20. Preparations

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"We did that last time and they don't die!" Alice said, aggravated. "We need to get more people on our side, the wolves." Carlisle said. "You know Sam wouldn't want to be near us. It will break the treaty." I say. "True. Maybe Seth, Leah, and Jacob." Edward said. "There's not enough time. We have to get them now." Jasper said.

Bella and Nessie arrived. "I heard." Bella said. "Edward called. We need to call Tanya's family." Bella said.

"They probably hate us now because I went there and annoyed them." I mutter to myself. Emmett laughs at me and I kick him in the gut. "Luna!" Esme said. "Sorry." I say sarcastically.

Carlisle rushed into the dining room and yanked the phone off the wall. "Who else do we know?" I ask. "I'm not sure." Bella said. "Peter and Charlotte." Jasper said. "Who are they?" I ask. I've never heard of a Peter and Charlotte. "I ran to them to escape Maria back when I was with her. They basically saved my life from being depressing." Jasper said. "Now you have me!" Alice said and jumped into his arms. They kissed for a second. Yuck.

"Leah, Jake, and Seth are on their way." Bella said, hanging up her phone. Everything went by so fast I didn't even realize she called someone. The name Seth made my body feel hot. Like I was blushing. Gratefully, I can't blush. That would be bad. "Hell yeah." Edward chuckled. "Shut up," I say.

The doorbell rang. Jasper and Carlisle were still on their phones so we all gathered in the living room. Bella went up and opened the door. "Jake!" She said
hugged him. "Hey, Beautiful. Hi, Nessie!" Jacob hugged Renesmee next. Seth's eyes caught mine. The moment our gazes locked I immediately looked down. Err...embarrassing. "Hey, Luna." Seth said. I didn't realize he was hugging me. Hopefully Sam and them explained what a mate was to him.

"Hi, Seth." I haven't met him once but I'm already attached. It's like we've known each other for forever. Forever with him would be great. I'm too young to kiss him though....okay, Luna let's not get carried away.

And Seth was thirteen. Once wolves grow out of their wolf phase they age again. That sucks. I can't grow old with him and sit together on a porch, gray haired. That'd be nice.

"They said no." Jasper said. "They have to fight a newborn army. But they know a group of vampires. Well, three of them. One's named Zafrina..." Jasper trailed off. "Denali is on their way." Carlisle said.

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