Chapter 6

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Luke couldn't help but let the images of the night before replay in his mind as he let the delicate whipped cream from his hot chocolate sweeten his lips.

"F-fuck, Ash," Luke said, his voice trailing off into a whine of pleasure as Ashton placed the cold tip of the canister against Luke's warm skin.

"Shh," Ashton ran his tongue down Luke's chest and swirled the tip around his navel, tugging on the blonde hair that trailed down Luke's stomach. "You gotta stay still, can you do that for me, baby boy?" Ashton didn't wait for an answer as he splayed his hand over Luke's hip, holding him down against the bed as he trailed the tip of the canister along the path his tongue had traveled. Luke was panting and he desperately wanted to reach down and tug at Ashton's thick waves, but of course, Ashton was always one step ahead of him. And that was why Luke was sprawled out on his large king size bed, handcuffed to the wrought iron headboard.

Ashton lived to tease, and he slowly dug the tip of the whipped cream can into Luke's skin. A loud hissing sound escaped as Ashton pressed down to let the cream spray out across Luke's pale skin. He made a trail down from Luke's navel to his pelvic bone and then up the inside of both Luke's milky thighs. Luke's chest was heaving as the cold aerosol brushed against his sensitive thighs and the delicious cream settled on his skin. Luke could see the glimmer in Ashton's eyes as he stared at Luke like the younger man was a dessert that he couldn't wait to dig in to.

Without any warning, Ashton lapped up the cream that trailed down Luke's stomach, tugging a moan from deep within Luke's chest. He could feel his cock throbbing hard against his stomach as Ashton's chin brushed against it, and he bucked his hips in the hopes that Ashton would be feeling generous and just take him in his mouth.

"Uh, uh, uh..." Ashton tsk'ed, pulling his mouth away and digging his nails into the skin on Luke's hips as he pressed him into the bed. "Can't taste you if you keep wiggling around, Lu, now can I?" Luke gasped as Ashton spread his legs and pressed the tip of the canister against the puckered skin of his hole. "Now stay quiet and maybe if you're good I'll let you come later."

"Luke? Are you even listening to me?" Calum's voice broke through Luke's daydreams and he shifted around on the cafe sofa to hide his rapidly hardening dick.

"I, uh," Luke cleared his throat, tearing his eyes away from the sinful cream that had teased him from the moment the barista had handed it to him. "yeah, sorry, what were you saying?" Calum furrowed his eyebrows as he took in the dazed expression on his friend's face.

"Are you sure you're okay, Luke? I don't mean to pry, it's just, you haven't really been yourself lately," Calum said, dropping his voice down to a whisper so as not to attract any unwanted attention from anyone in the busy coffee shop. Luke sighed as he stared down into the cup he held in his hand. Calum had always been the one that Luke had turned to for advice, and so he was always able to tell when something was wrong with Luke before Luke even opened his mouth. 

Luke wanted nothing more than to divulge his secret to his best friend, he desperately needed one of Cal's warm hugs and his great advice. Of course, Calum would know exactly what to do, he always did. Luke would rant to Calum all about Ashton's mixed signals and the impending doom that was Luke's growing affection for the drummer, and Calum would tell Luke exactly what to do.

But what if Cal didn't understand? What if he didn't approve of Luke and Ashton's relationship and Luke only made things awkward between the band members? Images of Calum and Michael's hurt expressions played and replayed in his mind as he thought about what would happen if things ended badly between Luke and Ashton. The last thing he wanted was to ruin the band's career because he can't separate the feelings in his chest from the feelings in his dick. No, no he couldn't risk that, he wouldn't.

"I just have a lot on my mind right now, Cal. I'm sorry if I've been a bit spacey lately," Luke sighed as he ran his hand through his tousled curls.

"We worry about you, Luke. Me, Michael, Ashton..." Luke had to stop himself from laughing out loud. If only Cal knew that Ashton was the cause of all of his problems. "It's just that, after Arz, we thought things were getting better, but it almost seems like things have gotten, well, worse. I mean, no offense man, but you look like death, do you even sleep anymore?" Luke knew he looked like shit. He knew his skin was sickeningly pale and the dark circles under his eyes made him look like the walking dead, but he couldn't help it. That's just what overthinking did to him. When Luke wasn't tossing and turning in the middle of the night from overthinking, he was wide awake at four a.m once Ashton was done with him, and he was left high strung and shaking with ruined sheets.

"I just have a lot on my mind right now is all, I promise, I'm okay, Cal."

"Is this about a girl?" Calum blurted out and Luke couldn't help but stiffen in his seat.

"No, it's not, now can we just drop it?" Calum set down his own cup of coffee and turned so that he was knee to knee with Luke.

"Is it a boy? You know we won't judge you, Lu." Calum had always been able to read Luke like a book, so when Luke's eyes widened slightly and his mouth formed a perfect little 'o', Calum started rambling again. "You know we all just want to see you happy, and if this guy makes you happy then-"

"Jesus Christ, Cal! Would you give it a rest!" Luke snapped, slamming his cup down on the table in front of them as multiple heads began to turn in their direction. Luke mumbled out a quiet apology as everyone returned to their own conversations as if nothing happened.

"Luke, you're my best friend, you know I'll support you no matter what, and if you're worried about what the fans would think, well I think you've seen some of the things they write online-" Luke felt the annoyance bubbling up in his veins. Why couldn't Cal just understand that he didn't want to be talking about this? Luke knew if they kept talking he would slip up and mention Ashton, and that's the last thing he wanted to do.

"Cal, seriously," Luke said, his voice quavering. Calum immediately snapped his mouth shut as he recognized the pleading in his friend's eyes. "I don't want to talk about this anymore, please." Luke was desperate to change the subject. The last thing he wanted was to start crying in the middle of some random coffee shop. That would sure make for an interesting front page cover the next day.

Calum nodded, pursing his lips together and reaching over to lay a hand on Luke's shoulder. "Just remember that I'll always be here for you, okay?" Luke pressed his lips together and forced his mouth into the closest thing to a smile that he could muster. Sure, Calum was here for him now while he thought Ashton and Luke were just friends and that there was no threat to his career, but Luke highly doubted Calum would stay so understanding once he found out.



A/N: Holy shit you guys!!! Thank you so so so much for the 500+ reads! Ya'll are seriously so amazing and I love you all incredibly! Here's an update in honor of 500 reads:))))) Sorry it's a bit short, it's almost 2am here and I'm exhausted so this is 100% unedited and I'm so sorry for that.

Also this chapter is dedicated to @epihphany cuz GUESS WHAT BITCH I UPDATED WHEN I SAID I WOULD AHAHHAHAHAHAH ALL 4 U BBY <333333

Please please please continue to vote, comment, and share if you're enjoying the story so far!

 xoxoxo - Emma

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