Chapter 29

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The Kentwood Tigers won the state championship.

After I saw Mason look my way in joy and I got my screaming out from cheering so much, I had to run straight to the bathroom and throw up. I'm still feeling like crap, but I don't feel completely sick anymore.

We stayed for the championship ceremony. Mason won MVP. He deserved it one hundred and ten percent. Afterwards, it was decided that everyone would meet the team back at the school to welcome them back.

Kayla, Bailey, and I quickly tried to bail out so we could get a good spot in the parking lot. Heck, just even a spot. We knew that there probably wouldn't be many spots, if any at all. We followed Tanner and his friends in their car back up the interstate to get back to Kentwood. We were hoping that somehow, following each other, we'd be able to get back quick and find spots.

"So you ready to go make out with Mason?" Bailey asks in the car randomly.

Good thing Kayla is the one driving and not me, because I completely turn my head around to look at Bailey in the backseat, jaw opened wide. If I was driving, we probably would have crashed. Kayla is laughing in the drivers seat. I glare between the two of them. "Who the heck said we'd be making out? I don't even know how he actually feels! All I know is he read the stupid letter." I turn back around and rest my head on the headrest. "Why did I write a stupid letter?"

"It wasn't stupid," Kayla says, glancing over at me quickly. "But, I think Bailey's right. He kept looking up at the stands near us the whole time."

"Plus, I don't think he would have texted you if he didn't feel the same way," Bailey adds.

"I hope so," I say quietly. I really do hope he does feel the same way.


I fell asleep in the car on the way back, still not feeling too good. It took longer to get back to Kentwood. Saturday evening traffic is just as bad as Saturday morning traffic in Los Angeles. Plus, I bet every single person in Kentwood is heading towards the high school, so it's definitely crowded as we get within five miles of Kentwood.

I feel myself being shaken awake. "Lauren, come on, we're here." I hear a voice. I think its Kayla. I rub my eyes to wake myself up. Thank goodness I decided not to wear any makeup because I probably would have just smeared it all over. I open the sun visor to make sure I didn't just smear the paint. Thankfully, I didn't.

I get out of the car and the parking lot is packed already. I look around and see Tanner at his car with friends and give him a small wave from afar. He waves back. I wonder how the heck we even got a spot.

Everyone is anxiously waiting for the team to arrive. People are chatting as we wait. A few people come by and say hey to us. Suddenly, someone yells in a megaphone, "Buses are coming!" How in the world did someone get ahold of a megaphone?

The cheering begins. It gets louder and louder as the team arrives. When the buses pull up, the cheerleaders come out of their bus and station themselves around the football team's bus, making sure to cheer them on right when they get off.

First, the head coach comes out, trophy in hand. The cheering is going crazy at this point. I wonder if I'll even have my hearing after that, it's that loud. The team soon trickles down one by one. Chase and Alex come down soon. And I know who is right behind them.

I didn't think the cheering could get any louder, but it does right when Mason is spotted getting off the bus. The parking lot is chanting, "Mason! Mason! Mason!" He's smiling, waving at everyone. Saying thanks to people patting him on his back. But he's scanning the crowd.

Suddenly, our eyes lock. His green eyes are piercing my blue, boring into me. The smile on his face grows bigger. It's the first genuine smile I've seen reach his eyes in a long time. He starts making his way over to me, starting to ignore the people congratulating him and patting his back. He is still saying thank you, but he's not looking at them. His gaze doesn't leave mine.

As he approaches, Kayla and Bailey move to the side. I know how they are looking right now. Excitement is probably written all over their faces. I can feel my cheeks burning red. But I don't dare to look away from Mason.

He drops his bag when he gets to me. "I love you too, Lauren Catherine Jacobs," he says before wrapping his arms around my waist, leaning in for a kiss. I immediately wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him into me and kissing him back.

I have no clue why it took so long to figure out what was right in front of me.

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