Chapter 15

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At the beginning of the summer, I had gotten an urgent call from my dad. They went on a long weekend to Portland. My dad had a business trip there and they decided to take advantage of it and explore the city. I got invited, but I really didn't want to leave Tanner. I wish I were in Portland when my dad told me what happened.

They had gotten into a car accident. I immediately began to freak out, asking if they were okay. He said all he had was a concussion and some scrapes and bruises. When I asked about my mom, he got silent. My dad told me she was in surgery. I broke down. I was ready to get in my car and drive all the way to Portland. He obviously read my mind because he told me to stay. I argued and argued, literally saying if something went wrong, I had to be there. He tried to assure me nothing would happen. I kept on arguing though. He told me if it went downhill, he'd book the next flight up there for me. I budged finally and agreed to stay.

I was with Tanner at the time. You would've thought I would have called him immediately. But I didn't. I called Mason. When he answered, I literally choked a sob. I didn't have to say anything else. He told me he'd be there right away.

He came in without knocking or ringing the doorbell. I was in my room, crying my eyes out. The second he saw me, I swore I thought he could feel my pain. He looked so hurt seeing me hurt. He got in my bed with me and literally wrapped me in his arms. I cried in his chest for who knows how long. I didn't know if my mom would be okay. I was trying to remember what I last said to her before she left. I couldn't remember if I said I loved her.

"My mom," I croaked out.

"I know, Laur," he said quietly. His mom must've told him. I bet my dad called her and told her to keep an eye on me.

I finally calmed down after awhile. Mason stayed over that night. He ordered us a pizza and we hung out on the couch, watching movies. I know he was trying to distract me as well as he could, but I couldn't help but think of my mom. He knew it, too.

"We can get on a plane within the next couple hours," he told me, even though it was the middle of the night.

I looked at him, completely shocked. "What? No. I don't have money for plane tickets. Neither do you. Plus, my dad said not to go to Portland."

"I'll pay. I don't care. I'll go into savings."

I shook my head at him. "No, we can't," I say quietly. This doesn't stop him. He was already looking at flights on his phone, trying to find the soonest and cheapest he can. Suddenly, my phone rang. It's my dad. I eagerly answered. He said my mom would be okay. The crash caused some internal bleeding, but she's out of the woods. I was relieved. I asked again if I should come up there. He again said I shouldn't, saying when she gets released, they would head back down. He said it could take longer because they'll drive, but they would be back soon. He then handed the phone to my mom so I could talk to her. Hearing her voice, I almost cried. I thought I almost lost my mom. I would call her at least twice a day and FaceTimed her until she got home.

Even though my mom was out of the woods, Mason didn't leave. He stayed that night in the spare bedroom. He actually stayed every night until my parents came home. I told Mason he didn't have to. I could stay alone or if I needed to, I'd go to Kayla or Bailey's or even his house. I knew his parents would take me in in a heartbeat. He said nope. Told me he knew I'd want to be in my own bed, that I'd feel most comfortable there. He was right. I did want to be in my own bed. But he still didn't have to stay. I couldn't convince him otherwise. He stayed every night, which Tanner wasn't totally pleased about. But Mason was my best friend and I wanted him by my side if I needed him.


"Maybe I could come over," John suggests over the phone in a somewhat seductive voice. I saw him after school. We hung out (well really made out) until he absolutely had to go to practice without being late. My parents aren't home still and I can tell he's itching for more.

"Hm maybe," I'm smirking even though he can't see it. "When can you come?"

I hear a text come through my phone, but I ignore it. I keep on talking to John, a little more seductively than I probably should be. But God, he's just gives me all these feelings. I want to touch him. Kiss him. I need him.

Texts keep coming through my phone, really starting to get in the way. I put John on speaker to check them. Kayla has sent me about seven texts in a row. When I read them, I can tell she's frantic. She said she needs help with Alex and has no clue what to do. She's freaking out. I tell John quickly, I got to go, cutting off wherever our phone call was heading to. I immediately call Kayla. "What's wrong?" I say the second she picks up, not even letting her say hello.

"I have no clue what happened Lauren. We were hanging out. He got a call from his mom I think and began freaking out. Crying and throwing some things in anger. I have no clue what to do, Lauren. I don't know how to help him," she says softly, choking on the last words. Kayla has always been good at helping people. She's always been there for me. I know she really cares for Alex and wishes she could help him, but doesn't have a clue.

"Where are you?" I ask. I have an idea of what is going on. When she tells me where, I tell her I'll be there as soon as possible and hang up. I need help. I know who I need to call.


I pick up the phone and call him. I know he's ignored me recently, but I'm hoping to God he won't this time. I have a feeling this is about Alex's sister, but I don't want to jump to conclusions. He doesn't answer. I call again. He still ignores me. I look out the window and see his car parked on the street. I guess I'll have to go over there.

I'm calling his phone and I'm ringing the doorbell of his house. I'm hoping he gets the point that it's urgent. As he opens the door, I can see him pressing decline on his phone. Ignoring my call. Again. Thanks, Mason.

"Lauren," he says with a surprised look on his face. I swear his green eyes shine for just a moment before flickering back with annoyance. He quickly shoves his phone in his pocket. "What are you doing here?" he asks, flatly. Getting back into remembering he's angry with me, I see.

"It's Alex." He looks at me with a confused look. I tell him what Kayla had told me. Suddenly, he goes into action. Grabbing his keys and running out the door. For a second, I stand there awkwardly. This is something Mason needs to do. "You coming?" he asks as he gets in his car, waiting for me. I quickly run over and jump into the passenger side and he speeds off.

When we walk into Alex's house, Alex is a wreck. He's on his couch with his face in his hands. I can hear the sobs coming out. Kayla is off to the side. She looks completely worried. I go over to her and give her a reassuring squeeze, keeping my arms around her. I can feel her helplessness feeding off of her. Mason is quickly by Alex's side. He's talking to him, asking what happened. Alex just keeps shaking his head, asking himself how the hell did this happen. Chase soon arrives. Mason must've texted him and told him to come by.

Mason finally gets out of Alex that his sister overdosed and is in the hospital. When he says this, Alex looks over at Kayla with a guilty look and says he's sorry. Kayla is immediately at his side, telling him over and over again that he has nothing to be sorry for and this isn't his fault.

Mason tells Alex he'll bring him to the hospital and stay with him all night if he has to and said not to worry about practice or the game. If he's there, he's there. If not, that's fine. There are more important things that matter. He'd make sure coach was brought to speed.

Mason and Kayla go with Alex to the hospital. Chase brings me home. As we were leaving, Mason tells me thank you. I smile and tell him I knew he'd want to help. Then, we head off in our opposite directions.

Alex didn't come to school Friday. I knew why. I saw Mason in the hall and was going to ask him how Alex's sister was. Kayla gave me an update, but I was hoping to talk to Mason. However, the second he sees me, a sour looks grows on his face and he kisses Lydia, grabbing her ass in the process.

I guess last night didn't change anything between us. Mason is back to ignoring me and being a cocky jerk.

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