Good ole' headcanons

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I have no writings done for today so yeet here are some headcanons

1. N always buys nice scented candles for the house

1 b. He gets upset when Hilda doesn't notice

2. Hau's car is full of malasada wrappers

3. Hau can lift Moon and Lillie like they're nothing

4. Gladion always stays kind of unhealthily skinny but he tries so hard not to be

5. Sun and Lillie accidentally match all the time

6. Moon and Hau match intentionally all the time

7. Rosa eats really healthy and Hilda always tries to get her to cheat on her diet

7 b. "Eat the cake, Rosa" "Hilda no"

8. Moon cries during all the Breath of the Wild cutscenes

8 b. Gladion: Babe??? What's wrong?


Moon: *sobs*

9. Bianca sometimes hides Cheren's contacts cause she thinks he looks cute with his glasses (she also wants to match)

10. Silver can play the guitar and sometimes he just randomly will go through the motions like he's playing even though he has no guitar in his hands

11. Gladion knows how to play piano (as per his mother's command)

12. Lillie knows how to play the violin (as per her mother's command)

13. Hau can play the ukulele (as per watching too much Steven Universe)

14. Hilda can play the flute pretty decently, but she's a bit rusty since she didn't practice for two years

15. N knows how to do the grass whistle thing and he tried to teach the others, but only Hugh picked it up

16. Lyra can sing okay, but she can rap really well and that blows Silver's mind. She can't do like freestyle, but she can memorize the rap parts of songs quicker than the rest of the song

17. Hilda loves horror movies, but N hates them. She still makes him watch them with her, especially when she wants extra cuddles because he'll just cling to her for the entire movie

18. Moon will randomly tell Gladion one thing she loves about him (often one of his insecurities) just for some reassurance


Oof it's kinda weird though

I'll write it

But y'all gotta be good with it being weird

Is that okay

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