Chapter 15

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"Take me home" Luke panted against Ashton's lips as he tangled his hands into the older boy's hair. Ashton groaned, nodding without hesitation as he grabbed Luke's hand and rushed them down the hill and back to his car. Luke moaned as Ashton wasted no time in pushing him up against the passenger side door and pressing his growing erection against Luke's leg. "Eager much?" He gasped as Ashton attached his lips to the younger boy's neck and began sucking. A gasp left Luke's lips as Ashton nipped just above his collarbone, surely leaving a mark.

"I haven't felt that tight ass in nearly a month. Do you know what that's done to me? I've been going fucking crazy without you, princess." Luke whimpered as Ashton trailed his lips up the length of his neck and sucked at his earlobe.

"P-please let's just g-go home." Luke panted, grasping around blindly for the door handle behind him and disconnecting their kiss long enough to yank the door open. Ashton nodded impatiently and ran around to the driver's side, climbing into the car and starting it as quickly as he could.

The fifteen-minute ride back to Ashton's apartment was torture for the drummer as Luke ran his hand Ashton's crotch, fingers dancing over the tip of Ashton's aching cock. The drive dragged on for what felt like hours as Luke teased and played with Ashton's erection through his tight jeans, and Ashton couldn't help the guttural moans that escaped his mouth every time Luke fondled his balls.

"Baby boy, if you keep doing that I'm going to cum in my pants." Ashton's breathing became ragged as he swatted Luke's hands away from his crotch and tried his best to concentrate on the road. Luke's phone buzzed from the cupholder between them and Ashton looked at Luke from the corner of eye. Luke sighed, reaching over and picking up the phone to glance at the caller I.D. With a groan, Luke silenced it and threw it on to the floor.

"Who was that?" Ashton asked, turning back to focus on getting them home safely.

"Cal," Luke said with a shrug, turning his attention back to Ashton. "I don't really feel like talking right now though, I'd much rather have your cock in my mouth."

"God fucking dammit," Ashton groaned, his grip on the steering wheel tightening as his cock throbbed in his jeans.

The last five minutes of the drive were agony for Ashton as he kept glancing over to see Luke rubbing his own erection, and all Ashton wanted to do was push the young singer's hands away and replace them with his own. Finally, Ashton managed to safely pull into the parking garage of their apartment complex and yank Luke out of the car at an inhuman speed.

"God I've fucking missed you," Ashton whispered against Luke's lips as he closed the apartment door and pressed the younger boy against it. Luke only whimpered in response, grasping Ashton's face between his hands and kissing him as if it were his lifeline.

"Missed you so much, Ash." Luke finally managed to pant out between kisses, his eyes roam around the once familiar apartment as Ashton sucked on his neck. "Jesus, Ash." Luke chuckled as he took in the disheveled room around him. Take out containers and empty beer bottles littered the floor, and Ashton's wrinkled clothing lay strewn across almost every surface. "This place is a fucking mess."

"Yeah I know," Ashton mumbled against Luke's neck, letting his lips trail lower and lower as he got down on to his knees and began removing Luke's belt. "I'm a mess without you baby boy." Before Luke could even open his mouth to respond, Ashton was pulling down Luke's briefs and placing the tip of his leaking cock in his watering mouth.

"Fuck, fuck!" Luke cried out as his fingers tangled in Ashton's hair to keep from collapsing at the feeling of Ashton's hot mouth wrapped around his length. Luke whimpered and Ashton couldn't help the growing heat that coiled in his stomach knowing that he was the only one that could make Luke feel this good. Ashton circled his tongue around Luke's tip before pulling off with a pop and beginning to trail his spit covered fingers up the length of Luke's bare thigh.

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