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When I woke up Navi wasn't laying on my chest anymore. I checked my phone and Ashton told me he's closing the shop today so no work. I got up and my first guess was that she left because it was almost time for the bus to go. I went into my bedroom and there she was sitting on my bed with her phone pressed to her ear.

(Navi's phone call with her father, Robert Evans or Mr. Evans)

"You can't come because you're sick?"

"That's what I said dad"

"I guess I can get someone to work for you but you'll be here tomorrow right?"

"Of course"

"Are you with him?"

"And if I was?"

"Don't start changing yourself for this man"

"I'm not, it's a day off I work every day dad"

"Anavia, I'm serious. You need to think of what happened last time-"

"This isn't last time anymore it's right now and if no one can trust me to make my own decisions then I don't know what to tell you"


She hung up and used her open hand to rub her eyes. She stood up and jumped because I was standing there.
"You scared me" she said softly
"My bad I thought you left"
"I'm not going in today"
"I heard"
"Can I stay with you?"
"Yeah yeah, I don't have work either"
I turned back towards the couch and plopped back down but Navi didn't follow me. I looked around for her and she was looking through my fridge.

"Michael what do you eat or drink? Like you have nothing literally it's like you moved in a day ago, nothing in the cupboards either"
I shrugged
"Take out"
she sighed and walked into my room and was messing around in the bathroom. I got up and joined her just to see what she was doing.
"What are you putting shoes on for?"
"Well I don't know about you but I am going to get you some groceries and I'll steal your card if you don't wanna come" she finished tying her vans and walked out the bathroom.
"I wanna go. you don't even know what I like, how can you grocery shop for me?"
She chuckled
"I'm going to guess based off of the stuff you have eaten with me or told me you've ordered from the pub by your work"
I scoffed at her and brushed my teeth and put on deodorant and swooped my hair. She was messing on her phone and she had a little smile on her face. I tried to ignore it while I put on my shoes but she was texting someone.

I walked up to her and she took a second to look back up at me. Her screen had a message from the man who gave her his number, Adam.

Adam: you're eyes looked so pretty in the sunlight when I met you but I couldn't say because I didn't want to upset your friend with you.
Adam: It seems like you guys may have a fling and flings aren't to bad to get over when someone new comes along.

Her smile dropped when she seen my expression.
"What? I liked the compliment"

I compliment her mostly in my head but it's not the point. Adam thinks he is getting somewhere but he won't.

"Yeah I think stuff in my head but I think my attraction to you I shown when I have my tongue in your throat or maybe when you're laying on my chest in my house"
She smiled and got on her tippy toes
"Are you jealous?" She teased
"I'm not jealous of Adam he seems a bit full of himself to think he can swoop you off your feet, how ugly and cliche"
She walked ahead of me as we walked out my house. She just laughed at my comment.

She enjoys the world to much. She was taking in everything the whole walk. I just watched because no matter how many times I could question her, she was undeniably one of the most beautiful things I've ever encountered in my life. My phone rang and 'Unknown' popped up. I looked up at Navi not paying mind to me. I answered


"Hey! Where have you been?"

"Busy, just busy"

"Wanna come to Calums party tonight? He's getting weed this time"

I didn't answer right away. I looked up at Navi and she had a full smile petting a dog through a fence. She looked at me and pointed to the dog.

I went back to the conversation

"Uh, I don't know if I can make it I'm kinda caught up tonight"

"oh.... well if you can text me"

"Yeah yeah I will"


I hung up and put my phone back in my pocket and joined Navi who was walking again now. She hit my hand lightly with her pinky and I looked at her, she smiled and she did it again. I intertwined our fingers and thats how we walked to the store.

When we got there it was empty and quiet except for the workers. She grabbed a cart and let go of my hand. I followed her down the aisle, she went to the fruit and cold stuff for the fridge. She put milk in and I picked up chocolate syrup.
"Michael, do we need that?" I noted that she said we. I smiled
"We do" she rolled her eyes at me and kept filling the cart. I just kept putting in junk and getting scolded for it. She had her back turned to me and I reached for another bag of Doritos.
"Touch it I dare you" I put my hand down
"You have like five bags in there already! You don't need anymore"

When she finished filling the cart, she checked out and I called a taxi.

The ride home was silent because we didn't talk. She was on her phone texting and I was doing the same. When we arrived we took so many trips and finally finished. We put stuff away and I put the grocery bags in the trash can and looked at my phone quickly. I noticed Navi and she was blushing at her phone again. I scolded myself for worrying about this guy so much but I couldn't stop myself.
"You like him?" She lifted her head to me
"Adam, do you like him?" She raised her eyebrow at me and I could tell she found this ordeal amusing.
"If you do that's fine I just wanted to know"
She put her phone down and sighed
"I like how he talks to me I guess but no I don't like him"
I scanned her face and I just wanted to find anything to prove she was lying. I nodded and then I went on my own phone.
"Do you like her?" She asked me
"Who?" I didn't look up as I read the sexual message Adriana left me.
"The unsaved number that's always texting you really sexually, the same one from the bus a while ago"
I chuckled sending a message back, entertaining her. I looked up
"No, I don't like her but-" I stopped myself because I'm gonna sound like a douchebag saying the next part.
"But?" She pressed me and I sighed
"I like having sex with her"
Navi shook her head and her mouth went into an 'o'
Our answers were very different.
"When was the last time?" She asked but she wasn't looking at me, she was staring at her phone. I knew what she was doing.
"I don't remember a week or two ago I think"
I waited for her to look up at me but she just kept looking at her phone.
"Is she good?" She glanced up and then back down
"Why does it matter?" She looked up and shrugged
"Just a question you know I'm curious but I guess if she wasn't good you wouldn't keep having sex with her so"
I looked at her and she was still looking at her phone. I moved closer to her and she was on her text with Adam and I didn't snoop even if I wanted to.
"Are you gonna have sex with her again?" She said as more of a whisper. I looked at her and I waited till she looked at me.
"No, Navi I don't think I will" I was serious and I can tell she was worried about this genuinely. she scanned my face and bit her lip.
"What's on your mind?" I whispered and she looked down and up again.
"Stuff that shouldn't be"
I grabbed her arm turning her against the counter. I pressed myself into her so I was fully pressed against her back and moved her hair off her neck. I pressed soft kisses to her shoulders and neck.
"This kinda stuff?"

She nodded and moved her head to the side so I'd kiss her more.
I grabbed her hair and yanked her head back not enough to hurt her just so I could look her in her eyes while I whispered

"Promise what?"
"You won't hurt me"
"Emotionally, I'd never but physically during this I can't promise I won't be rough with you"
She smiled at me so took that as her liking the sound of that. I grinded into her and she spread her legs and leaned forward over the counter. I let go of her hair and ran my hand down her back.
"Take them off" she whimpered, referring to her pants as she tried to turn and get them off herself.

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