Scars In The Mirror

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Nicole was relieved to finally be able to get out of the hospital. Waverly had offered to stay with her to make sure she was ok. Nicole may have been discharged but she still wasn't 100%. She was more concerned about her mental trauma rather than her physical.
Nedley had been looking after Calamity Jane while she was in hospital and Nedley definately loves that cat more than he'd like to admit. He always told Nicole that he wasn't a big fan of cats but she knew it was a lie.

It was a very short drive to Nicole's and the two women kept silent almost the whole journey. Waverly took Nicole's things out of the car and walked her up to the door. Nicole still had a limp from her gunshot wound in her leg but it didn't stop her. The physio definitely helped and the doctors told her to maintain her workouts, as long as she didn't overdo it.
They reached her door and Nicole handed Waverly the keys. The moment she opened the door, Calamity was waiting for them to get inside. After the two had put their luggage down and sat on the couch, Calamity jumped in between the two and purred as loud as Wynonna's motorcycle which brought laughs them both.

They cuddled up together on the couch and Waverly was extra careful not to lean on her too much as the scars were still painful to the touch.
Nicole didn't let Waverly touch her often, the scars that were mental and physical restricted her and she felt vulnerable. She often had thoughts that Waverly wouldn't want her if she saw her scars.

Nicole could finally relax in the comfort of her home and in the arms of the woman she adored so much. She sighed and began to lift herself up from the couch.
Waverly immediately got up to help her.

"Hey baby, what are you doing?" she asked with concern.

Nicole looked at her and smiled.

"What's so funny?" Waverly asked still concerned for Nicole's wellbeing.

"You... You're funny. I find it cute when you're worried about me. Quite frankly I find it adorable" she said and grinned towards Waverly, her dimples present once more.

Waverly blushed and her face grew a light shade of red.

"Oh and to answer your previous question, I'm going to have a shower, I can't stand the smell of hospitals and I don't want to bring that smell home" she said with a smile as she walked off to her bedroom.


It took Nicole a while to shower as the pain she felt still lingered, and when the water grazed her skin it felt like fire.
She put on her sports bra and boyshorts before she walked up to the steamed mirror in the bathroom and stared at her scars. They had mostly healed but what Nicole hated was the fact that they will haunt her forever.
She ran her hand along her left arm, over the burn that she received not so long ago.
She winced and closed her eyes.
Every time she looks at them she is reminded of the cruelty she suffered. Nicole cringes at the memories that came flooding back to her and a tear escaped her eye.
There was a knock at the door followed by a soft voice.

"Nicole? Are you ok?" Waverly said calmly which relaxed Nicole slightly.

Nicole wiped the tear from her cheek but still remained in the same place in front of the mirror.

Waverly grew worried because of the silence that was all too daunting. She slowly turned the handle of the bathroom door and peeked through.

What she saw broke her heart. Nicole was stood there, staring with dead eyes into nothingness. She was still ghostly pale which made her scars more apparent.
Waverly walked up behind her and her breath hitched.
"Oh Nicole" she sighed as she looked at the scars that plagued her body. There wasn't an inch of skin that didn't bear the marks of the torture she sustained.
It was like Nicole didn't even notice her presence as she still stared into the abyss.

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