Chapter 22

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I can't get that damn look from Mason out of my head.

Mason went back in the game and began to play like he usually does. Throwing great passes. Being the team leader. Kentwood ended up winning and is now going to the state finals. I didn't go to Clark's after the game. I heard it was a huge celebration from Kayla. Everyone was excited that the team was going to state finals. She did mention that while Mason was acting happy, he seemed like he wasn't really, like something was missing. Dammit Kayla, not helping. I can't get the twinkle in his eyes when our eyes locked at the game out of my head. And now she's saying stuff like that.

I'm in the middle of doing homework, trying to distract myself from my thoughts of Mason, pretty horribly if you say so, when my phone begins to ring. I look at the number and am completely surprised, but I still answer anyways. "Hello?"

"Lauren, this is Mr. Hayes." Yes, Mr. Hayes, I knew it was you. I do still have your number in my phone. "I wouldn't be calling if I really didn't need some help."

"What do you need?" I ask.

"Something has come up at work. I need someone to watch Vicky. Tanner should be back from work by 9:30. 10 at the latest if I'm not back by then. You can bring your homework too. That's fine. I really wouldn't ask if I wasn't desperate, Lauren. I can't find anyone else," I can hear the desperation and stress in his voice. Tanner's dad has always been so nice to me and I know he wouldn't be asking if he really didn't have any help. Tanner's dad is a single father. Tanner and Vicky's mom left when Vicky was maybe two years old. Since then, it's just been him. He's a lawyer and is really able to provide for them. But sometimes, he needs help. Tonight, I can tell he really needs help. Something must've come up in a case.

"I'll be over in about fifteen minutes," I tell him before saying goodbyes and hanging up. I grab my backpack and stuff my laptop and whatever papers and books I need to do homework and head over to Tanner's house.

I haven't been to Tanner's since we broke up. I think the last time I came here was maybe a few days before the blow up at Chase's party. We worked on a history project together I think. Or maybe SAT prep questions. Or maybe we just hung out and watched a movie or something. I can't remember. Is that weird? Maybe because I didn't think at that time the last time would be the last that is why I don't remember.

"Vicky needs to do a math worksheet for homework. You can put something on TV if you want so you can work on homework. I won't mind. There's money on the counter for pizza. She needs to be in bed by 8:15," Mr. Hayes tells me.

"Okay, sounds good."

"Thanks again, Lauren. Tanner couldn't get off and I couldn't find any other person," he says. I can still hear the stress in his voice.

"Really, Mr. Hayes. It's no problem," I give him a reassuring smile. He hands me some money. A lot more than needed. It's almost a hundred bucks. "Oh, Mr. Hayes, this is too much."

He shakes his head and waves his hand, "Lauren, you saved me tonight. You deserve it." He quickly heads out the door before I can say anything else.

Vicky excitedly runs over to me giving me a huge hug. I swear I'm going to have bruises after this huge. "Lauren, I've missed you!!!" she says excitedly.

I get down closer to her level. She's grown a lot since I've seen her last. Well, hung out with her I mean. I saw her at Clark's from afar, but that's it since the breakup. "I've missed you too, Vicky." I mean it. Tanner would get so annoyed with Vicky. She'd barge in and just talk to us. I never minded. To me, it just seemed like she needed a girl in her life. She was always asking me things about little girl stuff and said she didn't know how to ask Tanner or her dad. That was the one thing that really hit me after my breakup with Tanner. I wouldn't be in her life anymore. I wanted to, but I didn't know how. I always tried to reassure her that her dad especially would help with anything she needed to know. But I knew she wished she had a motherly figure in her life.

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