Chapter 9

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From Calum 4:00pm:

Luke, we need to talk

From Calum 4:12pm:

Idk why you wouldn't just tell me the truth?

From Calum 4:15pm:

What's going on with you and Ash?

From Calum 4:33pm:

I already know something's going on so you can cut the bs lies... just tell me the truth, you know I won't tell anyone...

From Calum 5:00pm:

Luke seriously answer me or I'm coming over there right now!!

From Calum 5:30pm:

Ok that's it I'm on my way over.

The last thing Luke wanted was company, but he knew after their writing session today that Calum wouldn't take no for an answer. By the time Luke had even managed to drag his body out of bed to check his phone, Calum was already beating on his bedroom door.

"Luke! I know you're here, open the door or I'll break it down." Luke sighed and pulled on his black briefs that laid crumpled on the floor.

"Cal, I'm not in the mood," Luke grumbled, but nonetheless opened the door. He might not have been in the mood for any type of human interaction, but he would never turn down a cuddle from Calum. When Luke was in a bad mood, the only thing that was a surefire way of cheering him up was a hug from his best friend.

The minute that Luke unlocked the door, Calum pushed it open and stalked past Luke, pacing back and forth from Luke's bed to the door of his ensuite.

"I knew something was going on with you I just never would have guessed it was- Ashton, Luke? Really? I mean, I love you both, but what the hell are you thinking? I don't-"

"Cal." Luke grabbed Calum's shoulders to stop him from pacing the floor. "you need to chill out, okay? It's nothing." Calum's eyes grew to the size of saucers as he opened and closed his mouth.

"Nothing? It's nothing?" Calum sighed as he ran a hand through his hair and sat down on the edge of Luke's bed. "I'm going to be honest, Luke, I had my suspicions that you weren't totally straight, and there's nothing wrong with that! But, but Ashton?" Luke felt his throat constrict and tears well in his eyes once again. He felt like he'd been crying for hours already and he was just so exhausted. "I mean, why didn't you just tell me? You know I'd never judge you, Luke." The hurt in Calum's voice was clear, and Luke couldn't help but feel worse than he already did. He never expected Calum to understand.

"It's not that I didn't want to tell you, Cal, it's just- You can't tell anyone, okay?" Luke said in a broken whisper as he sat down next to Calum and let his head hang in his hands. He felt the bassist's hand begin to rub soothing circles into his back, and he felt his last walls crumbling to pieces as he once again began to cry.

"I'd never tell anyone, Luke," Calum assured his best friend. "There's no reason to be ashamed about how you feel," Luke just shook his head before looking up at his best friend.

"It's not that," Luke started, "we're just fuck buddies. That's all we'll ever be." Luke huffed as he looked away from Calum. "He doesn't care about me. He never has. I'm not ashamed to fuck Ashton, I'm ashamed to have fallen for him as hard as I have."

It was stark silent as both boys tried to process what hung between them. Luke had never admitted his feelings out loud before, and now that he had, he felt like a literal boulder had been lifted from his shoulders.

"Wow," Calum sighed, pushing his hand through his hair and turning to engulf Luke in an all-consuming hug. "How long has this been going on?"

Luke let out a forced laugh, burying his face into Calum's neck. "too fucking long. I just- I can't say no to him, Cal! I'm literally addicted! He drains the life out of me and yet I can't get enough of him. One kiss, one-touch, and I fall under his control. I can't take it anymore! One of these days he's going to break me, Calum. I know he is."

"Hey, hey, it's okay," Calum soothed as he held a shaking Luke in his arms. He'd seen Luke cry many times before, but never like this. Calum felt his heart break for his best friend as he hugged him close, staying silent as Luke continued to cry and rant and fall apart in front of him.

The next hour was spent with Luke wrapped around Calum, shaking as he recounted the whole story of his scandalous affair with Ashton from start to finish. Calum was hurt that Luke had kept this a secret for so long. Luke never kept secrets from Calum. But deep down, he understood. Luke was embarrassed. Luke was unbelievably embarrassed by just how much of a pushover he was when it came to Ashton, and even retelling the details, Luke felt his cheeks burn in mortification.

He told Calum all about the marks Ashton loved to leave. All about how he made Luke beg and plead. He stared down at his hands, refusing to meet Calum's eye as he recounted to him about what happened at the club and in the shower the next day. Luke talked and talked until every last ounce of shame in his body was out in the open and he could breathe again without feeling like his throat was constricting.

"You know you don't deserve this, Luke, right? You don't deserve to be treated the way Ashton is treating you. I always knew Ash was a fuckin' nymph but I never thought he'd go as far as using you to- fuck! I swear when he gets back I'm going to-"

"No!" Luke cut him off in a panic, "Please, Cal. You can't say anything to Ashton about this." Calum turned towards Luke and gripped his shoulders. His heart hurt as he stared into the eyes of his best friend. Luke's blue eyes were now brighter than ever as the whites of his eyes burned a bright red from the hours of tears. The translucent skin that hung under his eyes was puffy and raw, and Calum wanted nothing more than to be able to scrub away the pain that Luke was feeling. It was hard for Calum to believe that Ashton, someone he thought he had known so well all of these years, someone that he considered a best friend, a mentor, was a completely different person behind closed doors. Calum's heart ached for Luke. It ached for Luke's hopeless romanticism and his glass heart. Luke didn't deserve any pain from anyone. Calum would never let anyone hurt his best friend.

"Luke, he's using you." Luke nodded, finally looking up to meet Calum's eyes.

"I know he is."


A/N: holy shit a double update!!! What?!?! Who is she?!?!

Sorry if this doesn't live up to everyone's expectations, I tried I really did, but I'm a much better smut writer than a fluff writer lmao

also just peep how cute these two are ugH

xoxo Emma

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