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"Wow, these lyrics are... wow," Michael said, his eyes scanning over the small leather notebook clutched between his fingers. The title 'If Walls Could Talk' was scribbled messily across the top of the page in Luke's chicken scratch. Luke's heart was beating out of his chest as Calum and Michael examined the lyrics that the younger band member had written.

"This is incredible," Calum mumbled quietly, his eyebrows furrowing as he absorbed every single word.

"Yeah, it really is Luke," Michael agreed as he pinched his lip between his thumb and forefinger, eyes scanning the page. "Where did you come up with this?" Luke felt the heat rising to his cheeks, and he chanced a glance at the boys sitting across from him. His eyes lingered on the smirking drummer that hovered behind the couch. Just then Ashton looked up, meeting Luke's embarrassed gaze and sending the young guitarist a subtle wink. Images of Ashton's sweaty body filled Luke's mind, and he shifted uncomfortably in his seat as he remembered the way Ashton gripped his hips, long fingers digging into his soft skin as he thrust into Luke repeatedly. Gasps and moans echoed through his head.

"Yeah, Luke, what was your inspiration?" Ashton's teasing voice cut through his clouded thoughts, and he really hoped no one else noticed the cockiness in Ashton's tone.

"I uh-" Luke started, tearing his eyes away from Ashton as to not draw any attention to the two of them. He could still feel Ashton's cold lips against his fiery skin and he prayed to God that the other boys wouldn't notice the tightening that was beginning to take place in the front of his jeans. "It just came to me I guess."

* * *

Luke couldn't remember exactly when it started, but he liked to believe that it began when he broke up with Arz. He had been in a dark place for a long time before the breakup, but when he finally called it quits with the young Instagram starlet, it seemed to be the straw that broke the camel's back. After a few weeks spent drowning his sorrows in tequila and Xanax and numerous bad headlines, the boys of 5 Seconds of Summer couldn't trust Luke to be left alone, and after a few heated arguments, Ashton volunteered to let Luke move in with him.

Luke and Ashton had never been the closest in the band. Everyone always thought that Muke and Cake were much better of a ship than Lashton. For the first four or so years of the band, Luke and Ashton had probably been the most distant of all the friendships, and neither boy knew exactly why. It wasn't that they didn't get along, they got along quite wonderfully, in fact. Luke had always just summed it up to the fact that he was shy. Luke was ungodly shy around new people, and even though he had known Ashton for years now, he still felt unbelievably nervous around the older boy.

Luke wasn't sure why Ashton of all people invited the struggling singer to live with him, and Luke wasn't sure why he found himself agreeing to it without a second thought. All he knew was that he just couldn't be alone, and no one else had offered. Michael and Crystal had just moved in together and Calum didn't have a spare room. So that just left Ashton.

Luke didn't want to be a burden, but Ashton had insisted. And anyway, it might even be a chance for the two of them to grow closer.

At the time, Luke had no idea just how close they would become.

It all started with small touches.

Both boys were grateful that the band was taking a creative break because it gave them plenty of time to become more familiar with their new situation, and they found themselves growing closer and closer every day. Luke and Ashton quickly settled into a routine. Ashton would often cook dinner for the two of them, and Luke was placed with the job of setting the table. 

Even though Ashton's kitchen was fairly large, both boys found themselves often bumping into each other as they maneuvered around the kitchen doing their respective jobs. Luke didn't think much of the touches at first, a hand on the waist here and there to move him out of the older boy's way, the occasional brush of a hand against the curve of his ass, the stroke of his fingers across Luke's face to rid him of a few loose curls... they just seemed like friendly accidents.

But then there were the times that Ashton would come home drunk and they definitely were not accidents.

Luke loved drunk Ash because he was smiley and giggly and, for a lack of a better word, cute. Luke would be curled up on the couch with a cup of coffee watching reruns of The Office, and Ashton would fumble through the front door, giggling as he tripped over his own feet. 

Luke loved drunk Ash, but sometimes Ash would get a little too friendly as he curled up next to Luke on the couch, brushing his hand teasingly across Luke's lap and snickering as he placed sloppy kisses to Luke's cheek.

Luke had always thought Ash was the most attractive in the band, but he was even more handsome when he was drunk. His usual hazel eyes would turn bright gold, lighting up the whole room. A rosy tint would cover his cheeks and his plump pink lips would be extra red from the vodka cranberries he loved so much.

Luke never thought much of his sexuality. He liked who he liked and that was the end of it. And as he began spending more time with his eldest band member, he quickly realized why he had always been so nervous around him. Luke liked Ashton. Sure, it was just a schoolgirl crush, but all the same, Luke quickly found himself beginning to blush at Ashton's soft touches and cheeky comments.

Luke knew nothing would come of his crush. They were friends. Friends that were in a band together. Never for a moment did Luke ever think anything would actually happen between them.

But boy oh boy, was he wrong.

It was six months into their new living arrangement and Luke was finally beginning to feel like his old self again. Everyone noticed the way he smiled a little wider, laughed a little louder, and how they stood a little closer. But still, no one looked twice at the newfound friendship.

As their time together progressed, so did the touches. What started as accidental brushes turned into deliberate touches, and Ashton's sloppy drunk kisses turned into domestic pecks on the cheek whenever Ashton would leave Luke's side.

At first, Luke didn't think anything of it. What were the chances that his supposedly straight bandmate would be into him too? It wasn't until they were hanging out one night, sprawled across their couches watching tv, that Luke knew something had changed.

He knew the moment the growl of 'fuck it' left Ashton's lips. He knew the moment the older boy ripped himself up off of the loveseat he had been laid across and stalked towards Luke in determination. And he definitely knew the moment that Ashton climbed into his lap, pulling Luke up by the collar of his tee-shirt and hungrily pressed his lips against the younger boy's.

Luke wasn't sure the exact moment when things between him and Ashton shifted from friendship to something more, but he liked to believe it was way before the next morning when he woke up sore and throbbing from the night previously to find the other side of his bed cold and empty.

He couldn't put his finger on what exactly changed between him and Ash that night, but he knew that something had.

And he wasn't sure it was for the best.


A/N: Welcome to my first ever Lashton smut fic! I know this part wasn't too smutty but I promise you it'll get better very soon;) 

Thank you to @epihphany for the amazing idea and the incredible opportunity to write my first Lashton smut for her incredible Lashton story! 

I'm v excited for this story:) Expect short updates often (I hope)


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