't exactly lying" Nicole said with a short laugh.
Waverly just nodded but all she wanted to say was that Nicole is beautiful to her in every way. Lying in a hospital bed doesn't change that.

Wynonna noticed the awkward silence that fell upon them. She wasn't exactly sure why the two of them looked so awkward.

"Baby girl, what's on your mind? I can tell something is wrong" her face was now ridden with concern. It was strange to Waverly that Wynonna could pick up on how she was feeling because when it came to anything else she was oblivious.

"Well, Nonna I... We have something to tell you and it's kinda important so please listen" Waverly said not quite knowing how to tell Wynonna what's on her mind.

Wynonna perked up thinking that something was wrong.

"Don't worry it's nothing bad, it's just... Me and Nicole are, we um" Waverly didn't know what was happening, her voice froze and she couldn't speak a word. It felt like she was drowning, sinking deeper and deeper. This had never happened to her before and no matter how hard she tried to talk, she just stood there not speaking a word.

Wynonna understood though. She might be oblivious but she understood. She began to notice how overly protective Waverly was of Nicole after what happened. She quickly walked up to Waverly and embraced her.

"Baby girl... It doesn't matter to me. What matters is that I love you no matter what. You, are my sister and I will always love you for who you are. As far as I'm concerned, no man could have been good enough for you." she said with a smile and winked at Nicole, giving her some reassurance.

Nicole watched as Wynonna comforted Waverly in her embrace and a wide smile appeared on her face along with her undeniably cute dimples.

Wynonna stepped out of their hug and rested her hands on Waverly's shoulders just to give her some extra love. She squeezed her shoulders and smiled lovingly at her baby sister.

"Okay I've gotta head back to Dolls, we're making progress on these revenants, hopefully we can be rid of this damn curse and soon. See ya layer baby girl....Haughtstuff" she said as she walked casually out of the hospital room.

The two women stared at each other lovingly and Nicole motioned for Waverly to come over.
Waverly say in the seat next to the bed and they entwined their fingers together.
Nicole began to rub circles into Waverly's palm.
"I'm proud of you" she spoke quietly as she stared at the brunette. And this immediately brought her a sense of serenity that only Nicole could give her.


Nicole and Waverly didn't know how much time had passed but they could stay like that forever.
They were immediately interrupted by a knock at the door.
A doctor walked in with a clipboard in hand.  Both women stared at him, waiting for what he had to say.

"Miss Haught, you will be glad to hear that you have been cleared for discharge. However, this doesn't mean you can go back to your usual routine, you have to take it easy. You don't want to cause yourself more harm than good okay?"

Nicole nodded eagerly, she couldn't wait to get out of bed. She hates everything about hospitals. However, what she was looking forward to the most is being with Waverly.

The doctor handed Nicole the papers for her to sign to which she scribbled her name down at the speed of light.

It took some time for her to gather her things and get out of the hospital but she was thankful that Waverly was there to help her. Nicole was still exhausted though. She has had a hard time recently. The trauma that Nicole has been through was so bad that she barely sleeps. Overwhelmed by the trauma in her nightmares.
But Waverly still stands by her. As well as the rest if the gang.
To this she will be forever grateful.

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