Day 20 | NamJin Special

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"Where are you going?" Namjoon asked. Jin stopped his 'sneaking away plan' and closed his eyes. "Uh.. buy food?" Jin looked away when he faced Namjoon. The younger sighed and was about to scold him for lying but he remembered they weren't together anymore. So he couldn't. Rather, he can't. "'Kay. I'll stay here and try to contact Tae." Namjoon head back to his room. Jin's shoulder went down and his face saddened. He was now sure, Namjoon hates him.

And may not want to get back with him again. Maybe the last time was the last straw for Namjoon. Because before, even if they broke up Namjoon was still his boyfriend. The title just got blurred. Namjoon would not avoid him and will stay always with him. Namjoon would always make Jin feel those butterflies. But now.. Maybe he's tired... Tired of Jin. Jin could feel his eyes watered and he bit his lip.

"Namjoon.." He whispered and his tears fell. He covered his mouth to control his sobs. He shook his head and ran outside. He thanked the guy who's renting him a car to drive to Jungkook's. He grab the keys and ran to the car. There, he burst all his cries and sobs loudly. He continues until he calm himself..

"Jin.." Namjoon whispered when the older already left the room. He heard it. His muffled sobs.. his silent cries. He loves Jin and that will never change.. But he hates to be the only one to fall in so deep he can't get up. He wanted the older to feel it too. To feel how much it hurts when you try to patch things up with someone who don't even want to. But now he just hates himself. He hates it so much. He wants to hug Jin and tell him it's okay, it's fine.. Even if it hurts. Even if its a lie. But he couldn't do it.. Because it hurts him more. And he's tired.. Tired of trying to make himself happy through lies..

Tired of saying, "I'm fine," even though he's not. Even though he loves him so much.. He just can't anymore.. "Damn it." He cursed and ran downstairs forgetting all the pain, forgetting that it hurts, and forgetting that he's tired. "Have you seen a man, this tall with broad shoulders and really good looking?" He asked the receptionist. The lady told him where to go and he ran to the parking lot to see if Jin is still there.

"Come on, Jin.. Fuck! Where are you?!" Namjoon whispered as he scan through the cars as he run. He stopped when saw a familiar figure sobbing inside a car. "Stupid." He whispered and run to the car. He opened the door which shocked Jin and kissed him. He let go with still a shook Jin. "Damn it, baby. I thought I could bare not being with you and not being able to kiss and touch you. Jin, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, baby. I hurt you.." Jin sobbed coming back to his senses and shakes his head.

"No.. I hurt you! I always do! I keep on hurting you..Naaaammmjooooonn..." He cried. Namjoon shakes his head and wipes his tears. Jin noticed Namjoon is also crying. It's his second time seeing him cry, after the first time they broke up. "No.. I'm sorry, baby. I love you. Damn, I fucking love you so much." Namjoon kissed his forehead and hugged him. Jin buries his head on Namjoon's neck. " you to.. I love you too.." Jin whispered and cries. "I love you so much.." Jin clings his arm on Namjoon's shoulder and tries to control his tears.

Namjoon lets go and cups Jin's face. "I. Love. You. Kim. Seok. Jin." He kiss him one more time, but this time more passionate and full of feelings. Putting all his love into it. Which the older gladly give back. They let go, leaving both with flushed faces. Namjoon smiled and kisses his forehead. "I." Kisses his nose. "Love." And face him. Namjoon smiled and caress his face. "You." Namjoon whispered and attacked his lips again.

Jin giggled at the younger's cheesiness but nonetheless he loves it. "Let's never do that again! I missed you!" Jin whines and hugs him. "Namjoon.. I'm sorry.. For not thinking how much it hurts you. For being stupid. I'm sorry." Jin lets go and face Namjoon. The younger smiled and gave him a peck. "I love you, baby. But.. where are you going anyway?" Jin thought about it and suddenly remembers the little kid who's probably annoyed by now.

"Ah! I was supposed to pick up, Jungkookie! He called me yesterday asking for my help to find Tae.. so.." Namjoon ruffles his hair and smiles. "Well, let's go? Jungkookie must be mad at us." They both laughed and Namjoon entered the passenger's seat and Jin wipes his tears and relaxes himself up. He started the car and they drove to Jungkook's.

"I'm so sorry, Kookie~" Jin apologized as he rubs the younger's back. "Hyung is sorry, okay?" Jungkook let out a loud 'Hmph!' And turned his looks away. "Jungkookie~" Jin sweetly calls the younger's attention and hugs his waist. "Jungkook, I have chocolate with me in the car, want some?" And Jungkook immediately follows his dad.. Namjoon, (I mean.)

Jin pouts when he entered the car and saw Jungkook already stuffing his face with chocolates. "Why does he follows you so quickly and not me?!" Jin whines and Namjoon kisses his cheek. "Oh! You two are back together?!" Jungkook exclaimed when he saw them kissed. Jin gets shy remembering they have a kid on their backseat and nodded. "Well, who can resist me?" Jin takes back his confidence and smirks at Jungkook who's face is stuffed with chocolate. "How can you even eat that much?" Jin shook his head.

"Ish shoo goodsh!!" Jungkook moaned with his stuffed cheeks. The two shook their heads and laughed. "Where are we going anyway?" Jungkook asked after drinking a bottle of water. Namjoon and Jin smirks. "To the main attraction of BTS." Namjoon said. "BTS?" Jungkook asked. "BangTan islandS." Jin said emphasizing the letters. "Oh. Cool. Sounds like a popular band name." Jungkook commented.

"Let's go!!"


Happy RM day to you~
Happy RM day to you~
Happy RM~
Happy RM~

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