Chapter 28

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We just got to the stadium. The championship game is at USC. I'm surprised we made it in the time we did since LA traffic on Saturdays is just as bad as the weekday. Kayla, Bailey, and I drove down together. I haven't heard from Mason, so I'm not sure if he's read the letter yet.

"Hey Bailey, do you have more paint?" I had drawn a paw print on one cheek for the Tigers, but left the other blank. I know what I want to put on it now. She hands me some black paint. I pull down the sun visor and write the number 12 on my cheek. It's Mason's number. Kayla and Bailey smile at me with amusing faces. "Shut up," I tell the two of them, but I do it with a smile. I'm proud of Mason and even if I'm not his right now, I'm still going to wear his number.

"Hey Lauren! We got some spots down here," I hear as we're looking for seats in the stands. I look and see its Tanner with a couple friends. It looks like there are three more spots, just enough for Kayla, Bailey, and I. The three of us walk down towards Tanner. It's near the bottom of the stands, close to the field. I have no clue how the heck he got such good seats.

"Thanks," I tell him as we take our spots.

"Told him, huh?" I look at him confused. How the heck does he know? He points to my cheek with Mason's number on it.

"Oh. Yeah. I guess."


I shrug. "I'm not sure yet. I wrote it in a stupid letter. I have no clue if he's read it yet."

"Seriously Lauren? You can punch me in the face in front of a whole party but not tell a guy you have feelings for him to his face?"

"Shut up," I say, blushing and looking away awkwardly. He's right. I did punch him in the face, but I'm also thinking the liquid courage gave me a lot of help to punch Tanner. Plus, I was angry. This is different. I wasn't scared of rejection then. I am now.

I look around the stadium. I've been to a couple USC games. Since my dad played here, we can get some good tickets sometimes. I always forget how big this stadium is though. Just from the stands, it's huge and I'm sitting near the front. I can only wonder how it feels to be on the field, looking up at the stands. I wonder how Mason will feel while he's playing on the field.

I'm still not feeling a hundred percent, but I'm not going to leave. I want to watch Mason. I got plenty of water with me to hopefully keep my hydrated. I keep wondering if Mason read the letter. I know I told him he could read it after the game, but part of me hoped he'd read it before. I hear a ding on my phone and see it's a message. From Mason.

Mason: I read your letter...can we talk after we get back from the game?

Oh God. He read the letter. I can't tell what he feels by this text, but I instantly reply saying yes. Suddenly, I'm extremely nervous. What if he doesn't feel the same way? Kayla and Bailey can tell something is up and ask me what's wrong. I show them Mason's text. They squeal in excitement. But I can't but wonder, what if he doesn't feel the same way?

Both teams are on the fields soon. I spot Mason immediately on the sidelines. He's joking around with Alex. He seems happy and I can't help but smile. I spot Chase talking with someone else on the defense. John's nearby him. He's dressed in his uniform today. A look of disgust crosses my face when I see him. I still can't believe what he did. Soon, Mason is going on the field with the other captains for the coin toss. John used to be a captain, but I guess he's not now because he's not with the rest.

And in minutes, Kentwood is kicking off. The defense is doing well already. I spot John on the field. I guess he must be well enough to play. I still can't believe he went bragging about taking my virginity. I thought he was a good guy. Everyone loved him because he was so nice. Guess I was wrong.

The defense stops the other team within a few plays. Soon, Mason is on the field. I can't help but cheer my lungs out the second he steps on the field. He looks up at the stands. Scanning. And then, even with his helmet, sun probably glaring in his face, it looks like he's spot what he's looking for. He's looking in the area I am in. Is he looking at me?

Mason does well. While he didn't score a touchdown on the first drive, Kentwood got a field goal. But he's doing pretty well. The other team's defense is really good though.

This game is exciting to say the least. It's tied 17-17. Every time Mason comes on the field, I feel my stomach flip. Just looking at him now is giving me all these feelings. I keep getting these disgusting glances from Lydia, who's cheering on the sidelines. I wonder if she can see the number painted on my cheek.

Being in the sun is starting to take an affect on me. I know I'm nowhere near a hundred percent. I hadn't thrown up since Thursday afternoon, but right now, I'm feeling like I might any minute. I don't think I should have had that waffles and sausage for breakfast. Maybe it's also due to nerves of what Mason is going to say. I sit down in my seat. I'm glad we're in the front because I can actually see everything still.

"You okay, Lauren?" Kayla asks me as she sits down next to me. I nod and take a sip of water. But I know I don't look okay. I'm feeling hot and flushed. I spot Mason on the sideline. Defense is on the field right now. He's going over plays with one of the coaches when he spots me. I can see a look of concern cross his face. I can see him contemplating on coming over here, but I quickly wave him off. There's less than two minutes left in the game. And even if they do go to overtime, I'll have time to go throw up before it starts.

The other team is at 4th and 1 at the Kentwood 20-yard line. They're going for it. I cross my fingers. Please. Please. Please stop them here. The quarterback passes off to their running back. He's going. Oh no. No. No. No. Wait. Someone, I think John tackles him. But before he hits the ground, the ball is out. I see Kentwood number 29 with the ball. That's Chase! I keep back on my feet, despite feeling like I'm going to puke and yell at Chase to keep running. He's tackled around the 50-yard line.

Mason's back on the field with the offense. At this point, he has just around a minute to try to win the game. I swear right now, my stomach has to be nerves and not the stomach bug right now. Winning states has been Mason's dream. I'm nervous for him. But looking at him on the field, he seems anything but nervous. He just seems so relaxed. I can see him joking with some of the players in the huddle. It's the Mason I know and love. Not the cocky one he's been putting out there lately, which I'm sure is him due to being mad at me. It's the humble, down to earth one who just loves the game.

First down, they only get a couple yards. They get stuck on second down and only get one more yard on third down. It's down to this fourth down. Mason needs to either throw a Hail Mary or throw it far enough down the field so the receiver can get out of bounds quick enough so the team can try to a field goal.

I lean on Kayla and cross my fingers. I'm definitely not feeling any better and truly need to lean on her for support. I already know what Mason is going to do before he even gets to the huddle. And I hope to God it works.

Mason does a hard count. I know it. That's what Mason does to try and distract the defense. He goes back. Looking for a receiver. I look exactly where he is looking-Alex. Alex is his best shot right now. Someone for the defense is coming right towards Mason. Mason chucks the ball as hard and far as he can before he gets tackled to the ground. The ball is flying through the air. I can tell Kayla is just as anxious as me.

Oh my God. Alex catches it in the end zone with just one second left. I jump up in complete excitement, cheering my head off. Kentwood just won the state championship. All thanks to Mason's Hail Mary.

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