Chapter 14

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Hobi pulled away from Yoongi's grasp and wiped his tears away with his wrists.

"My ex, Yoongi. My ex-boyfriend."

Yoongi turned the lamp on his bedside table on so he could see Hoseok's face, "What about your ex, baby?"

Hoseok hung his head down, more silent tears falling, "He...He's made me scared..scared to be in any more relationships. Scared to have sex, scared to love."

Yoongi caressed his boyfriend's cheek, "Was he bad? Did he hurt you? Was he abusive?"

Hoseok stared at him innocently and gulped, making it obvious that it was hard for him to answer.

"Ah, I'm sorry," Yoongi said. "You may not be comfortable talking about all this, and I'm just throwing questions your way. I'm sorry, baby."

Hoseok shook his head and held Yoongi's hand, "No, it's okay. I think that maybe I can talk about it with you..."

Yoongi pecked his lips, "Well, I'm all ears."

Hobi nodded and began his tale.

"Before we even met, I had a boyfriend in high school. He was tall, handsome, amazingly talented, and he had such a passion for music. So much so that he even inspired me to work in the music industry."

"Sounds like he was a good guy."

"Well, I thought he sounded like a good guy, too. After knowing each other for at least two years and asking me out after we graduated high school, I soon found out he wasn't the guy I thought he was. I had moved into his apartment when we started college, and everything was fine for a while. He would treat me right, kiss me, give me lots of love. But after about six months, he started getting abusive. He would yell at me if I made the smallest mistake, hit me when he was mad, and call me things like useless."

Yoongi processed everything Hoseok said, feeling his heart crack at the hard past his sunshine had. He enveloped Hobi in a big hug, not wanting to let go. As he did so, he felt Hoseok's tears drip onto his neck and shoulder.

After a few minutes, Yoongi let him go and held Hobi's hands, "Tell me, who was this guy?"

Hobi took a deep breath and said, "Hyungwon. His name was Chae Hyungwon. We both grew up in Gwangju, and we got along pretty well, until y'know...he got abusive."

Yoongi nodded, slightly biting his bottom lip, "And how'd you guys break up?"

"One day..I just snapped," Hobi said. "He hit me on my waist so hard, it left a really bad bruise. After that, I stormed off to my room to pack my things and I called my mom to pick me up. I stayed at my parents' house for the rest of that semester, and then off I went to Seoul, to pursue my music career. That's also when I met you..."

Yoongi smiled and kissed Hoseok's forehead, "Do you know what happened to Hyungwon after you left?"

Hoseok shook his head, a look of fright creeping onto his face. "No, I don't. He could be anywhere. That's why I'm still scared."

"I'm scared he'll find me, I'm scared that he'll hurt me if he does."

Yoongi held onto Hoseok's waist and pulled him onto his lap, proceeding to kiss Hobi's lips sweetly.

"I promise, he won't hurt you ever again," Yoongi promised.

Hoseok cried as his precious boyfriend said so, cupping Yoongi's face and kissing him once more.

"Thank you..."

Oof I'm so sorry I've put this book on hold as well, as I said I've been really busy, huff it sucks -.- BUT I'm back and I'm happy about it! Thanks for the patience and I love you all!! <3

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