Chapter 16

978 36 11

~WARNING: Slight smut~

As he slept, Yoongi felt a warm beam of sunshine hit his eyes. He opened them slightly, looking through the window of his room.

"Huh, morning already?" Yoongi mumbled to himself as he tried to sit up, but soon realized he couldn't.

Hobi's arms were wrapped around his torso, keeping Yoongi in place. Yoongi smiled at his beloved boyfriend, leaving a kiss on his forehead as he removed Hobi's arms from his body. He got up from his bed, heading straight to the bathroom to take a shower. As he stepped into the shower, he heard Kimoon's wails.

"I'm sure Hoseok will wake up with those holy sounds," Yoongi chuckled to himself as he began washing his bleach blonde hair.

Though soon after, he heard Kimoon quiet down, and someone enter the bathroom. Yoongi felt confused as he then heard clothes drop to the floor...

Then the shower curtain opened..

"GAH!" Yoongi screeched and jumped back, but soon calmed down.

It was Hoseok.

And he did not have ANY clothes on.

Yoongi was utterly confused, "Um...Hoseok? Do you need anything...?"

"Yeah," Hoseok mumbled as his face turned a bright beet red. "I need to take a shower..."

Yoongi smirked, "Wanna shower with me?"

Hobi gulped but nodded, stepping into the shower with Yoongi, and closing the curtain behind him.

As Hobi started washing himself up, Yoongi stared at him and smiled, "Was Kimoon crying earlier?"

"Yeah, he woke me up and I fed him some formula, then he went back to sleep," Hobi explained. His face suddenly started turning a cute, light pink, "And...well, I realized you were in the shower...and...I wanted to shower with you."

Yoongi suddenly splashed Hoseok with some water, to which Hoseok giggled at, and returned the favor by throwing some soap bubbles at Yoongi's face.

"Agh, you should've said something before barging in here, dumbass," Yoongi said with a small smirk on his face.

"I-I'm sorry, Hyung," Hoseok muttered. "I wasn't th-thinking.."

Yoongi put his hands on Hoseok's waist gently, pulling Hoseok into a steamy kiss. Hoseok was surprised but nontheless kissed back, sliding his tongue into the older's mouth swiftly. Yoongi intertwined his tongue with Hoseok's, hearing the redhead softly moan against his lips. Hoseok moved his hands up Yoongi's chest to his neck, where he wrapped them over his Hyung's shoulders. After an eternity, the boys pulled away, panting heavily.

"I love you, Yoongi," Hoseok said as he pulled Yoongi closer.

"I love you, too, baby boy," Yoongi said as he tightened his grip on Hoseok's waist.

Hoseok stared deeply into Yoongi's eyes, the deep brown giving Hobi a deep feel of home. He looked at Yoongi's chest and arms, the milky white tone of it becoming a warmth against his body. Then his neck, oh god his neck, it just made irritated. His collarbones, neckline, and jawline made Hoseok so horny...

He wanted to overcome his fear...

Hoseok couldn't handle it, he dove into Yoongi's neck, beginning to leave little lovebites on Yoongi's neck. This took Yoongi by surprise, throwing his head back and letting small groans escape his lips. Hoseok smirked at his boyfriend's actions, but didn't last long as Yoongi pinned him against the wall, licking up from Hobi's chest to his neck.

"H-Hey- ahh~!" Hoseok struggled as he moaned softly.

"Who said you can play like that with me?" Yoongi murmured in a husky voice as he bit at Hoseok's neck.

Hoseok moaned even louder, Yoongi smirking and taking his precious time as he continued biting at the younger's neck, letting his hand wander up Hoseok's thigh, about to reach his member when-

"HYUNGS???" They heard Jimin shout from outside the bathroom. "KIMOON'S CRYING!! WHERE ARE YOU GUYS??? ARE YOU GUYS IN THE BATHROOM???"

Yoongi pulled away from Hoseok and held his hand, "Fuck, we gotta get out, Hobi."

Hobi nodded in agreement as he tried to catch his breath once again, "Y-Yeah, let's g-get out."

"Uh, YEAH WE'RE IN HERE, JIMINIE," Yoongi yelled back to the maknae outside the door.



Hobi turned off the water and laughed like crazy as he followed his boyfriend out of the shower. Once they were sure that Jimin had left the room, Yoongi just had to ask.

"Hoseok...were you uncomfortable with..y'know...what we were doing..?"

"Mm, not as much as I thought I'd be," Hoseok said. "I thought I'd always be scared to be in those kinds of situations after I left Hyungwon, but turns out I was wrong," Hoseok said as he got dressed.

"So, one'd be willing to have sex with me...?"

Hoseok stared at him with a face of uncertainty but nodded, "Yeah, I think I could overcome my fear, able to love you and show it."

Yoongi smiled as he finished changing, and gave his boyfriend a big hug, "Whatever you decide, I'll respect that, Hoseok. I promise you. And if we ever do have sex, I'll be gentle, I won't be like Hyungwon."

Hoseok's lip began to tremble as he hugged the blonde back, "You're the best."

The two then pulled apart to be joined again by their lips, both of them smiling uncontrollably as they shared a kiss. They didn't want to seperate but soon had to when they heard wails coming from the room.

"Oh, Kimoon!!" Hoseok yelped as he ran out to the room to get their son.

Yoongi just stood at the door of the bathroom, happily looking straight at his boyfriend and son with love in his eyes.

He smiled.

"I never want this to change"

Little did they know that something would change their relationship later that day...

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