you owe me.

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I didn't go out last night after work I just went to the store to get a sub and straight home on the bus. God, I wish had a car. Navi doesn't ride the bus home at least I never see her if she does, I do get off late. I do admit it is nice being alone listening to some Nickelback while I think of my new hair color. Even though I do enjoy the presence of someone who isn't a fling or a face you see at a party every time. I hate that feeling of not really hating her.

Never mind last night because it's morning and of course Ashton is overworking me because of all the times I fucked him over. He's the only person who is getting payback on me or paid back by me. He's my best friend so it's whatever I guess hanging with him in a grungy old shop that barely gets any service is okay. We usually sit and tell stupid stories or talk on dumb shit like politics while we eat cookies.

Getting ready is easy because I have been doing my laundry. So,

Blue jeans
White tank top
A black zip up jacket

I walk to the bus stop like every morning. There she is, like clockwork. I don't say hi first so I just walk up. Not before I silently observe her. She had a green beanie covering her curls, a giant gray hoodie, black leggings, and black vans. She looked comfortable, that's when she is most beautiful. I'm not really one for stupid, dumb, cute shit but any girl I've ever seen looks better when they are comfortable. Not just looks comfortable but you can feel it radiating and it makes everything else comfy. She hadn't noticed me walk up because she had her hands over her face like she was crying but I knew she wasn't. After a few seconds, I had already looked back at my phone choosing songs. She sighed and I felt her gaze.

"Michael..." Her voice was soft and she sounded relieved.
I shot my eyes to her and she smiled, the gesture was returned.
"I need your help with something it's important and I know you work late.... I mean I don't know but I assume, anyway no one else will do this for me, promise you won't say no"
She looked at me with clear plea in her eyes. I chuckled at her
"I can't promise you that because if I don't wanna do it I won't"
She grabbed my jacket lightly
"Michael come on I just need some boxes moved to the basement"
I immediately assumed her house and my brain yelled
No way, you aren't having sex with her, we aren't going to her house, she's a stranger with a name
but my lips didn't follow
"Whatever sure"
She smiled and before I knew it her arms were around me and she hugged me. She pulled right away and her face was lit up and I just wanted to scream at myself.

Bus ride was pretty silent not because I was angry with her or something, I was angry with myself. I just don't get my actions sometimes, why would my brain lie to me? It doesn't, my body and words are just stupid and not in sync. If this was anyone else I would've told her to fuck off immediately. I'm a nuisance to everyone I come across even my three friends. People either wanna kill me, punch me, cuss at me, or fuck me.
I'm not sure what exactly what Navi wants to do to me.

I look back at her as I get off and she just waves and I throw my head up in response. She shots me a smile as I walk into work, it's like she knows I'll turn around to look. I usually don't, I don't make decisions for my body anymore it seems like.

*After Work*

It's dark as I walk out to the bus stop as soon as the bus is coming down. Ashton is so fucking crazy. I'm not a damn cheetah I don't work fast, all I can think of is my fucking pay check. I get on as soon as the door opens.

"Tired huh?" I hear and I raise my head to see Navi sitting there. New attire this time

White shoes with black knee highs
A white skin tight dress
With a unzipped black jacket
Hair in a slick bun to the side

Bus Stop ~ mgc Where stories live. Discover now