Chapter 19

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Je suis tombe amoureux de toi

"So you guys are back together" Hunter ask as he bring his horse to a halt right in front of me

"Yeah" I answer, refusing to make eye contact with him "It's for the best" I squeeze my thigh on Tyrant, indicating for him to continue walking, I soon begin trotting away in attempt to have change the subject matter.

"Wait-" He mutters quickly as he turns his horse around and begins catching up with me "what do you mean it's for the best?"

"It means just that" I mutter as I squeeze harder getting Tyrant to canter. The wind blew in my face as I rode around my elaborate estate gardens. I knew I was hurting Hunter and I didn't know what to do about it.

Finally I bring Tyrant to a walk I begin circling the field we had been riding in, waiting for Hunter to catch up to us.

"Juliet, that doesn't make sense" He says as he brings his horse to a walk as he rides besides me.

"It doesn't have to make sense, it's just what's right" I sigh "Look, I've only ever had one boyfriend and that's Oliver. He's the only idea of love I have and the only constant in my life. Yeah we fight and hurt each other sometimes, but that's just how it works... for better or for worse y'know. I can't let go of him"

"How do you know you love him if you haven't loved anyone else" Hunter ask I freeze for a moment as I purse my lips

"You'll know in your heart, Hunter"I sigh and I can feel his eyes stare into the side of my head, but I refuse to look into them. "Je tombe amoureux de toi, and that can't happen,Hunt"

"I don't speak French, Juliet" He says gently, I had already assumed that though.

"What a pity" I answered softly as a small sympathetic smile falls onto my face and he stared at me with confusions and hurt and without another word I quickly cause Tyrant into a canter and ride my way back to the sables.

"Glad to see you Oliver, it's been a while hasn't it" My mother hugs the brunette

"Indeed it has been" Olly smiles gently

"mum, we're just gonna go watch a movie upstairs" I answer as I pull Hunter in my directions

"Sure thing, enjoy" She answers before walking off.

"My parents missed you... a lot" I answer as we walk up the staircase

"Yeah, so did mine" He answers "You're their princess so" and I laugh gently

"Cute" I coo as we walk to my room and just as we reach my door he spins me around and smiles looking down at me

"Je suis tombe amoureux de toi" He says softly and I raise my eyebrow while a small smile plays onto my face

"Je t'aime"I answer as I plant a short sweet kiss on his lips before I turn around to enter my room.

"Did you really mean all of that?" I ask gently as I listen to his heart beat while the shadows of the film dance on our face

"All of what?" Olly ask as he looks down at me while kissing my head

"That you love me? That you're scared of losing me? and all that matters is us?" I look up at him and he nods

"Every word" He answers and I feel a smile begin I tug a my lips as  I kiss him hard.

Soon enough our focus is off the movie playing and on removing articles of clothing. I can feel the hickeys forming on my neck as he begins tugging off my sweatpants and for a split second I freeze in hesitation as all the waves I felt with Hunter come to shore now. Oliver stops and looks down at me

"Is everything okay?" He breathes heavy and I just stare into his clouded grey eyes and pull him closer to me. I felt everything, all these emotions of desire and passion washed over me as I wanted to fell every piece of Oliver. In that moment I knew, I honestly and explicitly loved Oliver, in his whole entirety.

"I love you so much Oliver" I whisper and a small smile plays on his face

"I love you Juliet" he responded kissing me as we continued our fornication

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