Time Is A Healer

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Nicole had been running for what seemed like an eternity. She ran past the naked trees and kept seeing the revenants faces, staring at her and laughing. Everywhere she looked they were there, she was surrounded. But it wad only her mind that was deceiving her.
She ran until her legs gave way, and she collapsed on the floor. Her head was spinning, she felt like the were still watching and aiming their crosshairs directly at her. She was dazed, and she looked at the floor only to see it spinning immensely.

"Leave me alone!" she screamed at the top of her lungs and then everything fell silent. She looked around once more.... Nothing. She then looked to her feet once again and the ground was still.

I cant believe i did that. I left Waverly without explanation. Oh god, what is she gonna think of me Nicole thought as she breathed heavily in the middle of nowhere.

She knew she had to get help but she had no idea who to go to. If she told the gamg what was going on with her, they would help. But now she feels that they would be angry with her because she chose to run.


Everyone was gathered in Nedley's office at the station after an awkward silent drive.
The first one to break the silence was Waverly.

"I thought she was okay.... After all of this time, she didn't tell me?... What kind of girlfriend am i if i didn't notice?" she spoke frantically as she started to cry.

Wynnona walked over to Waverly and comforted her. She pressed her head on Waverly's and whispered "it's not your fault okay. Haughtstuff probably thought she'd dealt with it until something sparked her memories"

Dolls spoke next, the worry in his eyes was extremely noticable, although he tried to hide it.

"Nicole probably dealt with the physical scars of her trauma, the hard part is the mental recovery. She will need our help, ptsd is not something she can go through alone" he said trying to make sense of the situation.

They all discussed their plans to find Nicole but truthfully, they had no idea where to start.


Nicole wasn't even sure where she was going to go,or who to go to for that matter. She started to walk towards what she hoped was town, but she didn't know exactly. She had a long way to go which meant she had a lot of thinking to do.

Nicole was a mess the whole walk. Her mind was playing tricks on her and she didn't know what was real or just part of her imagination.
She would hear twigs snap, loud bangs like gunshots, but what troubled her the most was what she could smell. She remembered it all too well, the smell of fresh blood, she knew it was her mind but she couldn't shake it. It would just remind her of the pain she suffered.

It was hours before she got into town and she made her mind up that she couldn't do this on her own. But first, she had some things to do. She made her way towards the station and hoped that no one was there to see her.

She walked through the station doors and crept around to the gym. No one had seen her yet, she just wanted some space for a little while.
She went to her locker at the gym to receive her sport clothes. She had to empty her anger out on something, she also didn't want anyone to see her like that.
She wrapped her hands and began to take out her frustrations on the punching bag. With every punch she made, she hoped it was the revenants receiving them, not the bag.
Although it seemed the more she punched, the more out of control and angry she became.
Then, she struck the bag with such a devastating blow that the seams kf the bag ripped, and the insides began to seap out.
This only made her more frustrated though as she wasn't finished.
She yelled whilst pacing back and forth before finally thrusting her fist into the back wall, leaving a fist sized hole.
She breathed heavily as she struggled for breath. However when she turned around, she wasn't ready for the sight in front of her.

The gang stood there, mouths wide open in pure shock. The worry on their faces was extremely apparent, and truthfully this scared Nicole.

Nicole stared at all of them with wide eyes not knowing what to say.

"I-uh... I didn't want you to see that... I dont know what you must think of me" she said with shame as her head faced the floor.

"Im gonna go" she said finally before anyone else could speak. The tears began to roll down her face as she failed to stop them.

Nicole began to walk away only to be grasped into a suffocating hug. She leant into the embrace and she immediately felt a sense of relief.

Once she was free from Waverly's grasp she stared at the smaller woman.

Waverly's face turned from worry to anger.

"Why did you leave Nicole? we could have helped you. Do you know how worried I was?" she said loud enough to rattle the redhead.
Once she saw the panic in Nicole's eyes she immediately pulled her into yet another hug and whispered "I'm glad you're safe, we can get through this together".

Once Waverly had stepped away from the redhead, it was Wynonna's chance to pull the big sister card.

"Haughtstuff, i swear to god if you hurt my sister like that again.... Anyway, im glad you're okay." she said calmly into the redheads ear.

Sometimes Nicole can't tell if she's in trouble or not with the Earp girls, they switch their emotions so fast that it's confusing.


After the mix of emotions that unraveled in the gym a few hours ago, dolls wanted to speak to Nicole about her condition.

"Hey Nicole, I need to speak with you" he said with concern.

She nodded and they both walked together into his office.

"Listen, I can't stand here and tell you what you are going through, but I've had friends in the armed forces go through the same thing. They thought they could fight it on their own, but they fell apart. I'm telling you this because I want you to know that you aren't alone. We will try everything we can to help you." he said without break eye contact.

"Dolls... Thank you." she said in return and Dolls replied with a knod.


Dolls had told Nicole many methods that have helped people deal with their mental trauma. If she has to, she will try every last one of them.

Nicole was down at the firing range for the first time since her attack. She had Waverly with her for emotional support, she wouldn't get through any of it without her.

They walked up to the range and they placed their ear defenders around their heads. Nicole reached for her firearm and held it tight in her hands. She breathed in and out slowly to calm herself but her hands began to shake as she stared at the target at the other end of the room. She had a daunting feeling come over her, similar to what she felt at the house before she ran.

Waverly could see Nicole's domeinor changed and she stared at her shaking hands. Waverly lated her hands over Nicole's and looked lovingly into the redheads eyes.

"I've got you" she mouthed to the redhead hoping she would know what she said.

Nicole nodded and she widened her stance. Waverly removed her hands from her girlfriends brushing her arm slightly before pulling away. Nicole then fired a number of shots off at the target.
To Waverly's suprise, Nicole was fine. No memories were triggered which was a great start. Ptsd doesn't just get cured in an instant, it takes time and they will.never know if it will go away completely. They will just have to keep working on getting Nicole back into the rythm of things and getting her used to her job again. Although, Nicole knew that with Waverly by her side, nothing could make her feel more safe and at home.

Waverly was special, out of everyone she was the only one who could calm Nicole if she had a panic attack, or even stop her from having one in general.
Nicole was broken for a long time and it ook a while to get back on her feet, but Waverly healed her wounds and as long as they are together, they won't come undone.

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