ill always come back to you

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I woke up out of instinct. The routine of work was stuck in my head. I looked at the very pretty sleepy Michael beside me. His messy hair and face lit by the morning sun. I got up as quietly as possible. I didn't have clothes here so I had to go home. I walked around slipping on my clothes and putting my other clothes in my bag with any of my other belongings. I left his shirt on and kind of took in everything quickly. This felt like home. I glanced at him as I put my shoes on at the door.

I lightly placed my stuff down and walked over to him, moving his hair out the way to press a tiny kiss.
"I'll be back baby" I whispered but his pink lips were slightly open and he slept on. I quickly went back to my belongings and left. I checked my phone as I walked and of course just Church was the topic of any notification.


I got inside and started a load of laundry. I jumped in the shower, going over the basics of getting ready. I wanted to be comfortable today so I went with black ripped skinny jeans and converse. I looked through my shirts but I finally just put Michael's back on. I tied it up so it wasn't long and left for the bus. As I was locking my door I heard a beep and turned to see my fathers red suv. I sighed but smiled as I approached the car. My mother wasn't in the car so I assumed she was already at the Church with Women's choir.

I buckled up and he drove off.
"Hey, how was your day off?" He made small talk
"Great, was my class alright without me?"
"They missed you obviously but it went quite smoothly" I nodded off
"So... is this serious?"
"Him. This thing here you got going on"
I took my time to answer and messed with the fabric of his shirt that clung to my body. I wasn't sure but it felt so secure, so safe. As I went to explain my reasoning my phone chimed showing a text and I told my father to hold on.

mikey: Navi
reply: yes?
mikey: you went to work?
reply: unfortunately yes
mikey: will you be back tonight?
mikey: I work today as well but I just wanted to know
reply: if you want me to, yes
mikey: you already know I do

I smiled but didn't answer his text message. I looked up at my dad who was glancing back and forth from the road to me.

"I think it is"
He sighed
"I have great news for you also" he smiled as we pulled into the Church. He parked and we unbuckled our seatbelts and he smiled largely.
"The Church wants to send you out to Florida to teach for two months!" He was excited but I immediately got a bit confused and lost.
"When dad?"
"Within the next month! It's great for us, the Church, and you!"
"Dad.... I don't know if I wanna up and leave" he gave a look I'm fairly familiar with
"Anavia, honey you love this job it's not long and it's not to close. Enough time to prepare and such"
I nodded off and opened the car door. I looked at my phone to his messages again.

reply: I'll always come back to you
reply: no matter how long I'm gone

I shut my phone down and forced myself through the doors. My fake excitement ready. If anyone in this room knew I was doubting this over Michael. I would get torn to shreds. My priorities aren't correct in their eyes. I just got close and here they are ripping me from it.


I walked out of church and my face dropped as soon as I was not being bothered with. My mother was driving me home but she always takes her time. I turned my phone on and waited a minute for it to all start up. His messages were always the first thing I checked.

mikey: is everything okay?
mikey: Navi?

I was overwhelmed and the overthinking was setting in. I reread his messages and I heard the voice telling me it's all going to fast. Everyone said don't rush into things. I'm so sure this is a good thing. Why wouldn't I wanna fully engulf myself in all of this at once? I deserve this. I deserve him. This is the happiest I've been. This Church is where I grew up but it won't control me. My mother snapped me from my thoughts, making me jump.

"Ready to go?" I nodded and walked with her to her tiny green Honda. The ride was quiet because my father already asked the questions they wanted answered. She proved that wrong as soon as we got closer to my house.

"Can I ask you something?"
"Yeah sure"
"Did you have sex?" I felt the blood boiling but I kept calm.
"Why? Not to be mean mother but you only want to know so that if anything should go wrong soon you can say you told me so-"
"Anavia now wait-"
I sat straight up in my seat

"No! No! For once I am going to speak my mind here! I've been so quiet for years of this mess that's been going on. My mistakes are your gossip, my problems and hurt becomes the Church's daily talk. I made a mistake, I was used, I owned up. I am an adult and this right now is good! I am so happy right now. It makes me forget all that truly is bad in my life. He is sticking around and he hasn't changed on me yet. If you truly want to know, I did! I did have sex and with the way it's looking we will probably keep doing it"
The car was parked in front of my house now. I sighed and she wasn't going to say anything I knew because her pale face gave it away.
"Can you drive up to the building by the bus stop please?" She nodded and drove to what she didn't know was Michael's apartment building. I got out and told her I loved her. I ran into the building and straight to his door.

I waited and was finally greeted with the green eyed angel. I hugged him in his doorway for so long. I felt my chest getting heavy thinking of the thought of not having this. He let me go and didn't question me. He locked the door as I let my now bare feet glide across the wood floor. I grabbed a cold soda and I tied my hair back. Michael was on the couch on his game. Just his presence was calming to me. I went to the bathroom to get out of my pants and bra. Leaving me in Michael's shirt and undies. I joined him on the couch and he was in joggers and band tee. I didn't want to ask him to get off his game but I needed all his attention or as much as possible to hold on to in case I'm not around to get it soon. I watched him and after about ten minutes he took his headset off and changed the game to Netflix and put on 'Friends'.

He messed on his phone for a little and then he was looking at me.
"Is everything alright baby?"
"Mhm" I said slowly. I was laying comfortable on the couch
"Can I lay with you?" I nodded and he got up and got us a blanket. He laid down and his head was on my chest. He wrapped both arms around my waist and he was set. He gave me soft kisses before drifting to sleep. I let my hands run through his hair. What would I do without two months of this?

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