Chapter 21

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I couldn't stop thinking about what Kayla and Bailey said the rest of the day.

I was still annoyed with the two of them. But could they be right? No. They couldn't. Mason and I are just friends. Best friends. I mean, we werebest friends. Now, we're just next-door neighbors.

Whenever I saw Mason on Friday, he had his jaw clenched in anger. But he looked so hurt and it kept making me wonder, were Kayla and Bailey right? Did he get mad at me because I started dating John? Did he get mad at that because he liked me? Did I hurt him?

Friday night and all day Saturday, it's all I thought about. Mason. Mason and me. Why he got mad. I came to the conclusion that Kayla and Bailey were wrong and he's just being a jackass. He started playing extremely well and the game got to his head and he became an asshole.

But then I thought about how he acted this week. Specifically, Friday. He wasn't acting like that cocky, arrogant jock. But that also could have been because I went off on him in the hallway in front of everyone and embarrassed him. Yeah, that's why he wasn't like that. Because I went off on him in the hallway and he probably was pissed he got embarrassed.

I actually debated not going to the football game today. I was still torn and thinking about what Kayla and Bailey said about Mason. I also didn't want any chance of seeing Lydia. Or John. Even though John would be on the sidelines or field. This week has just been complete hell and confusing as anything.

I do go to the game though, but I don't sit in the bleachers with the rest of the students. I actually decide to just stand around the fence near the edge of the field by the entrance. Alone. I don't want to be around many of my classmates right now. They probably think I'm psycho for my blowouts on Mason and Lydia, a slut because I had sex with John, or an emotional wreck because I cried in the middle of the cafeteria. Kayla and Bailey did offer to hang with me after they texted me and asked where I was. I told them to not worry, that I'm still going to try to enjoy the game. I don't give them my location. I want to enjoy it alone.

I spot John on the sidelines. He's not dressed for the game. He's in sweats and a Kentwood football shirt. And holy shit, Kayla was right. Mason did pulverize him. I didn't see him at all on Friday because I avoided wherever I knew he'd be, so I didn't know what to expect. But damn. Both eyes are bruised and swollen. Nose is a bit swollen. He's got a cut lip. His left cheek has a cut or two on it I think. It literally doesn't look anything like the handsome John I once knew.

I spot Mason. He's sitting on the bench, looking at a playbook. Apparently, he didn't get benched, coach decided to give him a pass. Kayla texted me this morning and said Alex told her. How the heck did he not get benched, I have no clue. Especially after seeing John, I'm surprised he didn't get suspended or kicked off the team.

Mason's hair is particularly messy. I can see the sweat in it, but it doesn't look like he even brushed it today. He looks tired. Really tired. Like he didn't sleep last night. Mason, you have to sleep before a game. He's now stretching out his throwing hand. Opening and closing it. I can see him wince in pain while he does it. I knew he did some damage by beating up John.

The game is particularly close. Actually, really close. Defense is doing good, even without John. The other team only scored one touchdown. Offense is another story. Usually, they dominate. Mason throws multiple touchdowns a game. Maybe even run for one. But they've only scored one touchdown and it's because of their running back. Mason has thrown horrible passes. Missed many. Overthrown. Underthrown. Even threw two interceptions. He's almost fumbled a couple times as well. Thankfully, he has a strong offensive line that can get on top of the ball quick if he does drop it.

And another interception. Mason is angry with himself. I can tell before he even gets to the sideline. His coach yells something at him. Mason takes off his helmet and throws it down to the ground in anger. He walks down the sideline, towards me. His fists are clenched so hard his knuckles are white. Eyebrows furrowed. Jaw is tense as anything. I've rarely seen Mason this mad.

One time, when Mason and I were in eighth grade and Adam was a sophomore, they got into a huge fight. And I mean huge. It was over something stupid too, but I never told either of them that. Adam had thought Mason found his stash and took it. Now, Mason may drink at a party now that we're in high school, but he's never smoked pot. Not once. Adam was seriously pissed and went off on Mason, accusing him and then insulted him. Making him feel little. All over some pot. Mason stormed out of his house and came to mine. That was the first time I really ever saw Mason truly angry. He looked a lot like he does now. His jaw was tense, fists so white from clenching them, and complete anger took over his face. I really had to convince him not to go back home to fight Adam. He was all ready to throw punches. Little did either of them know then that it was their mom who found the pot and took it. She was going to talk to Adam later that day about it, asking how he got it and all that, but she didn't tell him before Adam could accuse Mason. They didn't speak to each other for at least a month after that fight.

Mason is stops dead where he is. Our eyes completely lock. His green eyes are piercing my blue. I can see the anger slowly leave his eyes. He almost is looking surprised to see me, like he thought I wasn't here. I give him a small smile and wave and his face softens. Suddenly, I'm seeing the twinkle in his eyes that I used to see. The twinkle I especially saw at homecoming.

Oh God. Kayla and Bailey were right I think.

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