Day 31

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"Jeon Jungkook! What on earth are you thinking?!" Jimin yelled at the younger after learning that he divorced Taehyung a year ago after their child went missing. "You are so freaking stupid! Why would you do that?! Do you think Tae is not hurt at all?! You just made it even more worse for him! He just! Argh! I don't know what to do with you!"

Jungkook lowered his head as Jimin pushes his hair back a hundred times. "You. Have. To. Get. Him. Back! You hear me?! That's not a request, but an order. Jungkook, I'm serious. This is not his fault. Try all your best to get him back." Jungkook stared at Jimin, nearly crying.

"What if he doesn't want me back?" Jungkook cried. "Kook, this is Taehyung we're talking about. The guy who proposes to you the moment you told him you love him. I'm sure he would take you back. It might take time though. You hurt him, after all."

Jimin smiled at him and pats his shoulder. "But trust me, he still loves you." The younger cried and hugs his hyung. "But you better act fast, Jungkook." Jimin warned. "Why?" Jimin only smiled and shook his head.

"Taehyung can fall in love with someone else." They both let go and Jimin opens his phone. "We, me and Yoongi, were curious on where Tae has been going ever since he came back here. And we followed him.."

Jimin opens his gallery and show a photo to Jungkook. "He's been hanging at an orphanage. And this guy.. Seems to be getting close with him. I'm not sure, Kookie. But don't say I didn't warn you."

Jungkook frowned and tried to read the name of the orphanage in the picture. 'what is he doing in an orphanage?'

"You're here again." Yohan sighed and sweep the floor. "Haha, expect me to visit almost everyday, Yohanie." Taehyung chuckled. "Wha?! Don't call me that!" Yohan glares at him and point his broom at the older. "You didn't like Yo, you don't like Yohanie.. What do you want?"

"Yohan! Yo. Han. Okay?!" Yohan hissed and angrily sweeps the dirt of the floor. "Okay, okay chill. Is he awake?" Taehyung asked. The younger shook his head. "They fed him awhile ago so he fell asleep. He'll probably wake up in a minute or two."

Taehyung nodded his head and hummed. "Taeguk.. Was kidnapped from us when he was only months old..." Taehyung muttered sitting on the bench near the younger. Yohan flinched and stopped.

"Eh?" He breathed out. "My partner.. Divorced me because I'm an irresponsible shit who knows nothing and can't even take care of their own child..." Taehyung leaned on the bench and closed his eyes. "Why am I ranting about this?" He mumbled.

Yohan quietly sat down beside them. "I don't think you're shitty as you think you are.. I mean.. You probably have issues and stuff.. It's her fault she didn't bother to know what you think.. I think you are an amazing person who won't give up.. And you know.. The fact that your son is here.. Your wife probably doesn't even look for him-"

"Yohan! The kid woke up!" A guy yelled. Yohan stood up and grabbed Taehyung's hand. "Let's go?" He smiled. Taehyung could only chuckle at the boy.


OH MY GOD!!!! 1.12k?! Thank you so much and it's only been a week? I dunno can't remember when I last updated. Anyways!!! Thank you so so much!!


Namjoon's speech was so good at the UN...


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