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The gang knew that they had to get to Nicole before it was too late. By the look of her in the photographs, she was already losing time, and in this case time is certainly precious.
However, they did now have a lead and it was the phone number that sent the horrifying pictures of the officer, battered beyond recognition.
Jeremy got to work on tracing where the photographs originated the moment after they were received.

"Sorry to keep asking Jeremy but could you hurry the fudge up, Nicole's running out of time and I need to take my anger out on these shit-ticket revenants" Wynonna said impatiently as she watched jeremy type at lightning speed on his computer.

"Okay okay, im trying. And... I... Am... Done!" Jeremy shouted as he stared at the screen and started to reel off the information.

"Okay, so I traced the number that sent you the photographs of Officer Haught and the signal came from an abandoned slaughterhouse. Why are revenants exactly the same as psychotic serial killers in movies?.... Nevermind. So I would say that is where they are keeping her" Jeremy said with positivity.

"Alright, well we gotta make a plan before we go in, im usually one for charging in guns blazing, but for Nicole's sake we have to think this through" Wynonna said to everyone in the room as they all gathered around her.

"Lets get our girl" Waverly said with determination as they began to get a plan together.


Nicole julted awake to a searing pain on her abdomen and chest. Her senses were overwhelmed with the smell of her own burning flesh. Her vision was blurred but she could still make out the figures in front of her.
She felt so weak as she tried to lift her head but she didn't have much strength left.
The revenants switched up thir methods to electrocution. They wanted Nicole to know how it felt to die and be julted back to life. The were playing God. And how they loved it.
Her vision cleared but she wished she didn't have to see their cruel faces that were full of torment.

The lead revenant waved his hand in front if her face.
"Hey officer, we can't have you dying on us now. There's so much more to do" he chuckled and the others followed his actions.

Nicole felt the pain and agony surge through her veins again.
She closed her eyes and drifted to a place deep in her mind to relieve her of some pain.


Nicole was physically awake but her mind was in a dreamlike state. She wanted to block out the revenants cruelty. The place she drifted off to was warming. It gave her some hope. And, of course, Waverly was there.

'I dont know how much longer I can hold on. I can feel myself drifting away, like the life is draining from my body' Nicole whimpered as she lay next to Waverly on the sandy beaches.

Whenever she was afraid or in pain, Nicole would imagine herself at the beach. It calmed her.

'Nicole! Hold on okay. You know we are coming for you. You just need to hold on okay?.... Hold on for me' Waverly frantically spoke to Nicole, her voice laced in fear.

It may have been an imaginary encounter, but she knew it was true. It still gave her hope and energy to hold on and keep fighting.

She looked Waverly in the eyes and held her hand, never wanting to let go.

Then the space between them began to grow and Nicole tried with all of her might to get to Waverly. But it was useless. She began to fade away into the distance.


She was suddenly torn from her daydream. And she wished that she could spend every second there.

Wayhaught - Fighting For YouWhere stories live. Discover now