9. Problems

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WHEN WE ARRIVED HOME CARLISLE AND ESME were waiting right by the door. "What's wrong?" I ask. If this was something about the new Volturi then I have to hear it.

     "Alice." Carlisle said slowly. Alice stepped to the front of the group. "Have you seen anything?" "I can't see anything anymore, Carlisle." Alice rushed. I looked at her. "What?" Edward said through gritted teeth.

     "The last thing I saw was...Bella dying." She said quietly. Edward vampire sped back into his Volvo and rolled the windows down. "I need to get them." Carlisle nodded and hopped in the car.

     "We'll stay." Esme told them. Carlisle waved and Edward sped off. "What's gonna happen?" I ask worriedly. "I'm not sure, sweetie. We'll be ok." Esme reassured me. But deep down, I knew she was worried too.

     Time passed slowly. I was in Jasper's library, looking for a book on the Volturi. I needed to see how they became what they are.

     Jasper used to read to me here. But ever since the battle, that stopped. I found the right book and sat down on the floor, facing out the window.

     I was on the fourteenth page. It told me all about their powers, Jane and Alec, and everything I needed to know. I should've known this would happen, Jasper always goes in here—. "Whatcha reading?" He asked. I jumped, the book plopping onto the floor.

     His eyes scanned it as I quickly grabbed the book and shoved it behind my back. "Nothing." I lie. He knew. He could feel what I'm feeling right now. "You're curious. About the Volturi. Again.." He sighs. He puts his hand out. "Hand it over."

     I roll my eyes and give him the book. He brings it over to the trash can and dumps it. "Why would you do that? I need to know what their powers are and everything! We can die!" I say. "Well, we're not gonna. Carlisle knows what he's doing." Jasper says firmly. "Yeah. Well maybe he doesn't know enough." I say and speed out the window.

I jumped down and didn't dare look back. I didn't need to see their faces again.

I ran until I smelt animals. I knocked over a mountain lion and shoved my teeth into it.

I wasn't thirsty but I had nothing better to do.

Maybe I can visit Bella and Nessie? Yeah, I'll do that.

I vampire sped through the forest until I saw a cabin there. There was only a red truck parked in the driveway, so I knew I was safe...for now.

I knocked three times on the door. I saw Renesmee's head peep out through the curtains in the window. She giggled and the door opened.

"Mommy it's Luna!" Renesmee said. She ran towards me and engulfed me in a hug. "Hi, Ness." I say. Bella comes down the stairs. "Hi, Luna!" She says and hugs me too. I didn't hug Nessie because I didn't want to hurt her.

"I need to tell you something." I say.

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