Chapter 6

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I didn't let anything else bother me last night.

I went back into the party with my head up high. It continued to stay low-key, just like I wanted. I played pool, even though I sucked. I played some video games, which surprisingly, I was good at and thoroughly enjoyed. I need to play more often It was more just friends hanging out than an actual party, but it's exactly what I wanted. Chase had tried his hardest to make it just a bit louder. He kept asking if we could invite more people and get more alcohol, but Mason shut him down. I overheard Mason tell Chase with gritted teeth, "I'm doing this for Lauren." He seemed a bit mad when he told him that. Not at me, but at Chase, like he wasn't getting the point. Chase must've finally got it after that because he stopped trying.

Kayla is sprawled out on the air mattress next to my bed. She got her wish last night. Alex kissed her. I got to remember to thank Mason for helping.

I smell the bacon and coffee as I walk down the stairs. My mom's sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee in her hand, doing the crosswords, and my dad is next to her, reading the sports page. "Morning sweetheart. Have a good night?"

"Yes I did." My mom smiles, as I grab some coffee and bacon. She was there for me after Tanner. Let's just say, I didn't come home quietly. Anything that was Tanner's or reminded me of him that I found in my room, I either tore or threw at the wall. Or I did both. At first, Kayla tried to stop me, knowing my parents would probably get mad. But at that moment, I really didn't care. She then let me have at it, knowing I needed to get the anger out, just hanging by my bedroom door. My dad first came from their bedroom, yelling my full name, completely mad. Then, he saw the state I was in and his demeanor completely changed. He knew something was wrong. He went and got my mom. I'm guessing Kayla told her what happened, because next thing I know, while I'm in the middle of ripping a picture of Tanner and I at a pool party over summer, her arms are around me. She gave me the biggest motherly hug. That's when I broke. I thought I cried a lot outside Chase's house and on the way home, but I was wrong. I literally cried myself dry in my mom's arms.

I decide to grab a blueberry muffin as well. I'm starving. The doorbell rings right as I'm about to sit down. "Can you get that, Lauren?" my dad asks. I sigh. I'm frickin' hungry. When I open the door, I'm surprised to see Mason. "Oh, hey Mase."

I notice him looking down at my chest before his eyes quickly meet mine. I realize I'm wearing that 'Taking Naps & Checking Apps' muscle tee that shows major side boob. Dammit Lauren. Should've grabbed a random jacket before answering the door. His eyes meet mine and he quickly smiles to try to hide that he was checking my boobs out. I cross my arms in embarrassment. "Uh, I was wondering if you wanted to go to Clark's for breakfast. My treat," he says, blushing a bit as he knew I caught him checking me out.

"Thanks. Kayla's still here though."

"Oh." A look of disappointment crosses his face. "She can come too," he quickly says.

"Give us 30 or so minutes? I got to wake her up. I swear she's on cloud nine about Alex. Thanks for that."

He chuckles and nods. "Yeah, they're good. Anything for you though Laur."

I tried to drag Kayla out of bed, but it was literally useless. She mumbled something about not falling asleep until 5am. I'm betting she was texting all night, even after I fell asleep around 1:45am because I swore I heard dings in my sleep. It had to be her texting Alex. I gave up on trying to get her to come, even offering to pay. I put on some cropped leggings and the Rams shirt Mason got me. I mean, they are playing today. Might as well support my team. I slip on sneakers and braid my hair and head out, telling my parents Kayla is still asleep in my room as I head out the door.

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