Chapter Thirteen.

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The cute author's note =P :

Oh well...I don't know how I got that idea but now I am gonna introduce you to the one and only Edwin's P.O.V.

I hope you are just as excited as I am. I know it's a little late because I didn't mention anybody's P.O.V before but as you all already knew that Dove was the main narrator of this, And yes I'm gonna edit the first chapter. But now it seems that The poor nerd should be given a chance to express himself. And really I want you all to know Edwin better as I imagined him.

So everybody buckle your seat belts because you're gonna actually KNOW Edwin Thompson.

Love ya!


Edwin's P.O.V:

This morning was hell to me.I didn't get sleep last night and now I feel like I'm going to die.

After 9 o'clock I sat up on my bed as I couldn't even close my eyes, And thought about why my life was so messed up.

Everyone refers to me as "The Hot nerd".But they don't know about my shitty past, no one knows that.

Not even my best friends. I had always been afraid that if I revealed it everyone would leave me. I had been afraid of making friends my whole life until I came here because I knew that this place was our final destination.

Final hiding place.

I made friends, Girls started to go crazy on me. But I knew that the last thing I had to do was to find love. But before that, I had to make a reputation to find good and sincere friends.

I got them and will always be grateful to God to present me with those blistering idiots. Who happens to be my best friends.

And of course, I did find love.

I think I've lost her and that's my own freaking fault. I have to keep her away from me. I really do.

Or she'll, I am afraid, Die just because of me.

I'll never ever forget my childhood. I still think they'll come after us and that would be The End. Dad says it's not possible.

But you never know.

I had to keep her away from me. Whenever they come they'll target me and not dad. They'll never target him as I'm older now. I just know. And they'll target me through my love.

Gosh, We're so messed up just because of a mistake of our ancestors.

Fuck us all. Fuck us all to hell.

God.How I'm hating myself. I planned all this and I just know that Dove had been crying her heart out just because of me.

I don't know what am I gonna do.


Author's note again:

What do you think?

What's the thing in Edwin's past which is still bugging him?

What hand did he have in all the events of last night?


I'm excited too. Because I just found out, YEAH!!!

Follow me to find it yourselves I'm not gonna keep you waiting.

P.S Sorry for the short chap and TWO author notes.

Stay cool


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