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Nicole was woken by chains clanging and the rancid smell of what she could only describe as death.
Nicole couldnt move very far as she dangled from something that was keeping her still. Her arms were chained behind her, and her legs were chained together.
She didnt open her eyes just yet as she knew that the situation was balls.

She began to open her left eye slightly, the light was too much to handle. She gradually started opening her eyes more, and this was when she wanted to close them again as the sight in front of her was nothing good.
Her eyes were fully open now and she was still a little dazed by the blow she had sustained earlier.
She was unaware of what time it was as the room she was in was dimly lit, apart from a spotlight shining directly into her eyes. The redhead turned her head slowly, trying not to make a sound, and assessed her situation.
The room had no windows and only one door that was thick steel with a giant lock. One way in and one way out she thought. She knew that it would be a problem for the gang if they were conducting a rescue mission.
Although she wasn't even sure if they knew she was gone yet.

Nicole looked up in suprise to see that there were meat hooks hanging from the ceiling. Thats when she knew were she was. She peiced together the meat hooks and the overwhelming scent of death that clung to the air, as well as the blood stained floor underneath her. She was at a slaughterhouse.

She looked down to find her radio and weapon, but the revenants had taken everything that may have helped her in this god awful situation. She wished in that second that she had followed her gut, then maybe she wouldn't be in this situation.

She heard a slow creak and high pitch noise that brought her attention to the steel door as it creeked open. The officer tried her best to maintain her calm nature but she knew that whatever the reventants had planned would not be good. They obviously had taken her for a reason and she wasn't exited to find out why.

"Good... Your awake" One of the revenants said with a sadastic grin on his face, as if he was planning what he was going to do to her. This made Nicole cringe and goosebumps ran through her veins.

There were three revenants in the room. The one who spoke was clearly in charge. He walked over to the officer, invading her personal space. He grabbed her by the face and forced her to look into his mischievous eyes.

"You are going to tell us everything you know about Wynonna Earp and her family so we can finally be rid of her.... Or"

He paused and grinned as he pulled a knife from his pocket and dragged it lightly on the soft skin on her cheek.

Nicole's breath hitched and she tried not to show the fear that was developing inside of her. She hoped that the gang knew she was gone by now and that they had already began looking for her. Otherwise, it is going to be one hell of a night.


Wynonna had perched herself on the redheads desk in Pergatory's police department. She was waiting for Nicole to walk in and update her on the revenants she was surveillancing. She grew concerned as she looked up and the clock and the officer was 30 minutes late.

'Haughtstuff is never late... This can't be good' Wynonna thought with concern.

Wynonna called dolls into the office and she discussed her concerns.

"Have you tried her cell yet? Lets not get ahead of ourselves. If she doesn't answer, then we will start to worry" Dolls said in his usual serious tone but Wynonna detected slight concern in his voice. She knew that Dolls cared for the officer, no matter if he would admit to it or not.

Wynonna proceeded to call Nicole's cell. No answer. She tried again. And again. And again. No answer. She turned to face Dolls and just shook her head. Dolls nodded knowing what Wynonna was thinking. They had to get to where Nicole was surveillancing, check out what happened.

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