First Day

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Its Nicole's first day back at the department, she can't wait to jump back into things but she knows its going to take some time to get into the rythm of work.

The alarm sounds at 5:00am just like before, and it feels all too familiar to the officer. Although, there is one slight change.

Nicole groaned and smacked the alarm button ferociously to turn it off. She curled to the side only to be face to face with a sleepy Waverly.

"Good morning beautiful" she whispered through a toothy grin that exposed her dimples.
This was truly the happiest Nicole has ever been, all things considered.
She woke up with the woman she loves and at the end of the day, she gets to come home to her.

"Mmm...goodmorning" was all Waverly managed to say as she moved impossibly closer into Nicole's embrace.
They both knew that Nicole had to leave for work soon, but they couldn't help but lay in.... Even if it was for only a few minutes.

Nicole kissed Waverly on the forehead and began to get up, however this was immediately stopped by an incredibly cute Waverly holding onto Nicole for dear life.

Nicole chuckled to herself and looked down at Waverly who was still clutching her legs.
"Babe, as much as i would love to stay here all day with you, its my first day back and i think Nedley would prefer if i wasn't late" she said with a toothy grin whilst also untangling herself from her girlfriend's grip.
Sometimes it truly amazed Nicole at how lucky she was to have met Waverly.

Once she was free from Waverly's grip she knew that she couldn't get distracted otherwise she would be with Waverly all day.


Nicole pulled up to the station rather early as she needed to complete some paperwork for her return.
She stood at the doors and stood their blankly for a minute before slowly walking in.
All of a sudden a wave of applause hit her and she was pryed from her thoughts.
She looked up to see her fellow officers cheering for her return. Most of them had not seen her after what happened as they wanted to give her space.
She was so overwhelmed with all of the love and comfort she received and a small tear escaped her eye.

She missed her job. She missed everything about it, including the negative aspects. She counted down the days remaining until she could come back, although, she didn't complain about time off as she got to spend all of it with her amazing girlfriend.

It took a while for the station to cool down after her return but once it had, everyone returned to their work immediately with no second thought.

Nicole wandered over to her desk, after she had given a round of hugs, and spotted a very large and daunting pile of paperwork. Nothing says welcome back more than that. She immediately began to sift through the work and she smiled to herself, thankful that she could do what she loves.


Nicole had spent most of the day on the pile of paperwork on her desk, she knew she had to slowly get back into the rythm of things and she was already halfway there. Although, she was so over doing paperwork already.

"Officer haught" Nedley called from across the station which immediately gained the attention of the officer.

"Yes sheriff?" she asked.

"We got a domestic disturbance call, why don't you check it out and be done for the day" he said, noticing how the officer looked like she was going to fall asleep.

She nodded eagerly and immediately rushed out of the station and into her patrol car.


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