Day 1.1 Pt 3

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Sorry guys 😂😂 I literally wrote 1.2 in the last chapter. Oh my God I'm so stupid it was supposed to be 1.1 Pt 2 😂😂

"Oh my God!! It's 11:50 already!! Let's go outside!!" Jin yelled not too loud so the kids won't wake up. He pulled Namjoon and Hoseok with him as the other guys followed. They sat on the bench in the garden.

"They are so awkward, hyung. What about the plan?" Jimin whispered to Jin. "Yeah.. I asked them to sit together but that kid won't leave Tae alone neither does Tae want him to leave. He's literally saying to Kookie's face that they're not together anymore." Jin whispered back.

"I know. I feel sorry for Tae but I also feel sorry for Jungkook. They're both stupid, aren't they?" Jimin sighed and rested his head on Yoongi's shoulder who's probably listening to their conversation and not giving a care about it.

"Yeah.. Well.. I ask Hoseokie to distract Yohan and then we can like you know... Make Taehyung and Jungkook alone.. Together?" Jin said. Jimin's eyes widened and he claps his hand. "Oh my God, hyung! You're so smart!" Jimin cheered.

"2018 in 10 seconds!!" Namjoon yelled looking at his phone. "10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! And!!!! 1!! Happy New Year!!" They all yelled as the fireworks envelopes the sky. "Happy new year, babe." Namjoon said to Jin and kisses him. "Happy new year, Chim." Yoongi said making the younger giggle and they kissed.

"Happy new year, Yohan!" Hoseok greeted. The younger smiled and greeted back. "And Taehyung and Jungkook! Whooo! Happy new year!!" He yelled.

"Ha-happy new year, Taehyung.." Jungkook whispered. He fidgets with his fingers as he stare at them. "Happy new year, Jungkook." The older simply greeted back. "Happy new year, Yohanie!" Taehyung smiled at the person on his left. "It's Yoh. Han!"

The actions of the older made Jungkook's heart clenched. He bit his bottom lip as he just wanted to disappear right now and right there. He felt so stupid and hurt. He wanted to talk with Taehyung but who is he for the older to give time to, an ex-husband? He didn't like that label.

He didn't like how he is just a part of Taehyung's past now. On how he is just one of Taehyung's exes. On how he was just a part of his world and not his world. Jungkook felt like crying but he wanted to be strong. Because if he doesn't he'll feel like he agreed to the fact that Taehyung doesn't want to be with him anymore.

And he didn't want that. He was hurt. And when he's hurt he never cared for other's feelings. And that's what he hate about himself. About how insensitive he is. About how he can hurt everybody so easily. And how he hurt Taehyung multiple times but he still wishes the older still loves him.

"Yohan? Umm.. Can I ask you to help Hoseok to clean up? Sorry! It's just I have to do something and Namjoon can't wash the dishes and Jimin-" Yohan giggled but agreed. "It's okay, hyung. I've been wanting to help, anyways." He smiled at the older and proceeded to the kitchen.

"Clean up around here, you two. I'm gonna go inside now." Jin said and pulled the others who was left outside to leave Taehyung and Jungkook alone in the garden. "I hope this works." Jin whispered to Jimin. "Me too, hyung."

"I-I'll sweep the floor, hyung. You can.. Um.." Jungkook hold the broom tightly as he look around nervously. "I'll do something, Jungkook. Don't worry." Taehyung coldly said. Jungkook bit his bottom lip feeling a stab on his chest. Of course, he wouldn't call him Kookie anymore.

"Why did you suddenly decided to end it, Jungkook?" Taehyung blurted. He was wiping the table. Jungkook flinched. "If Taeguk didn't disappear, would everything still be the same? Will we be still married? Or maybe the marriage was a bit too fast? Is it my fault?" Taehyung kept his head down. His heart aches as he voices out what he had been wanting to say to Jungkook.

"Did you come to not love me anymore? Was I not attractive anymore? Am I too disgusting to be with? Does it hurt you to be with me and endure all the problems and solve them with me? Do you hate me? Do you think I'm not the same as before? Do-"

Jungkook rushed to the older and kissed him. "Never have I ever thought of any of that, Taehyung! I always love you! I never stopped loving you! And even now I still love you the most!" Jungkook bit his bottom lip and caress Taehyung's cheeks.

"It's.. Me.. I thought that you really love Taeguk and a day will come when you get tired of me and all those insecurities shit.. I know you love me but I can't help but think of that.. I love you so so much that I feel like every single part of me will break if you leave me.. "

"So I went ahead and did it.. I asked you to divorce me because I don't you get tired of me and a day will come where it will be you who ends it.. Because if that happened I feel like I will die.. No.. I feel like I need to die.." Jungkook sobbed and stared at Taehyung's eyes.

" You.. are the best thing that ever happened to me and you don't know how much I love you. I'm sorry.. Because I'm insensitive and stupid. I love you so much, Taehyung.. Please.."

"Please come back to me.."

Jungkook hugged Taehyung tightly as if he would disappear the moment he lets go.. He whispered the same thing over and over again to the older who's also a mess right now. He pulled away from Jungkook and cupped his face.

"Do you think we have the space and time we needed before?" Taehyung asked. Jungkook whispered a small yes and nodded his head a bit.

"Do you think you're ready, Jungkook? That even if we messed up again.. Even if we fucked up again.. Even if we separate again.. Will you still come back to me and tell me you love me? Because Jungkook, I don't think that even if a hundred years has passed from the day I die and got reincarnated I will still love you.." Taehyung pressed their foreheads together.

"I love you so much, Jungkook.. Even if you push me away a million times I will still love you.. Even if you hurt me, I will still forgive you.. Even if you leave me, I will still look for you and stay with you. And even if you got tired of me.. I will forever tell you how much I love you and how much beautiful you are. And how much you mean to me. And.. How much I need you.. "

Jungkook cried harder than he already is." I love you too.. I love you so much! I won't ever get tired of you. I won't ever leave you again! I suffered all those years without you! I'm sorry I hurt you.. I'm sorry, Taehyung!" Jungkook cried.

"Hush, baby.. Everything will be alright.. I forgive you.."



Love lotsss!! Xx!!

Thank you guys for the 1.34k reads?! Wahhhh!!! Thank you guys so so much!! And 129 votes!! And the comments!! Thank you guyssssss!!

And I feel so stupid 😂😂

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