Chapter 2

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"Dear life, I have a complete grasp on the fact that you are not fair so please, stop teaching me that lesson." -Unknown


I was sitting in Jade hospital room all by myself. I sent the fam home because we just really needed to be alone right now.

   "Drew." I heard a soft whisper.

I looked at Jade and saw that she was now woke. I walked to the side of her bed and pressed the red button for the nurse or whoever to come. I gave her some water in the mean time and stayed silent.

   "Nice to see you awake Mrs. Lewis." Dr. Touhy said holding his clipboard tight.

   "What happened?" Jade asked getting straight to the point.

I sat down because I knew the look on the doctor face meant some serious shit went down when I got kicked out. I took a deep breath as he opened his mouth to talk.

   "During your c-section there was excessive bleeding so we had to do what was best to save your life."


   "Once we sent the baby to the NICU we started on giving you a second surgery. That surgery was a Cesarean Hysterectomy."

   "Can you please stop givin' these half ass answers?" I asked because he was really pissing me the fuck off.

   "Calm down Drew. Dr. Touhy what exactly is a Cesarean Hysterectomy? Please explain without stoppin'."

   "A Cesarean Hysterectomy is the removal of the uterus. We had to remove your uterus to save your life and stop the bleeding. Sorry to say this Jade but you won't be able to have anymore children."

My breath caught in my throat. No more children? I wanted to have a big ass family and now we can't have anymore. Lord why?

   "What about my son. Is he alive?" She asked as the tears rolled down her face.

   "He's struggling but he is alive. He's in the NICU right now. Due to him being very premature he doesn't have the ability to breath on his own, maintain proper body heat or feed orally. He's in an incubator to stay warm, hooked up to a ventilator to help with his breathing due to his underdeveloped lungs and hooked up to a feeding tube."

Jade heard all of this information just as I had and just broke down completely. The doctor excused himself from the room and I pulled a chair up close to Jade. I wanted to hold her but I know her stomach and everything else accompanied with the surgeries couldn't be messed with. I grabbed her hand as she laid her head on my shoulder.

I wanted to stay strong for Jade but this shit was getting to me too. I started crying also because my son was fighting for his life and we couldn't have anymore children. I hope not to jinx this but what if my son didn't make it? What would we do then?

This shit right here was stressful and I don't know why me and my wife have to go through it.


I held YaYa hand as we walked down the street to the corner store. Mama had been so busy with the restaurant that she didn't precook something for me and YaYa to eat when we got hungry. It was only about two in the evening but we was hungry and everything was frozen.

   "Mama, can I get all the candy in the store?" She asked looking up at me with them pretty eyes that reminded me so much of her dad even though it was a bad memory.

   "No. We getting two packs of noddles and thats it. If you be a good girl and then I might throw in a bag of hot popcorn." I said smiling at her.

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