Day 29

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Time skippppp~~

A year later............

"Yah!! Kim Namjoon, where are you?! I told you to never enter the kitchen again!" Kim Seokjin angrily yelled through the extravagant hallways. The younger peeped, hiding behind the large pillars. "Aha.. Ha.. Jin.. I.. Uh.." Jin glared at him and Namjoon gulped thinking of a way to get out.

"Taehyung told me to!!!" Namjoon blurted out pointing at the younger who's standing behind Jin. "No I didn't! Jin! Believe me! Your husband's a liar!!" Taehyung defends himself doing the same thing Namjoon did. Point at him.

Jin sighed at the two. "Hah, seriously. What am I supposed to do with you? The wedding's in two hours! Hurry up and get dressed, Kim Taehyung! You too, Joonie! Help the servants! Ahh! Seriously!!" Jin yelled out stressed. Afraid of the older's rage, Taehyung immediately ran to his room and Namjoon ran to the ballroom. "Seriously, why am I the mom of this friendships?" Jin sighed once more as he walked back to the kitchen, which was destroyed by his husband.

"Where on earth is Jimin when you need him?!" Hoseok sighed frustratingly. "Hyung, calm down.." Jungkook calms his hyung down as he wipes off his mouth. He just had 2 sandwiches. 2 huge sandwiches. And he still wants more. "How can I calm down, Jeon Jungkook?! You're getting married today! And Jimin, our best friend, is not yet here!"

"Hey.. He had a bad day yesterday, right? He learned that his fucking boyfriend just cheated on him. Let him be, hyung." Jungkook rubs Hoseok's back trying to calm him. "Whatever! It was his fault. I warned him guys like that should not be trusted! Only good at first and then when you're already together he'll look for another prey!" Hoseok huffed. "He should've dated Yoongi." Hoseok whispered.

"Jungkookie!!!" A high-pitched voice yelled and busted from the elegant doors. "Sorry! I got lost! This freaking castle is huge!" Jimin exclaimed as he tried to catch his breath. "Oh! I brought the cake you were asking for!" Jimin said and handed the younger one a box of cake.

"Kyaa! Hyung!! Thank you!!" Jungkook squealed and he blow a kiss to his small hyung. Jimin just shake his head and Hoseok started scolding him.

"Hyungie... Do you still have more???" Jungkook sweetly asked. "No, I only bought one." Jimin said. Jungkook's mood suddenly dropped and he felt like crying. He pouted and he tries to control his tears. "Yah, Jungkook. You're so emotional these past few weeks. Are you pregnant?"

And the three of them stopped and they all gulped. Oh man holy shit.

"I do..." Jin cried even harder as he watch his two babies say 'I do' to each other. Namjoon hugs him and pats his back slowly, calming him. "You.. Okay?" Yoongi asked the boy beside him who's also shedding tears. He offered his handkerchief to Jimin who  shyly nodded his head and accepted the handkerchief.

"I now pounce you, King Taehyung and his Queen Jungkook! Husband and husband/wife!"

"Tae.. I'm pregnant."


This is so short, I know.. Plss. Thank you so much for reading this story.. Really..

And nooooo, it's not the end yettt! It's not yet day 30 😉😉😉

Thank you for reading and voting~~

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