Undercover Cop

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It was 5:00 Am and Nicole was still thinking about her dream. She wished so hard that it was true, but she knew that she would have to wait and see if Waverly felt the same way as her. She wasn't very hopeful though as she knew that Waverly has only dated men. Her thoughts constantly cloud her judgments as she is so head over heels for the brunette. Although, she does blame herself for falling in love with a straight woman.

Once Nicole had her coffee and rejuvenated her energy, she went back into her bedroom and pulled out a fresh uniform from her closet. She keeps multiple uniforms in her closet all ready and ironed so that she doesn't have to worry about it in the morning. She usually does a work out before work so she hung her unifirm on the door and got dressed into her work out clothes to go on her morning run. She had a routine which she always followed which displays the redhead's personality perfectly.
She was out in the crisp morning air for 30 minutes and she only just started to break a sweat. She always liked going to the gym or doing exercises as it relaxed her, and it would make her forget about the dream she had a short while ago. However nice the dream was, it was still a dream and not a reality.

When she got back she somehow felt more energised then when she left. So she continued her exercise with press ups, sit ups and other exercises to maintain her muscular form. After her work out was over, she needed a shower as she didn't want to go to work sweaty and gross.


When Nicole got out of the shower it was only 6:30AM and she felt like she had done so much in such little time.
She wrapped a towl around her toned body and walked out of the bathroom.

Downstairs she heard a clatter, as if sonething had knocked over some cutlery. Her cop instincts kicked in immediately and Nicole scrambled to unlock her safe and grab her gun, also making sure that it was loaded. She had amazing reflexes and a precise aim, although she hoped she wouldn't have to use it.
She slowly crept down the stairs still wrapped up in only a towl. It was a slight disadvantage but she didn't have any time to get dressed.
Everytime she was out in the field, her cadet training kicked in and she made sure that she did everything by the book.
She turned the corner to see a figure crouched on the floor picking up what appeared to be the cutlery that was knocked over.
She held her firearm in front of her in a fixed position and slowly made her way towards the figure.
Nicole stood behind the woman and pressed her gun firmly against the womans back.

"I'd be very careful about your next move, that is a gun pressed against your back and i am not afraid to use it so put your hands where i can see them" Nicole said in a serious and slightly sinister tone. She wanted to get straight to the point with the intruder and ensure that they wouldn't make a move against her.

The woman complied and put her hands in the air. She turned around and Nicole could see a wide grin on the womans face.

"Wynonna? What the hell man, i could have shot you!" Nicole shouted with a huff but also relieved that it wasnt an intruder.

"Damn Haughtstuff, you're like a ginger ninja.... In a towel" Wynonna chuckled lightly while eying the redhead up and down. It made her laugh at the fact of how frazzled Nicole looked.

"Not funny Wynonna! What the hell are you doing here? Can't you knock like a normal person?" she asked placing her hands firmly on her hips.

"Well its your turn on rotation, just thought I'd come over to haul your ass over there. Well at least I know you are on high alert" Wynonna said bumping Nicole on the shoulder.

In that moment the redhead was scrambling for her towl as it fell to the ground revealing her muscular body. Nicole's cheeks flushed red to match the colour of her hair and she quickly tugged the towel back over her body at an amazingly fast speed.

Wynonna looked at Nicole's pure red face that was flushed in embarrassment.
"Damn Haughtstuff... At least now I know you live up to that nickname." Wynonna said barely containing her laughter.
She stared at the officer and how she was overcome with embarrassment and decided she wouldn't make another joke as Nicole might bite her head off. It turned out harder than she originally expected and she found it extremely difficult to maintain a straight face.

"Well I'm gonna go, but be sure that you get to this address by 8:00 AM at the latest. That's when dolls finishes his round." Wynonna said as she handed the redhead a slip of paper with the address as well as pictures of the revenants they were surveillancing. Nicole assumed Waverly had gathered the pictures from her research which always proved to be essential in every mission that was demon related.


Nicole arrived at the address Wynonna gave her and parked her unmarked vehicle far enough away that she wouldn't draw attention to herself. Nicole grabbed her binoculars and searched for the revenants in the photograph.
She immediately spotted them. It wasn't hard since all revenants basically look like mean bikers that were definitely years older than they appear to be to the average eye.

Nicole sat there for what felt like days until she had a strange gut feeling that rose in her stomach. As a cop she had learnt to trust her gut feeling even if she didn't know what was wrong. Something wasnt right.
Nicole continued to watch the revenants like a hawk. The trailer park was empty which was extremely strange as there was usually at least a couple of revenants patrolling the site.
Nicole didn't ignore her gut but at that moment, she couldn't really do much but watch closely.

She was suddenly distracted by her phone buzzing in her pocket. It was Waverly. Nicole smiled to herself and her day felt much less boring knowing that she could talk to someone instead of listening to crickets and staring at revenants for hours on end.

Waverly: "Hey, are you still on surveillance?"

Nicole: "Yeah, unfortunately. I'd rather spend my time talking to you but I know this is important. Whats up?"

Waverly: "Oh I just wanted to talk to you about something. Although I would rather talk about it in person so I'll wait until your shift is over"

Nicole: "Ok, no worries. I better get back to watching these revenants. I'll speak to you soon."

Nicole put her phone back down and wondered what Waverly wanted to talk to her about. It could have been anything as she didnt exactly leave any hints as to what it would be.

The officer grabbed her binoculars again only to find that the revenants have moved back to their regular patrolling routine.
She still felt a little uneasy but Nicole thought it was because she had been sitting in a car for hours. The gut feeling she had didn't subside and it was starting to drive her mad.

Nicole was almost done with her shift which she was greatful for. She didn't know how much longer she could sit in a car for.
Then a sound caught her attention. A twig snapped to the side of her car. She dropped her binoculars and turned in her seat. Did she hear something or was it her imagination.

'It must be an animal... Right?' Nicole thought.

Even if the sound was nothing, something told her to look anyway so she grabbed her gun and slowly crept out of the car. She looked around but there wasn't any signs that anyone or anything was nearby

That was when she was overwhelmed with a migraine. She placed her hand to the back of her head and brought her hand to her eyes. She stared at her hand. It was covered in blood. Her legs grew weak and she found herself falling like a rock to the cold, hard ground underneath her.
She turned her head to face the blue skies above her only to see three faces staring down at her. The three men grinned, looked at each other, and then back at Nicole. Their eyes began to glow red as they chuckled mischievously to each other.

Thats when everything went black and she was surrounded by darkness.

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