Chapter 20: THE END

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It was two weeks later when Ashton finally figured out how he would make it up to Luke. After many hours talking things through with Calum, who told him to stop being a cowardly prick and just go for it, Ashton was finally ready to put Luke first. And he knew exactly how he was going to do it.

"Hey," a timid knock at the door stopped Ashton in his tracks, and he shuffled the papers off of the music stand in front of the piano as casually as he could manage.

"Hey, baby," Ashton smiled up at his boyfriend and gestured for him to come in.

"Our flight leaves in seven hours, why aren't you in bed?" Luke rubbed the sleep from his eyes and took a seat next to Ashton on the small bench. The blonde burrowed his face into the crook of Ashton's warm neck

"Couldn't sleep," Ashton shrugged, shifting his thigh to hide the sheets of music he had hidden under his leg. The last thing he needed was for Luke to find the music and ruin what he had been preparing for the last three weeks. The boys leave for the last leg of their tour tomorrow and Ashton was now only days away from Luke's surprise, everything had to be perfect. "Why're you up, love?" Ashton pressed a kiss against the side of Luke's head as the younger man yawned and again rubbed at his tired eyes.

"I woke up and you were gone and I got cold without my space heater." Luke pouted and Ashton cooed as he threw his arm around Luke and guided them out of the room.

"Well, we can't have that now, can we?" Ashton led the younger boy back to their bedroom, helping him into bed and turning Luke around so Ashton's chest was pressed up against the singer's back. Ashton pressed a kiss against Luke's neck and listened as his boyfriend sighed.

Glancing at the alarm clock on the side table, Ashton realized he had been up much longer than he expected, but he shrugged it off. Everything had to be perfect for his Luke, and if that meant only getting a couple of hours of sleep before traveling across the globe, then so be it. With that thought in mind, Ashton pulled Luke tighter against his chest, rejoicing in the feeling of having his boyfriend wrapped securely in his arms, and closed his eyes, hoping to take advantage of the last few hours of darkness.

* * *

"You're up to something, I can feel it." Luke's eyes narrowed as he stared at Ashton across the SUV. Luke noticed details. And right now, he was noticing the way that Ashton's fingers moved across his jean-clad thigh in tempo as opposed to drumming in the usual rhythms.

"And what makes you think that, Lu?" Ashton hummed as he glared at both Calum and Michael, threatening them to keep quiet or else. Both boys got the message and whipped their heads around to gaze out the windows.

"Because I know you," Luke let his eyes roam over Ashton's body, "you've been all twitchy and anxious for the past week, what is up with you?" Ashton hummed in feigned confusion as he picked up his phone to avoid eye contact. The last thing he wanted was for Luke to see through his lies.

"Just excited for the final part of the tour, that's all." Ashton knew Luke didn't buy it, but the younger let it drop nonetheless as he turned to gaze out of the window. The annoyance radiated off of Luke's body, and although it chipped away at his boyfriend's resolve, he stood strong on his promise and kept his lips sealed shut tightly. It would be worth it in the end.

* * *

"Okay, now I know something is seriously going on." Luke crossed his arms as he stood in the doorway of Michael and Calum's shared hotel room to find all three boys huddled around a piece of paper. Three heads flew up from the huddle and hurriedly shuffled the papers between them before Calum stuffed them into his pocket. "C'mon why can't I know?" The whine that fell from Luke's lips was oddly cute as he pouted out his bottom lip.

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