Chapter 1

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"YOONGI-HYUNG!!!," a familiar, bubbly voice sang out as a knock was heard at Yoongi's door.

Yoongi groaned out of frustration, he didn't like being disturbed. Especially when it was a break day, and when he had to leave the comfort of his bed. Yoongi ruffled his hair and rubbed his eyes awake, walking to the door only to find a familiar sunshine on the other side.

"Hi Yoongi-Hyung!!!!," Hoseok said with a huge grin as his hand waved like crazy at his Hyung. "I was wondering what you were doing!"

Yoongi sighed heavily, "Well, I WAS sleeping until a certain someone knocked on my door like a lunatic."

Hoseok gasped at Yoongi's words, "Who did that to you?! Whoever woke my Hyung up will have to PAY for that!!"

Yoongi couldn't help but chuckle, he knew that Hoseok wasn't the sharpest knife in drawer, but he was too adorable not to laugh at.

Did he really just say that in his head...that was so stupid...why would he call Hobi adorable..?

Yoongi shook the thought from his head and ruffled Hoseok's soft, red hair, "Ah, I was talking about you, stupid!"

Hoseok pouted and crossed his arms, "I didn't mean to wake you, Hyung! I just wanted to see what you were doing...that's all!"

"Ah fine, fine!!," Yoongi groaned as he stepped to the side to allow Hoseok into his room.

Hoseok perked up with his usual bright smile, "Thanks Hyung!!"

The two decided they'd watch a movie together, and just talk for awhile. Seeing as how Hoseok had too much energy to allow Yoongi to sleep.

"I'm just wondering why you came to hang out with me instead of any of the other members," Yoongi said with a face of confusion as he saw the boy blush.

Hoseok nervously laughed while playing with his soft, red locks of hair, "Um...w-well...I just wanted to hang out with you today, Yoongi-Hyung!!"

Yoongi smiled slightly at the younger, how could he not?

His smile...

His cheeks...

His lips...

Hoseok was just-

Yoongi mentally slapped himself out of his daydream, he promised himself he wouldn't fall in love again...not after he just broke up with someone...


Yoongi used to date Jaebum, even if some thought it was weird because they were from different groups. They loved each other very much, but...their relationship just...cracked...

The thought of his ex made Yoongi's head hurt, he missed him so much, but he knew Jaebum had moved on. Yoongi suddenly felt tears stream down his cheeks, alarming Hoseok.

"Y-Yoongi-Hyung...?," Hoseok stuttered. "A-Are you o-okay?"

Yoongi shook his head as he started silently crying into the palms of his hands, Hoseok rushing to his side.

"Hyung!!," Hoseok said in horror. "Are you okay?! Why are you crying?! I don't-"

"Jaebum!," Yoongi sobbed. "I-I MISS him, Hobi!!"

That sentence made Hoseok's heart crack.

Hoseok swallowed the lump in his throat, rubbing his Hyung's back sympathetically, "Yoongi...he's moved's been five months since you guys broke up, and you're still not over him?"

Yoongi didn't dare look Hoseok in the eyes, he was far too upset. In fact, he was boiling with anger after Hoseok said that.

"...J-Just...just go," Yoongi finally murmured, which shocked Hoseok.

Hoseok thought he was having a nightmare, "W-What?! Hyung, i-if I offended you th-than I-"

Yoongi covered his mouth, grabbed his hand, and led him to the door, "Hoseok, I need some time ALONE!!"

Hoseok was now on the verge of tears, "H-Hyung, WAIT! PLEASE I DIDN'T MEAN TO-"

But before he could finish his sentence, Yoongi slammed the door in Hoseok's face. Hoseok knew this was his fault, not comforting Yoongi the right way. But who could blame him, Hoseok was always jealous when he saw Jaebum and Yoongi being all mushy and lovey-dovey together. Then once Hoseok got the news of their break up, he was ecstatic. He could finally make the boy he had liked for five years his boyfriend...

But at this seemed impossible...

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