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Waverly and Nicole didn't stay for long at the firing range because they didn't want to push Nicole into healing too fast. It takes time, and if she rushes, she will never fully heal her mind.

Waverly walked up behind the redhead and placed a hand on her shoulder. A loving gesture that definately reassured Nicole and made her feel like everything was ok. Even when times aren't ok.

Nicole turned to face Waverly but her face was ridden with sadness and pain.

"Hey... I know things have been hard for you recently, I just want you to know that I'm here, and I will do anything to help you. Because I love you, always, and I hope you know that I'm not going anywhere" Waverly spoke with utter passion as she stared into the redheads eyes which were beginning to tear up.

"I love you too Waverly Earp..... What would I do without you?" she said whilst holding her girlfriend tight in her embrace.

The two were then brought to reality again once Wynonna literally burst through the door.

"ugh, can't you guys get a room. I'd prefer not to see haughtstuff get all handsy with my little sister, that's something I can't unsee" Wynonna groaned as she stood in front of the targets and drew peacemaker.

"Wynonna, maybe if you just knock for once instead of barging in" Waverly responded, slightly agitated that wynonna always ruins the moment.

"ppfft boring" she said before carelessly firing off a number of rounds into the target.

Nicole looked back into Waverly's eyes and began to speak.

"Thank you.... For everything. I know I've done things that I shouldn't have and I've been through alot but, Im glad that you are with me" she said as the two walked hand in hand out of the station.


Ever since Nicole had opened up to her family, she truly felt that we was beginning to heal. And with the help of Waverly, she feels whole again.

Nicole wondered aimlessly along the streets for a few minutes. She wanted some fresh air away from everyone so she could finally think.

I know I came out to think on my own but damn I miss Waverly. How did I get so lucky? I swear one day I will marry her....

Nicole stopped in her tracks in this very moment and a smile crept on her face.

Oh my God, I want to marry her! Although I do have to ask Wynonna and Gus for permission.

Nicole immediately ran to her patrol car and whipped out her phone to message Wynonna and Gus.

Nicole: Wynonna I need to meet you and Gus ASAP it's really important. Meet me at my place.

The second she put the phone down she stepped in the gas and sped to her place, to which she got there in what felt like a minute.


5 minutes after the officer got through the door, Wynonna barged through with peacemaker at the ready.

Nicole jumped and turned towards the door that had thrashed against the wall. Seeing that Wynonna was the cause caused her relief, but also made her a little angry considering she almost knocked the door down.

"Wynonna! what the hell are you doing?" Nicole shouted still a little shocked.

Wynonna turned to looked Nicole up and down and deduced that she want in any form of danger.

"Haughtstuff, why the hell would you message me with something so urgent if you weren't in some kind of danger"

Nicole  nodded towards the couch and Gus also entered a moment after Wynonna gave her the all clear.

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