Chapter 15

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Oliver had not spoken to me in days.

Not that I even attempted to reach out to him. I was livid.

How dare he come and yell at me causing a scene, making me cry in front of everyone and not even give me a rational reason as to why he caused such a row. That was disgusting behavior, and once I finished crying that night I was fuming with anger.

No one treats me like that. No one makes me seem weak.

No one makes a fool out of me.

I didn't even give him the time of day. I walked straight past him, as if he were invisible. I refused to look at him.

"I've never seen you guys this angry at each other" Ellie says as walk down the hallways

"Yeah well, he made a fool of me so" I answer as I fixed my braided hair. Olly loved it when I wore my hair in two braids. He adored it on me. Ellie bids farewell as she has her class and I had a free period, which I intended to spend studying in the library as per usual. As I walk down the hallway I see Hunter who sends me a small awkward smile.

"Hey" he says, interrupting my route "Are you okay... I haven't spoken to you in forever" he says as he runs a hand through his dirty blonde hair

"Uh, yeah... I'm great, thanks for asking" I smile nodding as I look down at my nails

"Well, you know... if you ever wanna talk about it... or anything, I'm here for you" he adds and I nod

"Thanks" I answer and an awkward silence falls upon us "Well... I'm gonna head to the library and study, I'll see you around" I say and I quickly walk away in the initial direction.

And, I think that was the shittiest part of it all. Hunter and I became so distant from one another, not exactly sure why but we did. Some days we'd have brief conversation and scurry off, others day we'd flat out ignore each other. Something inside me told me that it was for the right reasons. And I don't mean that it was due to reduce tensions between Olly and I, but it was for reasons solely between Hunter and I. Some day's I'd catch him starring or maybe even watching me, and I knew deep deep down why but I chose to ignore it. Although we kept our distance from one another, I still feel waves of emotions, as if he stood right in front of me.

Hunter and I had a dynamic I don't think I'd ever understand myself. As much as we cared about each other, platonic or not, we felt that it was best that we kept our distance. And it was not a verbal agreement we had made, It just sort of happened and it became a mutual understanding of how the relationship would work

I think what confused me the most was the fact that we had no obligation to one another. There was logical reason to feel his way. This distance was meant to be comprehended as normal. We didn't always have to be with each other, there was no reason that he had to speak to me. We were just friends. There were no responsibilities or requirement, no obligations to one another. We were just friends.

But it felt like there was. Not necessarily an obligation to be together but rather an obligation that we had to be together. That didn't make sense, did it?

I needed him to be here with me. I needed him by my side.

But all I could do was smile at him from a distance.

"I haven't seen Oliver in a while. Perhaps you should invite him over for dinner tonight" My dad commented as I rushed the mane of my horse 'Tyrant'. I felt my body stiffen

"I'd rather not" I answer as I finish off, eventually leading the thoroughbred into his stable

"And why not?" my mother chirps in quickly as I removed my bowlers helmet, leaning it against my waist.

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