Chapter 8

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The sound of an alarm is dreadfully painful for Yoongi, not even remembering he was in bed with Hoseok. He opened his eyes slightly, red hair brushing up against his face. He jolted up quickly in fright, realizing it was just Hoseok. The younger was curled up into a ball, snoring softly with comfort. But that didn't last long, the younger squirming around as if searching for something...or someone. It seemed like Hobi was searching for Yoongi in his sleep, most likely wanting to be in his Hyung's arms again. Yoongi smiled softly, turning the alarm off, and laying back down, hugging Hoseok tightly so he could continue sleeping.

"Ah, he's so warm, I can't resist him," Yoongi whispered to himself, watching the younger sleep soundly.

He then glanced over at the crib next to the bed, seeing Kimoon fast asleep as well. He smiled at his son, accepting the fact that he now had a family, though he was still a bit lost with Hobi. He didn't know how to feel about him at this point, he didn't know what his feelings were towards him. Though, he'd figure all of it out soon. Yoongi was about to fall asleep again when he heard a quiet snicker at the door. He glanced over at the door, where he saw Jin and Jimin standing. They were giggling and taking pictures with their phones.

Yoongi gasped and shot them a death glare, "What the hell are you guys doing here??!?!?!?!"

Jin and Jimin gulped once they realized Yoongi was up, "U-Uh....y-you guys a-are c-cute together...?"

"Get the fuck out. NOW!!!," Yoongi growled as the two scurried away quickly before the wrath of Min Yoongi dawned upon them.

"Aish, idiots...," Yoongi murmured, laying back down though noticing Hoseok was awake.

"Yoongi Hyung?," Hoseok said with a confused look. "Why were you yelling?"

Yoongi sheepishly scratched his neck, "W-Well, I, uh...w-well you see-"

But before Yoongi could say anything else, cries started coming from the crib. Yoongi and Hoseok's head turned, seeing Kimoon bawling his eyes out.

"Aish, my yelling must've woken him up, and upset him," Yoongi sighed, getting out of bed to take Kimoon out of his crib.

"I'll feed him, Yoongi. He must be hungry right about now," Hoseok smiled, getting out of bed, and grabbing the bottle from the bag of baby items.

Yoongi nodded in understanding, "While you do that, I'll get dressed and make breakfast. Seems like Jin and Jimin have done enough, and the others may be sleeping still."

Hobi nodded, Yoongi leaving him to feed Kimoon while he went to change. After he changed, Yoongi rushed out to the kitchen. He was gonna make breakfast, but there was something he had to do first. He grabbed two water bottles from the refrigerator, and rushed to the living room, where he saw Jin and Jimin sitting on the couch. He hid the bottles behind him and approached the two calmly.

"Hey guys," Yoongi smiled, acting as if nothing was wrong.

"Oh...hey Yoongi!," Jin and Jimin smiled. "Look, we're sorry about what happ-"

The two were then cut off by water pouring over their heads, which Yoongi used the water bottles for. Yoongi smirked as he drenched the two, emptying the two bottles.

"Wah...WHAT?!?!," Jin screamed. "MY MAKEUP IS RUINED!!"

"H-HEY!!! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!?!," Jimin screamed, trying to hit Yoongi but couldn't since there was water covering his eyes.

"That's for taking pictures of me and Hobi," Yoongi chuckled. "And for making me wake my son up."


Yoongi started turning red and just shrugged, "Whatever, I gotta go make breakfast for you losers. Go clean yourselves up so you can come and eat."

Jimin stuck his tongue out at the older, "Whatever...!"

With that, Jin and Jimin stormed off to the bathroom to clean themselves up while Yoongi shook his head at the two.

"Not like they didn't expect revenge out of me," Yoongi snickered, going to the kitchen to start making breakfast.

After a few minutes passed, Yoongi heard some giggles coming from behind him. He turned around, seeing Hoseok with Kimoon in his arms, trying to make the infant laugh. Yoongi smiled softly at the two, his heart melting at an instant.

He walked up to the two and planted a kiss on Kimoon's forehead, "Morning, cutie!"

Kimoon giggled, his smile a pure beam of sunshine. That smile of reminded Yoongi of Hoseok...a lot.

"Heh, y'know, Kimoon's smile sort of reminds me of you, Hoseok," Yoongi chirped, Hoseok's cheeks turning a dusty pink.

"Aish, n-not even the s-slightest, hyung!," Hoseok stuttered. "He looks a lot more like you!"

Yoongi shook his head, "Whatever you say, Hobi. Whatever you say."

After a few more minutes, the rest of the gang went into the kitchen to eat breakfast. Kimoon sat with Hoseok, the red-haired boy feeding him his formula with kindness.

"I still can't get over how cute Kimoon is, Yoongi-Hyung!," Taehyung squealed.

"Me neither, he's so cute!!," Jimin added.

Yoongi chuckled at the two, he had to agree that his own son was adorable. But what he found even more adorable was how Kimoon was curled up against Hoseok's chest, finally finished eating and seemed to be taking a nap. Yoongi couldn't help but smile, the two were so adorable he just wanted to hug Kimoon forever and kiss Hose-

Shit Yoongi, you're dozing off again into Dreamland. You can't be thinking about things like this. Hoseok's only helping you raise Kimoon, nothing more, nothing less.

"Yoongi? Are you okay?," Hoseok asked, his face a bit red.

Yoongi snapped out of his thoughts, sweating bullets, his throat clogging up, and his face turning hot and beet red.

"U-Um...y-yeah..I'm f-fine!," Yoongi managed to say with a raspy voice.

"Uh, okay?," Hoseok said. "Well Kimoon just fell asleep, so I'm gonna take him back to your room, Yoongi. That way, he'll sleep a lot more peacefully."

Yoongi nodded, "That's fine. Thanks Hoseok."

Hoseok then excused himself, and started down the hallway towards Yoongi's room. Once Hoseok was out of sight, the rest of the gang turned towards Yoongi and started asking a bunch of questions.

"So hyung, do you like Hoseok-Hyung?," Jungkook asked with a smirk on his face.

"Yeah, do you?," Namjoon added.

Taehyung and Jimin were dying of laughter, and Jin was smiling like crazy. Yoongi was so flabergasted by all of the actions of his friends, his face turned super red, and he was sweating like crazy.

"W-What?! N-No, of c-course not!!," Yoongi denied. "That's fucking absurd! I could never-"

"Yoongi, we can read you like an open book," Namjoon said. "For the past few days, we've seen the signs that you've been developing feelings for Hobi."

"Th-that's not wh-" Yoongi stammered but was then cut off by Jin.

"You do like him, don't you?," Jin smirked.

Yoongi was definitely red now, he could barely speak anymore.

"Yup, he TOTALLY loves Hoseok!," Jimin teased, Yoongi shooting him a death glare.

"He totally does!!," Taehyung laughed.

Yoongi finally sighed, "Look, I don't exactly know if I like him or not. I don't know if my feelings are true or they're just-"

The gang suddenly cheered and hugged Yoongi tightly, Yoongi's lungs being crushed in between the impact.

"We're so happy for you, Yoongi!!," they all cheered.

Yoongi smiled softly at his encouraging friends.

I think...I actually do like Hoseok...

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