22. The End

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ALICE GASPED. "THE VOLTURI. THEY'RE COMING." She said. "Now?" Edward asked. "Now." She said.

      We all got up and sped to the snowy field. Edward walked up towards Aro. "Luna." He said. I sigh and go to Edward, Emmett behind me.

      "Luna! My dear Luna! How are you?" He asked. "Um..." I look at Edward for help. What the hell was Aro talking about. "Immortality looks good on you! Ah ah ha ha ha ha." He laughed.

     Anger rose up inside of me. This was it. The end. Forever. And ever. I turn around and give Bella the look. She nods, and Esme and Renesmee run out into the woods. "Get them." Aro ordered. I turn back to him and push him one hundred feet away. He floor and skidded to a halt behind his guard. Alec looked pissed.

     And then I felt like I was on fire. The worst burning ever. I screamed in agony as the fire licked up my body, taking over everything in their. Then it stopped. I fell to the ground, in pain. It was Jane. She smirked at me.

     "Take her away." Aro ordered. Two guards came for me. "Oh hell no." I use my power to force them back.

     Suddenly everyone was flying up from behind me. The battle started. Alec charged after me. I push his face into the ground. A crack forms on his face. He pushed me off and speeds up. Then I was slammed on the ground. I felt something on my face crack. I lift my hand up to feel a large crack. Sign one of death. Crap.

     I get back up. Alice was trying to take on two attackers at once. No. I was my power to lift her up into the air. She stopped right on the heads of the Volturi guards. White stuff spewed out of their smashed face. "Burn them." She told Jacob. Jacob grabbed their bodies with his wolf teeth and sprinted to the fire pit.

     And then I saw a spark of red. It wasn't near the fire. Fiery red hair drifting in the wind, speeding around the snowy landscape. Victoria.

     I charge at her. I use my hands and push people out of the way. Felix came up at me with a huge grin. Oh no. "Get away from her!" Carlisle shouted, pushing Felix down. He pushed Carlisle up into the air. Felix jumped up, too. Snap.

     Carlisle's head fell down from the sky. I burst into dry tears. "No!" I shout. Anger washed over me. "Stupid. Son of a b—." I cut myself off and push Felix into the air. I jump up and grab his leg as he tries to kick me. I rip it off and throw it into the fire. Somebody pulled me down. I fell onto my back. That didn't hurt. I couldn't let Carlisle's body be burned. I couldn't I couldn't I couldn't.

     I grab his head and body and hide them in a tree in the woods. "Please don't die." I whisper, knowing he can hear me. Edward told me it takes days for them to be able to move enough to find their bodies.

      I sped back. Felix. He grabbed Bella's head. Edward rushed over and kicked him in the place you don't wanna be kicked. Felix growled in pain and now it was a battle between them two.

     When Edward was about to kill Felix, Jane used her power. Edward's back arched. Felix grinned and pushed him away. He was about to snap his head. I kicked him and jumped on his back, twisting his head. 'Pop'. It fell to the ground.

     I saw Kate using her power on Marcus. I ran over. Kate nodded and I put my hands in Caius's mouth. I pushed the roof of his mouth up and that part of his head popped off. The body fell limp to the ground. Kate high fives me and I smile.

     I run around, looking for red. There was nothing here. Something from behind me grabbed my leg. It snapped. Don't fall off, I think to myself. Someone pulled the person off of me. They grabbed Jasper and twisted his arms. They snapped to. Jasper groaned in agony.

     I use my power on the person. I heal quickly and jump on them. It was one of the guard, too. I push them towards Leah's wolf. They fall on the ground. Leah spits an arm out of her mouth and slowly approaches them. I look away while she rips their body apart.

     Emmett yanked Alec's head off and threw his body to the ground. Jane focused on Emmett. He yelled in pain. "You bastard!" I shout at Jane and run at her. "Bella! Your shield!" I yell. There was a blur around me and my family and their friends.

     I step on Jane's throat. I dig my foot into it and then throw her body on top of Alec's. Aro looks horrified.he sent out Demetri, Heidi, Chelsea, and Vladimir and Stefan.

     I see a whirl off red on my right. Victoria. I run after her, pushing down another Volturi member. Emmett threw two head's of some people onto the ground.

      I follow the red into the woods. Then I lost it. I look around. Where'd she go? Someone jumped up onto my back and I fell down. I use my power and smash her into a tree. I back away as the tree falls. Victoria swings from limb to limb.

      "Come and catch me." She laughed and ran back into the field. I follow her, anger and irritation making me go faster.

     I follow her and see her kill Kachiri. "No!" Senna cried.

     Seth charged at Stefan. "Seth!" I cry. He falls to the ground after being pushed. "No!" I cry. Seth...no! No!

      He didn't move an inch. I smash my hand onto the icy ground. A crack for a and everyone backs away. Esme ran back from the woods. Nessie was safe. With Charlie. She started killing.

     I grab Victoria's ankle as she runs by. I kick her chest and push her down. I place both my hands on her throat as her body sinks into the snow s few inches. I squeeze my hands and her head pops off. I throw her body into the lava pit I made in the crack.

      From behind, Vladimir pushed me into the pit. I screamed and grabbed onto a small piece. I jump up and fall on top of Vladimir. He pushes me and I do a backward roll. Carmen holds him in place, leaning down. Jasper lifts me and I kick his head off.

      "Have fun in hell!" I shout as I throw him into the pit.

     Bella and Edward were fighting Aro. Demetri kicked Bella and threw her to the ground. I float her back up onto her knees and she snaps Demetri's head off since his body was turned. She continued on with killing Aro.

     Edward was flung somewhere into the woods. I ran up towards the pit and took a giant leap. I land on top of Aro. I stand on him as Bella yanks his head off. I help her throw his remains into the pit. Somebody threw in Heidi and Chelsea. I throw Demetri in.

     Zafrina was pushed in by a Volturi guard. "No!" Her voice faded. One left. I grabbed them and Esme ripped their arms. Alice climbed up their back and yanked it off. Over. Finally over.

      I helped Edward and Jasper dump in the dead bodies of the Volturi. Someone tapped on my shoulder from behind. Carlisle!

      I hug him. "You're back!" I say and back up. Him and Esme kiss, then Alice and Rosalie hug him. "Did we win?" He asked. "Yes," I said. "We did."

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