Chapter 7

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"Well Yoongi," BamBam happily started. "We finished unloading everything into your room, so everything should be ready!"

The day had already passed, and the guys had finally finished setting everything up for Kimoon.

Yoongi smiled, "Thanks guys, I don't think I would've been able to do this alone. Now all I gotta do is figure out how to be a father."

Youngjae put his arm around Yoongi's shoulders, "Don't worry, dude. You'll get the hang of it in no time."

Yoongi smiled at the guys, looking over at Taehyung and Hoseok. The two were happily rocking Kimoon in their arms as the baby smiled happily at them. Yoongi couldn't help but grin, he was the happiest he's been in months.

Jaebum came up behind him and gave him a big hug, "I see you're becoming a happy father, huh Yoongi?"

Yoongi, being surprised by Jaebum's actions, sheepishly brushed Jaebum's hands off of him, "Y-Yeah...I think I'm ready to be Kimoon's father."

Jaebum shrugged off Yoongi's actions and smiled, "Well, y'know if you need anything, you can always call us!"

Yoongi nodded, "Y-Yeah, th-thanks a lot, Jaebu-"

But before he could finish his sentence, Jinyoung took Jaebum's hand and ran out the door with him, glaring at Yoongi with deep guilt as he did so. The others looked so confused, but the rest of GOT7 followed the two out, since they had to get going. Once they all left, the seven boys' attention turned to Kimoon. They were all gushing over his cuteness they just couldn't handle it.

"He's just so cute!!!," Jin gushed as he took photos of Kimoon with his phone.

"I know!!," Jimin giggled. "I just wanna pinch his chubby, little cheeks!!"

Jungkook raced over and pinched Kimoon's cheeks, "Just beat you, Jimin!"

"Aish, you're so competitive, Kookie," Namjoon giggled as he pet Kimoon's head gently.

"He's adorable!!!," Taehyung squealed, giving Kimoon a big hug. "I'm gonna take care of him a lot, right Yoongi-Hyung?"

Yoongi nodded with a small smile, "Of course, Taehyungie."

"YAY!!!," the maknae yelled out happily. "You hear that, Kimoon? Uncle Taehyung is gonna take care of you a lot while your dad works!!"

Kimoon just stared up at Taehyung, seeing his eyes looking a bit droopy.

"Oh, I think he's getting tired again," Jin said as he looked at the clock on the wall.

Namjoon nodded, "Yeah, after all, it is getting late. We should all head to bed, we gotta work hard tomorrow."

They all agreed, going their separate ways for the night. Yoongi cautiously walked to his room, trying not to wake Kimoon as he slept soundly in his arms. Hoseok followed the older to his room, to see if he could help him with anything. Once they reached Yoongi's room, he realized that Hobi had been following him.

"Aish, you startled me, Hobi!," Yoongi whisper-yelled with Hobi giggling at his Hyung.

"Sorry, Yoongi," Hoseok said. "I didn't mean to startle you, I just wanted to see if you needed help with anything."

Yoongi thought about it for a moment, "Well, maybe you could change Kimoon into his sleepwear while I get changed?"

Hoseok nodded happily, "Of course I can! Just leave it to me!"

Yoongi nodded, handing Kimoon over to Hobi as he then went into the bathroom to get dressed. Hoseok quickly and carefully changed Kimoon into a soft, yellow onesie, and laid him down into his crib. Kimoon quickly fell asleep as soon as his body touched the mattress, Hoseok placing a soft kiss on Kimoon's forehead.

"Good night, Kimoon-ah!," Hobi happily whispered as he listened to the boy's soft snores.

Soon, Yoongi came out of the bathroom, ready for bed. Hoseok was about to tell him goodnight until he saw Yoongi in his sleepwear, realizing Yoongi didn't have a shirt on. Hoseok gulped at the sight, cheeks burning as he covered his face up, hearing Yoongi giggle in front of him.

How could he be so hot like that...?

His shirtless body was perfect...and the black joggers he had on just fit him perfectly, Hoseok couldn't get over it...

"Hoseok?," Yoongi asked, making the younger snap out of his dreamy thoughts.

"U-Uh...y-yeah?," Hobi asked, his face still a tomato.

Not even two seconds had passed and Hoseok felt his pants get tighter, looking down to see the obvious as he was sweating a waterfall.

"Shit...," Hoseok murmured to himself.

"Are you okay, Hobi? You're acting a little weird," Yoongi finally asked the boy.

Hobi nodded shyly, "Y-Yeah...I'm just a b-bit tired..."

"Why don't you sleep here?," Yoongi asked as the younger looked completely flustered.

"W-Why would I?," Hoseok stuttered. "There's no way I can disturb yo-"

"It'd make me feel a lot better, knowing I'm not here alone if I feel like I can't handle Kimoon by myself," Yoongi said with a small smile.

Hoseok sheepishly shrugged, "A-Are you sure?"

Yoongi didn't say anything else, but grabbed Hobi's arm and pulled him into bed with him. Although Hoseok felt surprised, he wasn't refusing by any chance. He snuggled up against the older's chest, falling fast asleep after a very tiring day. Yoongi smiled down at Hoseok, secretly planting a sweet kiss on the younger's forehead.

"He's just so adorable, so is Kimoon," Yoongi giggled to himself before he also fell asleep with Hobi in his arms.

Yeah...this is exactly what he wanted...

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