16. Trouble

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THEN I SKIDDED TO A STOP. Carlisle and Esme stood in front of me. Alice and Jasper jumped down from a tree above and Rosalie and Emmett sped around from behind me. "What are you doing here?" I ask.

      "We'd like to ask you the same thing, Luna. Why are you in Volterra?" Carlisle asked. "Um..I thought I'd see who's in the new Volturi. But it's the same people." I say quietly.

     "Wait you mean they're still alive?" Rosalie asked. I nod. "And all those people who we thought were the new Volturi joined them." I say.

     "That'll make them hard to defeat." Carlisle said. "Wait. We're still gonna kick someone's ass, right?" Emmett asked. I laugh. "Emmett. Now's not the time. Let's just get out of here. And Luna. I'll deal with you getting red eyes later." Carlisle said.

     My eyes were red? Oh, crap. Now I'm gonna get in trouble. The worst thing that could happen.

      Emmett laughed at me. "Haha, Luna's in trouble." He said as we all ran back to Washington. "So are you." Esme said. "Look who's laughing now." I say.

      When we arrive home we all go into the 'meeting room'. It was the dining room but no one eats except Nessie when she visits...

      I sat next to Esme. Next to her was Emmett. In one of the two head chairs was Rosalie. Jasper leaned against the wall behind her. Alice sat down next to Rosalie. Jasper hesitated, deciding wether he should sit with Alice. But he stayed where he was. Carlisle also stood. He paced across the room, arms behind his back.

     "Luna, Luna, Luna. You know about not hunting humans." Carlisle said. He ended up placing both his arms against a chair. "I couldn't help it. It..I just.." I trail off, not knowing what to say.

      "I know. No one was there to help you. But you know how someone could've seen you. And know all those bodies dead, people will blame the mysterious Volturi for the murders and then we'll all be in trouble." Carlisle said, shaking his head. "This isn't how we raised you to be."

     "I couldn't help it. 'Cause none of you have never drank from a human before?" I say and look around. Everyone stays still. "Well, Jasper has." I say, remembering his past. "That was more than two centuries ago, Luna." Carlisle said. "And he was forced. He didn't know here was another way." Alice said.

      "Can't we just give her away back to the orphanage she came from?" Rosalie asked. Jasper didn't try and calm her down nor try and rile her up. He was staying neutral to the conversation.

     "What will we do if the Volturi do come? I mean, Aro's decisions are blocked." Alice said. That took me by surprise. "What?" Rosalie said through gritted teeth.

     "I can't see anything the Volturi are deciding anymore. Only little skits. It's like they're playing mind tricks on me. To distract us." Alice explained.

      "We have to be prepared. I'll call Edward and tell him to send Bella and Nessie over. We should all stay together." Esme said.

     "We should all take turns patrolling around the house, too. We'll go in pairs." Carlisle said. "Another protection detail?" Rosalie said, annoyed. "Rose," Esme said. "This isn't just about Luna. We are trying to protect all of us for what's to come."

     "Send Alice and Emmett out first." Esme told Carlisle before leaving the room. I heard her murmuring on the phone to Edward from the other room.

     I got up and went into the living room. What was I supposed to do? "Something productive." The voice of Edward said. I jumped and turned around to see him, Bella, and a sleeping Renesmee in Edward's arms. He placed her on the couch. "Don't scare me like that." I say before hugging Bella. "I feel like I haven't seen you in forever." She said. "I know. I feel the same. Once this is over I gotta spend a day over at your house. I need a break." I say. Bella laughs.

     Alice covers Renesmee with a blanket before leaving the house with Emmett. He laughed randomly before leaving the house. Weirdo.

     "So, you know what happened? I hate repeating myself." I tell Edward and Bella. We sit on the couch. "Everything apart from your red eyes." Edward said. Crap. "Okay. I lost control and attacked twelve humans." I say guiltily. "Twelve? Wow. I haven't attacked one." Edward said. I punch his arm lightly. "Well, I wanna know what's going on. Edward still treats me like a fragile human." Bella said. I laugh. Time to explain.

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