Chapter 10

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My date with John was good. Scratch that, it was great.

I've never spent one-on-one time with John. He was an actual gentleman. When he picked me up, he held open the car door for me before getting in and held open every door for me that we went through. He paid for my ticket to the movie and insisted on paying for snacks too, even though movie theater snacks can be really expensive. I told him he didn't have to, but he said he insisted on paying.

He didn't try to make any big moves. There's always that couple that goes to the movie theater to just make out, which always annoys me. Tanner tried to do that. I paid to go to the movie and see it. If I wanted to make out during a movie, I'd do it at home. John seemed like that too. Maybe halfway through the movie, he draped his arm over my shoulder. That was honestly his biggest move of the night.

Afterwards, we went to a local ice cream parlor. He tried to pay for me, again, but I insisted to let me pay. He finally budged, but only let me pay for my own ice cream, not his, even though I tried to. We sat for the longest time, talking and eating ice cream, I of course got cookies 'n cream. I learned a lot about him in the process. He has two older brothers, one of which plays football too. He said he was the one who pushed him to try. He had many offers to play football all around the country, but he chose the University of Oklahoma because that's where his brother is playing. He said it could be the last time they could play on the same team together because his brother doesn't plan on going to the NFL. When I asked if he would, he said it depends how it goes and if it happens, it happens. If not, it doesn't. He truly talks about the game like it's a hobby rather than a living, kind of like Mason. John doesn't seem to let the game to his head, which is nice. He isn't one of those cocky jock assholes who only cares about that football and getting laid.

John's a Chargers fan. He used to always take a trip down to San Diego once a season to watch them play. Now, since they're in LA and it's like an hour and a half away on a good traffic day (which is rare to be honest), he's gone to more games than he used to. I shocked him when I began to talk about how much I love the Rams. I was talking about the team like it was a passion, giving all these stats about their season and past seasons, the history of the team, and who I think they need to get rid of and pick up in the offseason. He told me he knew I liked football, but not on that level. I just shrugged nonchalantly.

We continue to talk about ourselves until they kicked us out at 11pm. It was so easygoing. I never felt an awkward moment where I didn't know what to say and from what I could tell, I don't think he did either. He took me home and even walked me to the front door. He didn't kiss me goodnight. At first, I was a bit disappointed and it definitely showed on my face, but then he said he doesn't like to kiss on the first date. I couldn't help but smile at that. He was being a true gentleman.

When I got home, I immediately called Kayla to fill her in. I had to tell someone. It just went so well. Everything was easygoing. Nothing felt forced. I think I could actually like him. Actually, scratch that, I think I already do like him.

I text Mason the next morning to see if he wants to go to Clark's for breakfast. After how much fun we had a couple weeks ago alone together, it'd be nice to do it again. He didn't answer me. I just assumed he was busy. I then texted John all day instead. We texted and texted all day. It distracted me from homework.. He asked if we could maybe go out again. I instantly texted back yes, not even trying to hide my excitement.


I came in late Monday morning because I had a dentist appointment. After quickly stopping at my lockers, I headed off to English.

After giving my late pass to my English teacher Mrs. McKinney, I took my normal seat next to Mason. We're supposed to be reading our books, so I took out my book and began reading.

I felt like I was being watched. At first, I thought it was Mrs. McKinney. I swore I was reading and not doing other homework like other kids were. She absolutely hated when they did that. She knew they weren't being as sneaky as they thought and would call kids out on it.

I finally look over and see its Mason. His face looks angry. His jaw is tense. Eyebrows furrowed. When I knew Mrs. McKinney wasn't paying attention, I whispered, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," he snapped. He then went back to reading the book, ignoring me the rest of class. I even was going to walk out with him like usual, but he didn't wait for me. He put his stuff in his bag as quick as he could and took off.

I had to finish my history homework during lunch. I kept getting distracted texting John while I was working on it that I never finished. I texted Kayla, letting her know I'd be in the library for lunch today instead. I can't work on it in the cafeteria with everyone. It's always too loud.

After lunch, I had Earth Science with Kayla and Mason. I sat at our usual lab table with Kayla. Mason came in right as the bell rang. I could see he was looking around for an empty seat at another table, but there weren't any. He grudgingly came and sat at our table. I wonder what made him so mad. He seemed fine on Friday. We texted some when I was babysitting on Saturday and he was acting normal then. Maybe he got in a fight with his brother. When they got in fights, it always got bad. Maybe he got yelled at by his coach, although I don't think he would because he played great on Friday. I made sure to remember to try and ask him what's wrong when we're alone.

After my last class of the day, I was at my locker, getting any books I needed to do for homework. I was waiting for Kayla also, who was probably making out with Alex somewhere before he had to go off to practice.

"Hey," I hear a voice behind me. I know its John. I can't help but smile at him. I hadn't seen him all day since at lunch I was in the library. I'm feeling giddy seeing him here.


"I was just wondering if maybe Wednesday you'd want to go to dinner? After I have practice. Like 6 or so? If you're free of course."

"Well lucky you, I am free," I say with a big smile on my face.

He smiles, "Great. See ya." He gently brushes his hand against my arm before he walks away, heading off to practice.

I can't wash the smile off my face. Kayla notices when she comes, because she makes a comment. "Who's got you smiling all like that?"

"Nothing," I lie, still smiling.

"Uh huh, sure," she jokes. Kayla is the only person I've really talked about my feelings for John. Feelings grew for him after our date. We've texted pretty much nonstop and now I can't get him off my mind. I think I really like this guy.

"Can we do the Earth Science homework together? I couldn't pay attention in class. I need serious help," she says.

"Oh what's on your mind?" I joke, knowing Alex is always on her mind like John is now on mine.

She lays her head on a nearby locker and looks up like she's daydreaming. "He's just so great, Lauren. He's sweeter than I thought. Funnier. Alex is just amazing." She then looks at me, "Thanks by the way. I know you somehow had your hand in it. I really was fawning hard wasn't I?

"Oh yeah. It was pretty obvious." I spot Mason at his locker by himself, remembering I wanted to talk with him. "Hey, I'll be right back." I tell Kayla before going over to Mason.

He notices my presence, looking at me before getting stuff out of his locker without a word. "Hey Mase." He doesn't answer. Damn, that must've been a bad fight he had with his brother. "Everything alright?"

He slams his locker shut, causing me to jump. "Yep," he says, flatly before walking away. I grab his arm quickly before he can get away too fast. I look at him and see hurt and anger in his face. He looks a lot like he did when Lydia broke his heart. But it looks worse. A lot worse.

"What's wrong?" I ask, quietly.

"I told you, everything's fine," he snaps. "I'm going to be late for practice." He turns and walks away quickly before I can say anything else.

I stand in wonder. Did I do something wrong?

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